WELCOME, BROADCASTERS OF LIGHT! Welcome, all light workers in the interdimensional hierarchal plan for helping to raise mankind of Earth into truth and light and to eliminate error. We want to discuss what we long have considered to be one of the prime requisites for a fully dedicated light worker: concentrate only on the light. The main themes of this broadcast are: light-worker unity with Self and other light workers; and elimination of error thinking and action by light workers of truth.
I want to bring to your attention a communication of Katoomi/Lord Michael, who is titular head of the Hierarchal Board of this solar system. This was given by him through Yolanda on December 1, 1978:
“The light dims to a flicker, but never may be put out; because Spirit is in all things, and when Spirit is denied, proclaimed secondary in importance to all manifestations, then the dimness appears unto you as darkness.
“However, I say unto you all who will listen and who will obey: I have no conception of allegiance to, or concern about, the dark. Let us understand each other when I speak in this as titular head of the Hierarchal Board government of this solar system. Darkness in yourselves, darkness in other forces, dark areas of existence, or planes and planets of existence where there can be no life form existing are minimal, negligible, inconsequential to those of the light. For the light can always bring truth and life where there is none.
“I therefore say unto each one and to all: heed not the areas of darkness within yourselves; in each other; and in the events which have been, and shall prevail a great deal more, in the affairs of mankind before he seeks the light, desires the light, lives by the light, and is inflamed totally by the light which is his own Christ or I Am consciousness.”
Katoomi is speaking here — as he and Sananda and others have spoken many times through Yolanda — of concentrating upon light and truth, rather than on error, in yourself, other people and their actions. For light workers should concentrate upon light in other people and not upon darkness.
In this respect, there are practices of many light workers and groups that are contrary to linking of lights in the hierarchal plan. Such usually are merely for opportunistic motives; that is, to cash in on materialistic vogues and fads that are attracting many people. Such practices prey upon, rather than help eliminate, undesirable traits in people: fear, panic, hatred, envy, self-righteousness, false ego and superiority, segregation, improper discrimination, punishment of others, and many more.
What are some of these practices that even spiritual groups have been indulging in? One is the hoarding of great quantities of food, water and other perishable items for supposed holocausts to come.
Another area is politics and government. Prominent figures in governments — such as presidents, secretaries of state, cabinet members and other leaders — are denounced just because they are in those positions. Even so-called light workers and groups therefore accuse them of being negative, wanting to take control of people, being interested only in themselves.
Then, there are denunciations of alleged international cartels of various nations or groups, such as bankers, supposedly working with dark forces on the astral planes to enslave man. Certainly, there are economic practices by individuals and groups that are pure greed and selfishness, but there is no international banking group out to dominate the world.
So, beware of rumors and stories that denounce other people. Demand proof of this. Don’t let it affect you; don’t let errors engulf you. Don’t accept blanket denunciations of other people.
Concentrate on Light
If light workers concentrate so much on error, who will be left to concentrate on the light? This is not to say that a light worker cannot devote ninety or even fifty percent of his time to projecting light for the hierarchal plan, and the rest of his time to combating negativity in the sense that I’m referring to it here. But how much more effective could that light worker be if he or she would spend one hundred percent of the time concentrating on the hierarchal spiritual plan?
It boils down to this: whom will you serve? To what is your devotion and dedication: the denouncing of error or the pronouncing of truth and light? Remember, the function of Christ light workers in fighting error is usually only to note errors and to decree or visualize that they be corrected.
Perhaps we may be called upon to help in some way in their elimination. But for the most part, we recognize the need, we project that into mass consciousness, and others pick up that data. Perhaps they are other light workers who are involved in that field — government, banking or so forth — but who may not speak or even think about being light workers. How much more important is it, then, if we are conscious light workers, to spend our time working on bringing about these changes by projecting what should be rather than what is?
We must project the light instead of getting involved ourselves, concentrating on the error and becoming engulfed by it. By concentrating on error and fighting it, one gives it great additional energy and force. This is particularly true of a light worker who is aware of the power of spiritual thought. What you concentrate upon is what you give energy to. This is true whether you are fighting disease and error in your own body and life or whether you are fighting error in mass consciousness.
But by concentrating upon light and truth, one gives them additional power. So, we must envision and work toward the spiritual aspects of man, both as individuals and as a whole Christ body. That is, we must see the good, the positive man coming to the front. This is a healing procedure that will bring that Christ body, man of Earth, into full health.
The last thing I want to bring to your attention is the karma involved. For those who falsely denounce and accuse others — often with absolutely no proof of any kind except the words of others — will reap, often in greater degree, what they are sowing. Beware of this as concerns blanket denunciations of prominent people in such fields as politics, government, religion and banking. What do you want to reap: denunciation, error, false accusations; or Christ light and truth, true brotherhood of man?
Choose now what you will serve. We know you will make the right choice and will serve God and the hierarchal plan with truth and light. God bless you.
Revised from Mark-Age Meditations audio broadcast #185B, released in June 1979.
Photo: El Morya/Mark, 1962, Mark-Age Archives.