February 23, 2022. HIERARCHAL BOARD MEDITATION. Dr. Hannibal contacted me with a space beam, relayed through Conrad, with the command, “Hold the line!” The intent was clear: Hold intact the I Am Nation protective force field, no matter what negative thoughts from mass consciousness around planet Earth may dash against it. Thereupon, I spent the rest of the meditation reinforcing the golden dome of light around our headquarters property, nestled in the Cumberland Mountains of northeastern Tennessee.
I visualized the dome of protection as a force field of golden light, structurally solid and metallic, as if made of pure gold, which nothing less than Christ forces could penetrate or exert influence. During the hieronic amplification, I felt the overshadowing presence of Conrad, the team commander of etheric space forces under Hannibal who have been assigned to protect and to monitor our force field. My crown chakra and third eye were greatly activated.
Within this dome of Christ protection, we perform our mission for the I Am Nation, heralding Sananda’s Second Coming. Despite the turmoil occurring now in the planetary thought atmosphere, amid the mass cleansings of the Battle of Armageddon, we hold intact the four-step Christ matrix of peace, love, cooperation and coordination. So be it.
Note: Afterwards, Dr. Robert shared that he, too, had worked with the golden dome during the meditation. Later that evening, President Putin of Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, turning on end the long-standing relative stability of Europe. With that act of naked aggression, he has reengaged a new Cold War with the West. Dire consequences will ensue.
Geodesic Dome of Protection
My meditation experience with the golden dome of protection reminded me of a vision Nada-Yolanda had in a Hierarchal Board meditation on June 4, 1997. It is a reminder for all light workers to increase their spiritual protection during these turbulent days of the Battle of Armageddon. In her diary, she described the vision as follows:
The entire United Staff Executive Committee were in a field with dark clouds everywhere, facing a geodesic dome that on the outside was very brownish, dark, dull. The door opened and light beings of the most elevating vibration — almost formless, but shimmering individuals without individuality, a host of invisible helpers — beckoned us to come inside the dome.
All of us were hesitant because the exterior did not look the least bit inviting; although the beings were extraordinarily inspiring, the building itself seemed forbidding. But we were compelled, drawn as a magnet, into the dome. All of us, the entire United Staff Executive Committee, moved as one body into the dome.
When we got into the building, the light beings closed the door. We turned around. Inside was the most exquisite, light-filled, fully-equipped home, a biosphere. Everywhere there was light, there was music, there was beauty beyond Earth material decor. It had every facility for full and comfortable living, with full operations as a business. All our responsibilities as the Executive Committee for the I Am Nation could easily be executed within this magnificent structure.
The light beings drifted through the wall to the outside. We could see what they were doing. They were sealing every crevice, every crack in the door; sealing every window, the underground, the roof. It was impenetrable by any force whatsoever, hermetically sealed. Then, they moved back into the building with us.
They said: “Resist not evil. Those who have chosen not to serve the light cannot penetrate here. They will swirl around this dome in order to shake, shatter or destroy your being and your purpose and your function. They will create a whirlwind, a tornado, a hurricane, beating against this dome. We have sealed it off; nothing can penetrate or disturb this environment and the functioning within this dome.
“Those dark forces or error choices that mankind has made . . . will fight against themselves with such a fury that they will destroy themselves. You will do nothing, you will say nothing. You will just pray and mourn and project for peace, love, cooperation and coordination for the light workers everywhere on the planet. The 144,000 must be saved. That is your function; that is your security. That is why you are in here fully protected in order to perform your missions.
“The choices that are being made and will be made shall reflect the consequences in individual lives, in societies and in the world itself. Those consequences are of no consequence to you. You did not choose them. They are the consequences of the choices that others have made. Let them make their choices and face the consequences of their choices. . . .
“God bless you all. God is protecting you all. God is in you all. So be it in truth.”
Photos: (1) A Golden Welcome © by Hartmut Jager. (2) Nada-Yolanda, oil portrait by Ann Pace, 1974, Mark-Age Archives.