What follows is an exchange of correspondence between Phillel, who is known in his high Self functions by the code name Motah, and a light worker in her early twenties who is a student of Mark-Age teachings on the spiritual space program. To protect her privacy, we shall call her Kayleigh.
Dreams of Space Visitors
Kayleigh: My mom has told me about Mark-Age since I was a little girl, and I was always fascinated with your work and your connection with the divine. She’s told me amazing stories about Nada-Yolanda. I wish I was able to know her myself.
I have been reading Visitors From Other Planets, an amazing book that has provided me a lot of peace. Lately, I have been deeply interested in our intergalactic brothers and sisters, and I feel a deep longing to connect with them. I’ve dreamt repeatedly of them; for example, on two occasions I dreamt vividly of seeing spaceships outside my bedroom window.
Just recently, I dreamt of space beings, who looked like pure rainbow energy, landing in our backyard. Our entire neighborhood came around them and connected with them. I saw my mother reaching out towards the energy and telling me to come closer, but in the dream I was frightened and stayed further back.
Definitely, fear is an impediment to my connecting with space beings and truly divine Godly energy generally, since I am incredibly sensitive and at times this highly evolved energy can feel very overwhelming. Do you have any advice for me to deepen my relationship with them? I want to so badly, I just know it would provide me much solace. But I don’t know where to start. Lately, I even find myself looking outside at night, begging them to appear so I could talk to them. But then, if they did, I would probably freak out!
Overall, I could really use some spiritual guidance. I’m dealing with a lot of life and internal stressors and feel deeply that developing my spirituality is of utmost importance. I would appreciate any spiritual advice you could offer me, whether it has to do with connecting with our space family or just generally how to develop further my spirituality as a young woman with a deep longing to connect with God. Thank you for everything you’ve done and continue to do to teach humanity. I love you all.
Motah: Thank you for your heartfelt sharing. Your space dreams are beautiful and amazing, and quite typical of the types of dream contact that we receive from the space visitors. In many respects, in this manner, we are being prepared and conditioned subconsciously (via the dream state) for more-overt encounters, even physical ones, as the energy frequencies are accelerated, step by step, on Earth.
Regarding fear, remember that “perfect love casts out fear.” The space brothers and sisters only come to us in this high vibration of love, as you know from reading Visitors From Other Planets, and love is the key to harmonious spiritual exchange among all planes, dimensions and planets. So, cultivate the love vibration — your true high Self nature — within yourself, and radiate this out to the space beings. It is cosmic law that “like attracts like”; so, your vibration of love will attract to you those beings who desire to connect with you at that level for your spiritual development. I know it sounds simple, and truly it is!
But here on Earth, due to our collective planetary karma and all the negative thoughts of resistance from mass consciousness that still impinge upon our auric fields, at times we have to work through such mental-emotional resistance as we clear up our soul record, to provide a clean and clear thought field by which we can have these higher encounters.
Again, we get clues from our dream state. How you respond to these space encounters in your dreams can give you a valuable gauge to evaluate the state of your subconscious receptivity — or even fear or residual resistance — to contact. I highly recommend that you keep a spiritual diary (if you are not doing so already). Over time, your dreams and meditations will show you a clear pathway of progress.
To further your spiritual studies, I would recommend that you read El Morya/Mark’s text How To Do All Things: Your Use of Divine Power. That is a most excellent guidebook that will help you secure and build a strong spiritual foundation.
As for materials on the hierarchal space program, other than Visitors From Other Planets I would recommend Life in Our Solar System, which will help to increase your understanding and prepare you for further space contact.
Perhaps you also are aware of various helpful materials on my blog, Motah Chronicles. Particularly, check out Landing Light: A Primer for Space Contact, available also for free download as an e-book. Landing Light distills the basics of the information on the hierarchal space program and would be a good, handy reference for you.
For more advanced information on connecting with space broadcasts, there is my two-part article on “Hieronics.” Moreover, you can freely download my e-book Motah Communiqués via Phillel: 2007–2015, which is a compilation primarily of space channelings. As you’ll see, often, along with the channelings, I provide extensive commentary on the inner plane experiences I have had in conjunction with the communications, thereby fleshing out many of my own adjustments to these higher frequencies of space contact.
Of course, there is a veritable treasure trove of articles, meditations, dreams and podcasts on my blog. For example, check out “Welcome Visitors from Other Planets,” a podcast that is a lecture Yolanda gave in 1973. Listening to the recording, you can easily tune in to Nada-Yolanda’s vibration.
To enhance your receptivity to space contact, see my visualization on “Prepare for Space Contact.” You will find it helpful to eliminate any residual fear in consciousness as you decree and visualize the proper spiritual desire for extraterrestrial contact.
These are just a few suggestions. Above all, allow your own I Am Self to guide you in the proper course of spiritual unfoldment. Your mom is highly intuitive and also can offer timely assistance. Your spiritual teachers on the higher planes (including extraterrestrials who already are reaching out to you and contacting you) are on call, awaiting your sincere desire to connect with them and to get answers.
One last thought: At all times on your spiritual journey, keep yourself protected in a cocoon of Christ white light. [See “Protection Technique: Cocoon of Light.”]
Our dear space sister, we are one with you always, adding our vibrational support and encouragement. Dr. Robert and I are happy to help in any way we can. So, call on us if you reach a point where you need some specific input.
Love Is the Key
Kayleigh: In a dream I had recently, I was outside of my home, staring up at the sky in the evening. For context, this is something I do almost every night, as I always hope I’ll see (or be seen by) some friendly intergalactic beings. So, in the dream, I was doing just that, wishing and hoping to see something, when suddenly a voice emerged in my head. I was told the being’s name (I don’t remember it, unfortunately).
The being spoke to me clearly, within my own mind, as I was looking up. The details are fuzzy, but he or she said something along the lines of “It is seen how you are continuously looking [to the sky] for perspective.”
As the voice spoke to me, I looked up, and suddenly I saw the sky with much greater vibrancy: stars were brighter, and I could even see planets and their rings. It was beautiful and magical, and almost frightening!
I do hope that I am really gaining perspective and can speak/be with some of these beings soon. I am so busy at school that I’ve rarely had more than a few moments each night to look at the sky and meditate silently on connecting with them more. I feel this desire so deep within my soul, especially as our planet seemingly gets more terrifying, and I increasingly feel like I’ve outgrown it. Do you have any suggestions for how I can induce this kind of contact again?
Motah: The voice you heard in your dream could very well have been one of your spiritual teachers or space contacts. But, consider this too, it may have been your own high Self, reaching out through the subconscious (dream state) to alert your conscious mind to new guidance. At any rate, you are being nudged to focus your mind on the higher perspective of your I Am Self. When you do so, your psychic talents are enhanced and you see the universe (both within and without yourself) with much greater vibrancy, with increased clarity.
I am reminded of Jesus’ admonition: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all else will be added unto you.” When your focus is single-mindedly on the light, your perception naturally shifts into a higher perspective of spiritual reality.
It is right and proper that you have a great desire for space contact. Realize that your love vibration magnetically will attract to you the right experiences at the right time, of a similar high vibration of love. The ascended masters and the space beings are fully in sync with your I Am Self. They know what types of contact (dream, meditation, physical encounter), and the timing of those, will be for your highest good and ongoing spiritual development. Always decree that Spirit’s will be done, and not yours, and you will be guided expertly along the path.
It’s not that you have to try to “induce” the contact. Just keep your perspective on your higher Self and remain in a humble, receptive frame of mind for whatever Spirit may have in store for you at any one moment. Proceed with the faith and the confidence of the I Am.
The space brothers and sisters know that you are tuned in to them. They of course are tuned in with you, and always have been since you were a little girl, for you are one of them and they are contacting their own. Add that to your new perspective.
“Love is the key to space contact.” That is a phrase that I often used in my workshops and seminars. Your love vibration opens the way for that same love vibration from the space people to reach out and connect with you. There is nothing to fear — for “perfect love casts out fear.”
Ponder these things, and allow the glorious universe to work its magic for you!
Signaling the Spaceships
Kayleigh: My heart has become increasingly pulled toward contact with the space beings, and ever since our last exchange I have been dreaming about them more and more — at least once a week in the past couple of months.
Last night, however, I had the most intense, truly life-changing dream about them that I have ever had! To be frank, I woke up after the dream feeling a little frightened; not because I was scared but because the dream was so incredibly vivid, powerful and energetically overwhelming. It felt incredibly real; on some level it probably was.
Here’s what happened: First, I was in the car with my family; we were driving downtown in the evening, waiting in traffic. I looked up into the night sky and it was the most vibrant I’ve ever seen it, with gorgeous, shining multicolored red and orange stars. All of a sudden, a huge amount of ships, all with different colored lights and of different sizes, made themselves visible to us in the sky and nearer to the ground to the public.
I felt as though they were officially announcing their presence to all of humanity and were coming to say hello and connect with us. As they did so, the lights around downtown, and even the stars in the sky, began dimming in and out of brightness, turning off and on wildly. It was very intense and magical.
In the next part of the dream, I was standing in a field. In front of me was an array of war tanks all lined up and aimed at the sky, where the ships were coming from. I got the very clear message that it was (I assume) the government’s intention to shoot down any ships they saw, out of fear and the desire to maintain control.
Then, in the third part of the dream, I saw the ships cast messages into the sky for us to witness. Meanwhile, man-controlled planes were flying around and actively distorting the messages, attempting to rewrite them so that their nature and content were decomplexified and made to fit within their own narratives; some were even pretending to be the aliens themselves and to speak on their behalf.
Finally, in the last part of the dream — which was truly one of the most amazing things I have witnessed — I was standing behind a blond woman in a big flowing robe, who stood in the middle of a large, lovely lake surrounded by trees. She had a stick in her hand and was moving her arms in the same way that a conductor guides an orchestra, but towards the sky.
As she conducted in the middle of this vast lake, she controlled with her mind beautiful multicolored silks in the air; it was clear that she was “signaling” the ships to come to her, almost in the way an air-traffic controller guides an airplane. At the same time, I heard a choir of voices singing sublime, angelic-sounding music. This part especially struck me, as it was very intense.
While the woman was conducting to the sky, all these beautiful ships came down to greet her; and one even rose up underneath her as she stood in the lake, lifting her higher into the air. I also got the message that she wasn’t alone, that there were indeed many other “conductors” around the world, signaling to the space beings to come help us and say hello.
Then I woke up. And, what do you know, later today I saw in the news that multiple UFO sightings in Canada have occurred over the past few nights, one of which [i.e., a weather balloon] was shot down last night by a fighter jet over Yukon. Quite a coincidence!
Another thing that struck me about this dream is the sheer amount of ships I saw. In past dreams, I’d see maybe a few fly over my house, or something, but last night there were so many, and they were everywhere. They love us so much and just want to do everything they can to help us.
This dream has filled me with much happiness and hope for the spiritual future of humanity. It was amazing and I will never forget it. I am absolutely convinced that some kind of mass event like this will occur in my lifetime.
Thank you for all of your guidance in how to proliferate my contact with them. I can clearly see the impact of me putting my heart out there with clear intentions to connect with these amazing beings.
Motah: Thank you for sharing your beautiful and thrilling dream of space contact! You said it perfectly in the last sentence: “I can clearly see the impact of me putting my heart out there with clear intentions to connect with these amazing beings.” As you broadcast your love and desire for contact, so the space visitors respond in like manner to help secure the interdimensional link with you. Believe me, they are just as thrilled as you are to open up this contact, connecting with one of their own.
With the spiritual breakthrough indicated in the first segment of your dream — the appearance of a great number of ships — you are shown also some of the mortal reactions that humanity has, as symbolized in the next two dream segments by the tanks and the attempt to distort the space messages. These are the negative, reactionary thoughts that we light workers are dissolving and supplanting with our broadcasts of truth and light and love.
That leads to the amazing last part of your dream, with the blond woman who is “conducting” the energy patterns (multicolored silks) and signaling her welcome to the space visitors to come and help us. Now, the blond woman may symbolize one of your etheric teachers who is leading you in this process of space contact, showing you how to conduct properly your thought patterns, helping you to reconnect with your spiritual mission to aid the reunification of Earth with the Federation of Planets.
But consider, too, that the blond woman may represent your own I Am Self! You (the mortal consciousness) stand behind your I Am (that is, in alignment consciously and subconsciously with the superconscious), learning how to use your own innate Christ talents. Please meditate further on this vision, as it may be a key to unlock more memories of your high Self nature and function.
Again, the sheer amount of spaceships is a good sign that a spiritual breakthrough is now occurring in your consciousness. May such a mass event materialize in your lifetime, too, on the physical plane! Truly, that is one of our goals in this Second Coming program.
As for the recent man-made weather balloons and such, which the military has shot down, have no fear that such could be the fate of any of the spaceships (UFOs) that are materializing here from higher dimensions and planets. They have more than sufficient capabilities to protect themselves fully and peacefully against any misguided attempts to harm them.
God bless you, Kayleigh. We are one with you in the Christ light, now and always; and we join with your high Self and with your space mentors for all good developments surely to come. Keep looking up!
Space Pickups
Kayleigh: I’ve dreamt about the extraterrestrials pretty constantly, at least once a month or more for the past while. I definitely notice that these dreams do not come to me in times when I am more stressed or fearful; during my school finals, for example. However, when I am more calm, they come to me easily. That obviously makes perfect sense, as I should only receive when I am in the proper head space to do so.
Most of the dreams I have are short; just me seeing something in the sky, where clearly they are presenting themselves, saying hello. These dreams have a very magical and divine quality to them.
I still experience some level of automatic fear when I have these dreams, as they feel very intense. I am trying to feel more relaxed when I do have them; however, it’s been hard. But I know as time goes on I’ll become more comfortable, as the love and longing part of me is so much stronger than the fear.
I have a question to ask you. In the media there are a lot of negative narratives about the space beings. I’ve particularly noticed abductee experiences, which usually are overwhelmingly negative and terrifying for the abductee. Many of them feel they were not surrounded by love at all, but by evil; for example, they claim having had experiments done on them.
I do not believe these people at all, obviously. I know the space beings are pure of heart, because I just know it. But I am curious about where these experiences come from, because many of the individuals expressing them seem very earnest. What is your take on abductions? Do you believe they are the result of mass hysteria? Government propaganda? Or are there really alien species with nefarious intentions that exist in our solar system and on our planet?
I have been thinking about it a lot. I wish everybody could experience what I have, and could know the truth.
Motah: Thank you for touching base with us, sharing your latest updates. Yes, as you report, the space visitors are more readily able to contact you in the dream state (and otherwise) when you are in a peaceful, balanced frame of mind and soul. This has to do with the greater ease by which they thus can align their vibrational frequencies with yours to produce a positive result and impression on your consciousness.
Undoubtedly, as you are further conditioned by these spiritual experiences, you will feel more comfortable with the contact. All of your fears will dissipate and will be replaced solely with a pure love connection.
As stated in Nada-Yolanda’s channelings since the early 1960s — and as verified consistently in our own experiences over the decades — in these Latter Days there are no space visitors of potential negative intent even allowed into our solar system, let alone allowed to penetrate Earth. Protective forces of the spiritual Hierarchy only allow those with positive intentions, who are fully aligned with the Second Coming program, to make contact with us. All visitors who come to Earth are fully apprised of the hierarchal program to uplift the Earth in spiritual consciousness, and they willingly participate in this vast cosmic plan.
There are, however, negative astrals from the lower astral planes who attempt to infiltrate and influence those on Earth through possession, obsession, and other perversions, such as via drug, sex and alcohol addiction. But these beings are not space visitors; they are Earthbound souls caught in a negative cycle of karma and reincarnation in the lower astral realms. Nevertheless, they too are being given the opportunity to be educated and raised in consciousness for the New Age, just as are those wayward souls who are physically incarnated on Earth.
Indeed, there are some physical contacts with space visitors who land and take a contactee on board for temporary evaluation. But these are very highly controlled and are planned far in advance. These pickups are entirely proper and within cosmic law, as permission to make the contact comes from the high Self level. Nonetheless, it is true that any contact with a higher-vibrational or higher-dimensional being or craft can cause adverse reactions within the mental and emotional state of the human involved. One of these reactions, of course, is fear. Such imbalanced mental-emotional reactions can induce or lead to gross misperceptions, or even fantasies or false memories, of what actually transpires.
Add to this scenario the fact that many so-called “abductions” — or pickups, as we use the term — occur in the astral body (as in astral projection or astral flight) where the uncleansed subconscious of the person also can wreak havoc on one’s perception or memory of the experience.
Discussing this topic in my space seminars and workshops years ago, I often utilized what I termed the “tiger analogy.” Imagine the experience of a tiger in the wild, who has the terrifying experience of being captured by scientists, shot with a dart gun and paralyzed, then radio-tagged for further research study. The tiger surely must be distraught, totally discombobulated, and is expecting the very worst. Yet, the scientists themselves have only loving concern in their hearts for this animal, do not want to harm it in any way, only want to quickly tag it for their research regarding the general welfare of the tiger species, and then be on their way. They treat the tiger with utmost care and respect.
Now, imagine what the tiger would say (if he could speak) to his fellow tigers once he got back to the lair. There is no telling what wild story he would spin of “monsters” coming from the skies (in their helicopter), landing, shooting him with a strange device (gun) so that he is paralyzed, totally frightening him out of his wits; and he is “experimented” with in some bewildering fashion. Then the “monsters” leave as quickly as they appeared.
Yet, that story has nothing to do with the real intent or loving actions of the scientists themselves, but is the misguided perception of the tiger, who is not able to fathom what has occurred. Such is the experience emotionally, I believe, with many “abductees.”
So, you see, it is a matter of spiritual consciousness. If we raise our vibration to the I Am Self level, we experience the true, loving exchange we are meant to have with space visitors from the Federation of Planets.
Also, consider this: Many contactees themselves have incarnated from these various planets and have prearranged missions to experience these pickups, in order to help integrate the dimensions as we enter the New Age. So, in many cases their own cohorts are contacting them!
Lastly, permission to be contacted ultimately is given freely by one’s high Self, so truly there is no abrogation of one’s freewill choice to have the experience.
The vibration of love will dispel all fears, misperceptions and confusions. Love is the key to space contact!
One Family of Man
Kayleigh: I’ve been trying to do my meditations more and have thought about you at headquarters so much over the past few months, especially as UFO sightings seem to have only multiplied.
I have another question about our space friends. I see a lot of spiritual communities reference different alien species in their discussions: the so-called Greys, the Arcturians, the Reptilians, etc. Are there really different species who work together to help mankind? Is the concept of different “species” even relevant at this highly evolved spiritual level? And if there are different species of light beings, is there any particular group that is especially evolved whom I can call on more specifically to work with me?
Thank you for always answering my many questions with such patience. I am so appreciative.
Motah: Collectively, in our solar system and throughout the infinite universes, we all are of the same race of mankind, the Son of God (“the only begotten Son”), created in the image and likeness (nature and attributes) of our one Father-Mother God.
Throughout eternity, we manifest in many different body forms, necessitated by the energy frequencies of any particular plane, planet or dimension. Some of these forms are recognizable to us even on Earth; others would be quite different.
We are being contacted by many who come from all planets in this solar system, and from other solar systems and galaxies beyond ours. All who come here are aware of, and must abide by, the hierarchal program to prepare Earth for the Second Coming and our entrance into the New Age of Aquarius.
But our common connection is the I Am Self, which is eternal and is capable of creating (manifesting, materializing) body forms out of energy and matter that are suitable for that life experience or episode.
As long as we seek to express our I Am Self and to connect with the I Am Self in all others, and to remain in perfect attunement with Father-Mother God, we shall experience harmonious interaction and communication with our fellow space brothers and sisters, all of God. For we are one family of man.
Trust your I Am Self to guide you to make the right connections. Remember, “like attracts like.” Your love toward others engenders the same response toward you.
I would not be too concerned with various “species” as described in the UFO contactee literature. For there is much misinformation, misrepresentation, misunderstanding, half-truths, or misguided perceptions of those who are unclear and uncleansed. Be wise as a serpent, yet gentle as a dove.
Photos: (1) Outer Space Mind Meld © by Hartmut Jager. (2) Dimensions © by Hartmut Jager. (3) Other-dimensional Lightship © by Hartmut Jager. (4) Dimensional Interface © by Hartmut Jager. (5) Interdimensional Gateway © by Hartmut Jager. (6) Future Earth © by Hartmut Jager. (7) Cosmic Harmonies, artist unknown.