December 12, 2012. HIERARCHAL BOARD MEDITATION. About a half hour into our weekly meditation, I was overshadowed by a Saturnian force field from Motah Command. Simultaneously, I was presented again with the vision of the four-pointed golden star. When I had seen this image first on November 28th, the elongated bottom ray of the star had penetrated my crown chakra and the tip had embedded itself in my throat chakra. This time the bottom point extended all the way to my solar plexus. The top three rays of the star, seated in my crown, burst into a scintillating radiation of light.
With the electromagnetic lock onto my solar plexus, I became aware that Dr. Hannibal was manipulating a hieronic beam. With him was the so-called vice admiral who had contacted me twice before in recent weeks. Suddenly I realized that the vice admiral was the Saturnian entity from Motah and that the four-pointed golden star was his identification signal.
Dr. Hannibal and the Saturnian began a hieronic experiment to meld into my force field an ultrahigh frequency of transmutation energy, to be injected into the Earth beginning with this Christmas cycle. The new Motah entity, who works under Hannibal, has been introduced because he is from Saturn, which radiates the Sixth Ray of Transmutation in our solar system. Saturn also is the seat of the Saturnian Council, or spiritual government of our solar system, and its Motah segment of information sources.
Of course, Dr. Hannibal, in his high Self functions as St. Germain on the Saturnian Council, is Chohan of the Sixth Ray, and therefore is in charge of the implantation of this specialized high-level transmutation energy now being released. Because I am a Sixth Ray disciple of St. Germain/Dr. Hannibal, and work directly under him in Motah hieronic and communication functions on Earth, he is using me as the initial grounding rod. Robert and MariLyn, in attendance at the meditation, also were helping to hold the force field intact.
The reason the new Saturnian contact has been, to our mortal eyes, slow in developing is due to the intricacy of aligning my body frequencies with this higher transmutation force. Hannibal is proceeding with expert precision, tweaking the vibrations and carefully analyzing the results each step of the way.
The Saturnian vice admiral, himself, is the leader of an etheric space team code-named Tristar Command. Hannibal has organized this special-operations unit, a subgroup of Motah Command, to assist in the introduction of this energy on planet Earth. The code name Tristar signifies a “tri-star” amplification, that is, a tripling of the light force of transmutation wavelengths to purify the Earth for the Second Coming program. As the implantation proceeds, we can expect to see ramifications of this enhanced purification in mass consciousness. Man will react both positively and negatively, depending on his receptivity to cleansing and his alignment with the Christ light.
The Tristar Command uses as its symbol the four-pointed star. There are three reasons for this. Number one, the three equilateral upper rays, themselves a tri-star, symbolize the function to triple the light force of transmutation from the upper etheric realms. The elongated downward-pointing ray represents the implantation or injection of this energy on Earth.
Number two, the four-pointed star is stretched to form a cross, a symbol for crucifixion: the crossing-out or cleansing of the mortal life in order to resurrect the immortal life. Essentially it evokes transmutation functions of the Sixth Ray.
Number three, the four-pointed star is a universal symbol of the Christmas star that the Magi followed to the birthplace of Christ. Therefore, the symbol signals the implantation of light now, during the Christmas cycle, to jump-start a new birth of Christ consciousness within mankind on Earth. The new wave of transmutation and purification will help usher in a new phase of Second Coming works.
It is interesting, too, that the new wave coincides with the closing of the old Mayan calendar at this winter’s solstice, December 21st, which symbolically heralds a shift into another cycle of time, a new beginning for Earthman. This year’s winter solstice is truly a cosmic cyclical event, as well, for the Earth and the sun will be aligned with the center of our Milky Way galaxy for the first time in twenty-six thousand years; that is, since the height of the Atlantean civilization and the beginning of a new hierarchal cycle that only ended about a decade ago. Inexorably we are crossing step-by-step into the New Age of Aquarius.
During the meditation, Dr. Hannibal and the Saturnian used hieronics to further meld the transmutation energies into my auric field and physical body. My chakras, particularly around my head and throat, were highly accelerated, reconfigured to accept the new frequency vibrations. The two commanders also used universal sign language, levitating my hands to assist the incorporation of light. Both used their special signatures to signal their presence and command over the experiment. At one point, as in earlier hieronic manipulations, my hands formed a triangle and were placed at my heart chakra, the love center, to solidify the integration of the new Motah energies with my soul-emotional aspects. Again, as in the two previous contacts, I did not receive a go-ahead signal to channel a vocal message.
At least three times during the experiment, under Hannibal’s guidance, the Saturnian directly occupied my force field in order to get me used to his personal contact. As in the two prior sessions, my face was fully transfigured by his extraterrestrial visage and my physical breathing reflected his unique vibrational rhythm. At the end, as he departed, he said to me: “I am the Tristar commander.”
The experimental hieronic session, which lasted about twenty-five minutes, greatly impacted my mind, body and soul. My expanded auric field, especially around my crown chakra, felt as if it were highly magnetized.
Later, as I was preparing for bed, I received this clear thought impression: “You’ll find a foreshadowing of this new contact in earlier references given by Jontel, a guardian and a liaison with the Saturnian Council. He was introduced to you first because of your personal association with him in past lifetimes during Motah training on Saturn.” I then recalled that Jontel also had been present during the first contact with the new Motah force on November 21st.
The next day, I found two key references. In his first channeling through me on March 2, 2011, Jontel stated: “I bring with me other contact forces from Saturnian Council who can assist all in this integrated force field.” A year later, on February 29, 2012, he elaborated: “I bring with me certain elements of specialized, enhanced abilities from the Saturnian Council. There are other forces from Saturn with me to assist this unit in these higher downloads of light under guidance of this Saturnian Council. Much of the time we shall remain in the background, as we are guardians and we have special methods for infiltrating these Saturnian elements to enhance your light-body anchoring.”
In regard to the Tristar code of tripling the transmutation wavelength, I was reminded of several references in earlier communications. For example, in her “Triple Your Magnification” message on August 18, 2010, Sol-O-Man said: “You must triple the magnification of your light! That is what is required within the soul of man. Each one is being informed through the Christ Self how this magnification must manifest within your soul to bring you further into the upper regions of your Christ light-body incorporation. . . . For by the tripling of your light you can make the difference we require to bring the new interface of your mortal self with your Christ Self; to birth upon this plane the New Era; to allow my son, our beloved Christ Jesus, Sananda of the Hierarchal Board, to step into his realm and be amongst you.”
Channeling on September 8, 2010, Ashtar Gabriel stated: “With this new portal that we have effected through the implantation of light, we can now earnestly begin to triple the magnification of your power input/output to raise this planet into the fourth dimension, in coordination with us in these higher spheres.”
In a meditation on February 25, 2011, describing Jontel’s introduction to me, Dr. Hannibal relayed: “So, now you have yet another meaning of what Beloved Mary announced last summer as the ‘triple magnification of your light’: Hannibal, Jontel and Phillel, now set to triple the transmutation of Earth.”
Finally, the concept of tripling the energy was channeled initially by Lord Maitreya through Nada-Yolanda on July 21, 2004: “Many have been called; few have chosen, less than is needed and required for the survival of planet Earth and all life forms on it. You hereby are alerted to the emergency we have heralded and trumpeted for the wailing and gnashing of teeth. The faithful and devoted are carrying double the load for the triple time placements. Yet we ask you now to triple your loads and go to the full extent of your energies for the remaining time allotted each one’s incarnation allowances. . . . Time has run out. We are in the thick of the last great battle in the War of Armageddon.”
See also: Vice Admiral of Motah and Tristar.
Photos: (1) Four-pointed star. (2) Cosmic Alignment © by Hartmut Jager. (3) Golden Four-pointed Star © by Hartmut Jager. (4) Collage by author of (a) In Saturn’s Shadow (color-exaggerated view), 2006, NASA Cassini-Huygens Collection (colorized by author); and (b) light-body image from Elsewhere © by Hartmut Jager (enhanced by author). (5) Mind’s Eye of Phillel, collage and original artwork © by Hartmut Jager.
What amazing blessings; totally overwhelming! To have our own dear Phillel being so gloriously “hieronified”; and all for our benefit and that of our dear Earth. We are truly blessed. Such wondrous love of our Father and His ascended ones, who continue to work tirelessly for our good, one and all.
This is certainly a most significant and sacred time to be here as we receive the influx of light and energy, assisting us in this remarkable time of change. I accept and receive it all with a deep hope that I might join in the service to our dear planet and all upon her. My heart is full!
God bless you, Solange. Truly, by your selfless love and faith you are joining in the service to help purify the Earth for the Master’s return. All who are dedicated and receptive likewise are participating with the ascended masters, either consciously or unconsciously, in the implantation of these new transmutation energies. May all on Earth benefit. So be it.