Visit from Cheyenne
December 23, 2014. DREAM. My brother Fred and I took our parents to their doctor’s appointment. Afterwards, while we all were still at the doctor’s office, a curtain between two rooms parted and Cheyenne walked in! Overjoyed to see her, I gave her a big hug and petted her affectionately. Fred wanted to know if that really was Cheyenne. I reached down and smelled the distinctive sweet scent on her cheek, then remarked to my brother, “Yep, this is Cheyenne!” I awoke not only with a heartfelt memory of reunion, but also with the comforting sensation of Shasta curled up on the bed against my right leg.
Interpretation: The curtain between the rooms represents the veil between dimensions. Once again, from the other side, Cheyenne makes contact. The sweet scent on her cheek was Cheyenne’s individual characteristic. I enjoyed breathing it in, and I told her on her last day that I would forever remember her special smell. Quite uniquely, it bespeaks the indelible bond of love between us.
Note: See also dream of December 9, 2014, Cheyenne Restored.
Vortran & Lu-Leana
December 24, 2014. Christmas Eve. HIERARCHAL BOARD MEDITATION. Robert had intuned from his galactic source that we should work on the Ebola crisis in Africa, as a way of channeling the higher energies into that area of desperate need. Entering meditation, I bathed the entire western section of Africa with light, love and healing. I focused first on the thousands of victims, both on astral (the departed) and physical planes, and their extended families. Then I projected to the aid workers, that they might have the strength, love and determination to eradicate the Ebola scourge. Finally, I decreed that governments worldwide band together to create a unified front to address the epidemic.
Next, I rededicated myself to Sananda and his demonstration of the Christ matrix of peace, love, cooperation and coordination. I radiated the matrix to all on Earth, that all may be uplifted for the Second Coming program.
Midway through the meditation, Vortran, the galactic being, contacted me with a hieronic beam. As in prior contacts, he was aboard Dr. Hannibal’s ship #1235. The space beam produced a unique vibratory sensation, which I felt physically as a pressure cap or helmet that extended in a curved swath, about four inches wide, from the top of my forehead, over the top of my crown, and fully down the back of my head; then the energy field wrapped in horizontal arms around my jaws to the front of my throat and mouth. Those horizontal arms made the connection with the power center (throat chakra), undoubtedly for channeling and decreeing, speaking the word.
Vortran relayed telepathically that this distinctively-shaped beam, as I sensed it, was his unique signal. That is why I’d never experienced the hieronic beam in quite that way. As I adjusted to the contact, I became receptive to a smooth flow of electromagnetic energy; an inpouring of galactic energies to planet Earth. Vortran relayed no other information.
After Vortran completed his projection, the angel Lu-Leana appeared. An emissary of Lord Zadkiel, she has contacted me several times in the past, though not recently. Employing a healing balm of light, she worked in my auric field to help me integrate Vortran’s galactic energy download. She informed me that the angels, given their celestial functions of working with all manifested forms, including thought forms, were using special techniques to help mankind assimilate the higher galactic energies in this cycle. They were working directly with our light bodies and our four lower bodies.
At the end of the meditation, I visualized our foursquare, tetradic team at I Am Nation headquarters as a four-sided, equilateral cross, called a Greek cross. This image solidified the Christmas Eve anchoring of light.
About a half hour after the meditation, I began to experience subtle waves of nausea and discombobulation, obvious reactions of my adjustment to the higher vibrational frequency. The discomfort lasted several hours.
Also, in the past three days, Conrad had contacted me several times with hieronic beams, more than likely to condition me for this Christmas Eve projection of light.
Back in School
December 25, 2014. Christmas. DREAM. I was in school, studying a full course load. When I awoke from the dream around 3:15 in the morning, immediately Conrad signaled me in my heart chakra and inundated me with a download of hieronic energies. The power was so great, I practically wanted to crawl out of my skin, but I lay there as receptive as possible to the influx. Obviously the energies were part of the galactic input that has been initiated in this Christmas cycle. The dream is a clear reference to working with these new energies from the Vortran group.
Periodically during the day, in stints that could last as long as an hour, Conrad would signal me and rev up the hieronic beam. Under the influence of the space beam, I had difficulty functioning normally, so I would lie back in the recliner and simply radiate the energy of peace, love and spiritual rebirth to mass consciousness.
Pass Through Their Midst
December 26, 2014. DREAM. Driving back home on the country highway, I pulled into the post office parking lot, intending to retrieve our mail. Two guys were there, doing something with their car. As I slowed down, instantly I went on alert, leery of the negative energy I was picking up from their auras. I decided not to stop. As I drove past the two men, they made aggressive moves to obstruct my exit, but I made it safely onto the road leading over the mountain ridge to our headquarters.
Within a few hundred yards, I came across a large mob of belligerent people. Storming onto the road, they intended to block my way and to harm me. They hurled large rocks, six inches in diameter, at the car. But I did not stop and, somehow, passed through their midst unharmed. Miraculously, none of the rocks struck my vehicle.
Interpretation: The encounter with the belligerent people, intent on harming me, is a sure sign of negative resistance from those in the lower astral and in segments of Earth plane consciousness who are reacting to the positive, accelerated inflow of spiritual energies to uplift humanity in the Christ Mass cycle. Such individuals, unawakened to their spiritual nature, do not want to be dislodged (transmuted) from the comfort of their status quo. They attempt to block the light and to thwart spiritual progress. They would do injury to any light worker, too.
Yet the light is stronger than the darkness. My spiritual senses are keen, aware of negative reactions to spiritual advancement. As Christ Jesus himself demonstrated with the mob trying to kill him, he passed through their midst unharmed (Luke 4:30). In the dream, my vehicle (astral body) remained untouched as I made my way home to spiritual headquarters, focus of the I Am Self and my work for the Second Coming.
As has occurred in the past several days, Conrad periodically beamed me with hieronics, transferring energy from Hannibal, Vortran and others of the hieronic fleet. I held my focus on projections of the Christ matrix of peace, love, cooperation and coordination.
More Adverse Reactions
December 28, 2014. DREAM. A young man of the household appeared unbalanced, negative and potentially aggressive. I confronted him calmly and fearlessly, telling him he didn’t have to tip to the negative side and act out that way. But he chose to react adversely anyway, and took a swing at me. Immediately I restrained him so that he couldn’t hurt me or others. Another man helped me pin him down until the police arrived and arrested him.
Interpretation: As with the dream of the 26th, whether applied to reactions in mass consciousness or in my own thought patterns, it shows that decisive spiritual action is needed when dealing with negativity.
Photos: (1) Cheyenne, 2008, Mark-Age Archives. (2) Ancient Stargate 2 © by Hartmut Jager. (3) Angel Guide with UFOs © by Hartmut Jager. (4) Phillel the pilot, 2008, Mark-Age Archives.