Channeled via Phillel on March 31, 2013
ZORRAH: Greetings, Mark-Age Unit and I Am Nation citizens all. Hello, good-bye — I am back! You have a wonderful saying on planet Earth, and that is, “Long time, no see.” For I am Zorrah, king of Neptunian sources. I have returned after long absence to exert influence over this unit’s manifestation at this stage of the Second Coming plan.* El Morya, Chohan of the First Ray of Will and Power, Prince of Neptune, has brought me here. And Glo-Ria stands with me, as well, due to our association within this solar system and through communications via this force field of Mark-Age operations.
Conrad team has assisted me in establishing this hieronic contact through this Motah disciple. First-time contact not so easy to perform. So, I come upon those wavelengths that are more familiar to this channel so that he may thus receive my communiqué upon these telepathic, radiant lines of force.
We so delight in surprising you. We are not without humor in these higher realms of planetary spheres within this solar system. For we are brothers and sisters at one with you, and therefore know the many ways and forms by which you conduct yourselves on planet Earth as you seek to grow into the higher embellishments of Christ service.
Why have I come? you undoubtedly are asking yourselves. It is because El Morya has assigned me to bring in this Neptunian vibration through these spiritual space program services. In this regard, I am in concert with Dr. Hannibal and with Summalt, and am given authorization to participate in the upcoming East Asia Mission.
Through my spacecraft services projected upon these higher vibrational patterns associated with the planet Neptune in its scientific-spiritual institutions, I am able to bring through further elements of these extraterrestrial vibrations to assist in the grounding of light and love in action throughout the Eastern travels.
In this manner I am able to assist Summalt in negotiating with those higher astral entities with whom we must conference in order to implant these vibrations in specific locales throughout the regions to which you will travel on the East Asia Mission.
Because El Morya and Glo-Ria of First Ray precision are helping to clarify your pathway, I can join them with these special hieronic services to assist in the incorporation of the higher plane energies from the etheric through the astral and onto the physical plane. I am of higher fourth dimensional vibration, yet manifest myself on a particular frequency which can help in these adjustments. You may search your literature for specifics.**
The way has been made clearer for me to come on this Easter Sunday because the vibration has been so uplifted through resurrection thought patterns, which carry a particular magnetic wavelength that allows me to introduce my vibration, and the team that is with me, into the mix at this planning stage. As you resurrect into your own Christ understanding, you thus come into contact with all those in these higher planes around this planet and within this solar system who may assist you in the incorporations of these light-body frequencies for the transmutation of Earth, and the preparation of the force field thereof, for the Second Coming of Sananda/Jesus the Christ.
Are we not all brothers and sisters in the Christ? And so we are one family of man within this solar system. We come in at those times of particular need in order to further inject specialized frequencies that we carry through our vibrational expertise on these other planets.
With authorization of Dr. Hannibal, master teacher of this channel, and through stabilizing efforts of Conrad upon these hieronic projections, I thus have been able to make initial inroads back into this force field at this hour. Though you were not around physically — and I speak to the triangulated team — the last time I made contact with this unit, still it is like coming back to visit family. For your akashic threads reach out through those whom I have known and have contacted in those years so long ago, and thus I come to you as if I were visiting the nieces and nephews and children, the second generation. So, I bring to you blessings equally as I did so long ago to Nada and El Morya, Zan-Thu and Eloise, and Djwhal Khul whom you know as Wains, and others of the staff and associates from those days.
Nada is standing with me and she says, “Relay to the channel to go with the flow, and be open to this new experience, without preconception.”
Glo-Ria, El Morya and Wains also link in, in order to enhance and to amplify this reunion of our interdimensional and interplanetary family.
So, my friends and fellow coworkers, be receptive to this additional input at this stage of your light-body resurrection on Earth. I am Zorrah of Neptune, further injecting these First Ray projections of light from my home planet through this other-dimensional spacecraft interaction. Seek your confirmations in generally accepted ways, as you have been trained to do. But for the moment, Zorrah bids you hello, good-bye for now.
GLO-RIA: Glo-Ria. You see, my friends, what pleasure we have been able to introduce into this unit’s force field at this moment in time, and as I would have said as Gloria Lee in my previous incarnation, you ain’t seen nothing yet! And so it is with great mirth that I have been able to engineer the introduction of my brother Zorrah from the planet Neptune into your focus.
I have always been with this unit in these implantations of light as we have sought our many ways of promulgating the Second Coming program on Earth. And this is yet one more way in which, from behind the scenes, I have been able to weave some magic for you, as you would say.
I speak on this familiar wavelength as a further way of smoothing out these vibrational frequencies, and so that is why I have dipped into my incarnational vernacular as Gloria Lee at this moment. But be assured that, as twin soul of El Morya, we are working from the highest level of Hierarchal Board action for the forthcoming implantations of light as your spring cycle continues.
Be resurrected. Be joyful. And as Master Kut Humi said recently, be assured of our loving intentions on your behalf. So be it. I am Glo-Ria, standing with Zorrah at this moment to bring you our many blessings of light and peace and love in action. Glory unto God in the highest, from whom all blessings flow. So be it. Amen.
Note: In May and June, Robert and MariLyn will undertake the East Asia Mission to Siberia in Russia, to various locations in China, and to Vietnam. From Moscow, Russia, they will travel to their first major stop: Lake Baikal, in Siberia. Baikal is the Earth’s deepest lake and has the most volume of freshwater. It is also one of the oldest lakes, estimated to have formed between twenty-five million and thirty million years ago. Today, many Russians call it the “sacred sea.” In the middle of Lake Baikal sits Olkhon Island. Indigenous peoples, both of Buddhist and shamanistic traditions, consider this huge island to be their spiritual center.
Yesterday, El Morya inspired Robert to change their reservations. Instead of staying at a resort in Listvyanka, on the southwestern shore of Lake Baikal, they should stay in Khuzhir on Olkhon Island, in order to be in that sacred focus to do their spiritual projections.
Before our Easter Sunday meditation, Robert had expressed bemused frustration at having to alter plans at this late stage. “Why doesn’t the Hierarchy just tell us everything in advance,” he chuckled, “so we don’t have to go through all these changes to finalize the plan?”
When we entered meditation, I came under the influence of a space beam and received a clarification that explains why plans for the East Asia Mission have unfolded in stages. I had the impression, though it was not verified, that the thoughts were relayed by Summalt, spacecraft commander in the Eastern Hemisphere.
In order to obtain proper rights of access or passage, the Hierarchy and its space forces have had to negotiate with various leaders of the multileveled astral forces, whose areas of responsibility will be greatly impacted by the Hierarchy’s purified implantations of light.
Nothing is guaranteed in these intricate negotiations, for man’s free will is involved. Also, the law of noninterference must be respected. The Hierarchy’s energy projections will directly affect the masses on the astral planes, as well as those on the physical plane. Devic-elemental kingdoms, including the physical environment itself — all under influence of the astrals — will be changed and uplifted. Some astral forces, however, do not want to upset their familiar power structures; they are happy with the status quo. Intense spiritual projections will stir up adverse reactions among those who are not receptive to change.
It takes time — and diplomacy — for inner plane clearances to be worked out for the highest good of all who will be involved, both on astral and physical planes. That is why trip preparations have taken seeming detours or side routes to reach the final goal. Step-by-step, the higher plane forces of the Hierarchy, including Robert and MariLyn as their grounding agents, have been cleared to enter the spiritual power center of Olkhon Island.
My clairvoyant vision opened further, and I saw more clearly the record of the distant past. In Lemuria, many thousands or even millions of years ago, an ancient civilization existed in the area of Lake Baikal. As with other population centers in those days (see Evolution of Man), the one at Baikal was built in concentric circles. Several rings of habitation were centered around the lake. The center point, or highest spiritual focus, was located at present-day Olkhon Island.
Because Lemuria was governed on a caste system, the farthest rings were abodes for those less spiritually evolved, including those trapped in third dimensional physicality. By gradations, ring by ring, those of higher spiritual vibration lived closer to the center. At the central core lived the highest priests and priestesses, who governed the civilization. They manifested primarily in their fourth dimensional light bodies, or a combination of spiritual and physical forms, and demonstrated light-body powers for the masses at the lesser levels of consciousness.
In her channelings and intunements, Nada-Yolanda had received that in ancient civilizations there existed on Earth thirteen spiritual focuses or “temples”; one each for the twelve planets and the sun of this solar system. The locations of only three of these ancient “temples” were disclosed: (1) the Sun Temple near present-day Miami, Florida; (2) the Earth Temple in the area of Long Island, New York; and (3) the Temple of Venus in the mountains of the Teton Range in Wyoming.
Now, in my Easter meditation came this startling revelation: at the center of the Baikal civilization, in the area of Olkhon Island, stood the Temple of Neptune.
In our solar system Neptune radiates the First Ray of Will and Power. The location of the ancient Temple of Neptune near or on Olkhon Island further explains why El Morya, Chohan of the First Ray, and Glo-Ria, his twin soul, are involved personally in the preparations for the East Asia Mission. They seek to place Robert and MariLyn squarely in the ancient power center of Neptunian influence.
At that site they can anchor the Hierarchy’s projections to decrystallize the long-standing thought forms of corruption and misuse of spiritual power that have developed on astral and physical planes since the final fall of man twenty-six million years ago. The corruption took root with the caste system in Lemuria and has been propagated in multiple ways ever since. The cleansing or clearing of the thought atmosphere, centered at Olkhon, will allow the pure emanations of First Ray divine power — the Neptunian influence — once again to flow freely on Earth. Symbolically and literally, the cosmic circuitry will be restored at the Temple of Neptune.
If the Hierarchy had not been able to arrange for Robert and MariLyn to stay on Olkhon Island, but only nearby in Listvyanka (within one of the lesser ancient concentric circles), the basic spiritual work still could have been accomplished. But how much more effective it will be for them to be positioned directly at the sacred power center: the Temple of Neptune.
(Although I received no specific confirmation of my revelation in the meditation, I later thought I could at least consider it as a parable: a symbolic explanation for the challenges of the spiritual work to be accomplished at Lake Baikal at the beginning of the East Asia Mission, before moving thence to China and Vietnam.)
While I pondered this astounding revelation, Conrad suddenly contacted me with a powerful hieronic beam. Securing the magnetic interlock, he mentally relayed, “Stand by.” I sat patiently in meditation, cleared my thoughts, and awaited his instructions. I thought he might patch in a familiar communicant’s vibration, as he has done before.
Whoosh! In one fell swoop a tall Neptunian being overshadowed me. Immediately I knew it was Zorrah. I was flabbergasted! Although his communications from the 1960s appear in our literature, I never have had contact with him. In fact, to my knowledge, from the time I joined the staff in 1974, he had not even contacted Yolanda.
Zorrah was aboard either his own spacecraft or was with Conrad and his team, working the hieronic controls. Because it was a brand-new contact, it took some time for Zorrah to synchronize our different vibrational frequencies. At one point, he levitated my left hand (only) and performed graceful motions to assist the melding. Otherwise, I experienced familiar chakra accelerations, in preparation for a vocal channeling. When Zorrah determined all was ready, he signaled me to pick up the mic and begin recording.
In our sharing after the meditation, Robert offered this astonishing confirmation: as I was gearing up to channel, he received clairaudiently that I was being prepared for a new interplanetary contact.
It took me several days sufficiently to integrate the transformative experience.
Postscript: I did not transcribe the recording of this communication until April 2nd. Overnight on April 1st and 2nd, I was unable to sleep. My nervous system was aflame with the inpouring of higher energies. I pondered the unexpected channeling from Zorrah, seeking more verification. Finally, at 3:15 a.m., I had the following clear thought impression: “You will find a key to Zorrah’s renewed communication in his last recorded contact with this unit.”
I got up, searched Visitors From Other Planets, and found Nada-Yolanda’s entry (page 297) of her contact with Glo-Ria and Zorrah on June 4, 1973. It was the first Mark-Age had heard of Zorrah since March 1966, and it is the last recorded contact with Zorrah in our literature. Yolanda writes that Glo-Ria and Zorrah “were using special equipment aboard Zorrah’s ship to implement and to accelerate implanting of mass educational information and assistance in a new way, as concerned our [receivability] and retrieval of it.”
She continued: “The function of Glo-Ria and Zorrah in this respect had to do with bringing the physical, mental, emotional and psychic apparatus of coworkers on Earth into absolute intunement with hierarchal instructions and intentions. It concerned preparation and implementation of the mass educational program through University of Life to other light workers and the masses at large.”
This information, further explaining Zorrah’s renewed contact, also ties in closely with what Kut Humi channeled through me on March 27, 2013. In the upcoming East Asia Mission, Kut Humi would bring “wisdom and understanding into the Eastern Hemisphere.” He said, “My influence can reach through multitudes within the astral planes and into physical-incarnated beings.” Because he was in league with Hannibal and Summalt, he could “help tweak these vibrational frequencies in ways that will affect every nook and cranny of man’s expressive self as he seeks to grow from the third into the fourth dimension.” He used the phrase “these educational functions.”
As Chohan of the Second Ray, Kut Humi helps guide the Hierarchy’s mass educational program on Earth for the Second Coming program. Glo-Ria is the coordinator of the mass educational program for the Earth plane, and is etheric head of the University of Life, one of the five divisions of the I Am Nation through Mark-Age.
Thus, the channeling from Zorrah and Glo-Ria, unexpected as it was, follows naturally on the heels of Kut Humi’s message. After receiving this confirmation, I finally was able to fall asleep.
* Zorrah is a king of planet Neptune who has worked sometimes with Glo-Ria in the spiritual space program under Ashtar Command. He channeled a number of times through Nada-Yolanda in 1962–63 and 1966. The last recorded contact with Zorrah was in 1973, forty years ago. (See texts Life in Our Solar System and Visitors From Other Planets.) [In 2015, I rediscovered that Zorrah had contacted Yolanda, but had delivered no messages, in 1975 during Mark and Yolanda’s first European Mission.]
In his initial channelings through Nada-Yolanda, while he was mastering telepathically the subtleties of our language, he had confused the salutation “hello” and the sign-off “good-bye,” and amusingly had used both at once. (See Life in Our Solar System, pages 78, 83–84, 87, 118, 121.) Also, on one occasion, Zorrah had described himself as a “king and planetary brother of Neptunian sources” [italics mine]. (Ibid., page 94.)
In over forty years of training and experience as a hieronics channel, I have never had space contact with Zorrah. His appearance to me in this meditation came as a complete surprise.
** In his first appearance to Nada-Yolanda on December 22, 1962, Zorrah revealed that he manifests “a physical vibrational body.” (See Life in Our Solar System, page 77.) The high-frequency physical plane of Neptune, of course, exists beyond the vibrational range of our third dimensional physical life on Earth. Moreover, Zorrah is a master of multiple dimensional frequencies. On January 3, 1963, he channeled through Yolanda: “I travel well in all ships and can divert my embodiments for works here and there, and everywhere, in the solar system.”
Photos: (1) Outer Space Mind Meld © by Hartmut Jager. (2) Dimensional Interface © by Hartmut Jager. (3) The Living Glo-Ria, painting by Vera Leeper, 1964, Mark-Age Archives. (4) Robert and MariLyn, 2008, Mark-Age Archives. (5) Lake Baikal, image courtesy of Google Earth. (6) Lake Baikal, photo by Sergey Gabdurakhmanov. (7) Lake Baikal, photographer unknown. (8) Planet Neptune, NASA Archives, courtesy of DVIDS. (9) Phillel, 2007, Mark-Age Archives.
LISTEN TO PODCAST: Click on the “Play” button below to listen to the above communication, as recorded live on 3/31/13. This recording was released on I Am Network of Light tape #1069B, for the week of 5/12/13.
So overwhelming! Sublime. Words are inadequate. They need to be pondered within the heart, and do our best to expand all throughout creation. Gratitude and love must prevail for such wondrous help and assistance. GOD IS LOVE!
Hail to the Christ in thee. It seems to me that Dr. Robert will manifest his clairaudient spiritual gift on the East Asia Mission of Love in Action as he remains open to all new helpers now coming forth. Step-by-step we are a quiet yet powerful team, a force of light in precisely coordinated action generation to generation, nation to nation, mission to mission. Truth, light and love conquers all. We go with you and we sit with you with great thanks to God and the Hierarchal Board.
Thank you for sharing this, Phillel! I just posted a link to it in our Mythic Atlantis group on Facebook. It will be cycled whenever there is a focus on matters Neptunian.