Channeled via Phillel on May 27, 2012
LORD URIEL: I am Uriel, one of your Lords of Light. I come for my 144,000 elect, to assist you in finalizing your spiritual resurrections during this spring cycle. I am joined upon a unique wavelength band with Dr. Hannibal/St. Germain, celestial and etheric forces combined with hieronic amplification, to bring you into a new octave of light.
[Sung:] Om. We thus stabilize the reception of your light-body forms, for new action to proceed in the next steps for the Second Coming program.
To assure our success, we have anchored through this I Am Nation headquarters focus a crystalline diamond of light. I have conducted this in conjunction with Christ thought forms from this celestial realm. This diamond focus becomes a beacon for others throughout the planet. It is symbolic and it is literal.
Picture it thus: two pyramids joined at the base, forming a diamond; each pyramid of four faces, forming eight in total, thus signifying the new octave of light that you are required now to manifest. The midpoint of this diamond, where the two bases conjoin, rests at the surface of the Earth; therefore, one crystalline pyramid reaches up into the heavens, and the other reaches down into the inner realms of Earthly manifestation, securely anchored over this focus. This is the thought form that you can visualize.
You can take this same thought form and picture it around yourself, thus to solidify the crystallization of this new octave in your own light-body manifestation.
This is just one of many visualizations we can give you from this celestial realm to augment the anchoring of your light bodies on Earth at this crucial time, wherein the planet faces both new opportunities and serious cleansings. But as we have given unto you many times before, your focus must be on the ongoing resurrection of light and truth and love in action.
There is no holding back this higher force to be anchored in and through your third dimension in order to bring it into a new melding with the higher fourth dimensional vibrations of the Aquarian Age; which now materializes on your plane with greater focus, beginning now with your resurrections.
I hold in my hand the commitment of each and every one of the symbolic and literal 144,000 light workers; indeed, there are more. For you have committed yourself personally unto Spirit and unto us, the hierarchal agents, to succeed in this work and to bring the pressure to bear upon your planet to uplift it, and all life form upon it, into these new frequencies of light. Thus I am here as a spokesperson, an angelic form, to help conduct your activities beyond the tomb of your former crucifixion.*
As I have said, I am joined in this action through the hieronic assistance of Dr. Hannibal/St. Germain as a representative of all those hierarchal space forces throughout the planet who can help you to lock in these new frequencies of light, to maintain a stability that you need in order to perform your Christ works henceforth.
We are one coordinated team in these higher spheres, as you know; therefore, we require also this coordination amongst you who are upon the physical and astral planes of planet Earth. No more shall you be a laggard within this solar system as you rise into the light and join hands and forces with all those within this solar system who are assisting you in this melding of Aquarian energies for higher manifestation. Thus we lead you into the light where you are joined eternally with us, your fellow manifestations of the Creative Godhead, the one Source who brings through the divine plan for His-Her universes of light.
Through this crystalline diamond beacon, over the next several weeks we shall radiate this new octave of energy, to anchor it solidly into your consciousnesses as we proceed into the next cycle of hierarchal activities for the Second Coming program.
I am Uriel, one of the Lords of Light, interlocked in Christ thought form with you. Never, ever think you are alone. For we, the multitudes of heavenly hosts, are with you always. May the blessings of peace and love stir your hearts, clarify your minds, imbue your souls as you anchor your light forms on Earth. Amen. I am Uriel. [Sung:] Om. Om. Om.
DR. HANNIBAL: Dr. Hannibal, to my brothers and sisters of Earth, on hieronic relay. Look up! We are passing by, in etheric orbit hundreds of miles above this headquarters focus, in order to anchor this infusion of light through this force field for the next few days. We have much to accomplish in coming weeks in order to prepare you for the next action cycle [summer]. As Lord Uriel has pronounced, we are assisting these light-body anchorings on the Earth with our hieronic amplification.
From our view screens, we can report that all is well. We have secured this headquarters focus for this action and now can proceed with these further inputs.
To the 144,000: consider yourselves on notice to perform these good works for the coming of the Lord. For all of us together serve the Second Coming of Sananda/Jesus the Christ into your midst. He has prepared you well, has passed among you, and now requires your active response.**
So be it in truth. Dr. Hannibal/St. Germain, etheric commander of space forces throughout the Western Hemisphere, joined also in these actions with our etheric brothers and sisters throughout the planet Earth. Over and up.
NADA WITH EL MORYA: Nada with El Morya. We touch base, for we guide you still in the manifestation of all operations conducted through this Unit #7 force field of light. We and our emissaries have you under constant surveillance, keeping you on track, just as our teachers kept us on track those many years ago. It is one unending coordination of light and love in action. Happily we go about our work, infusing you with this same enthusiasm and unity of purpose. Receive now our love and protection. Nada with El Morya.
Note: Not long into our Pentecost Sunday group meditation, Lord Uriel, Archangel of the Seventh Ray of Love and Peace, overshadowed me. The full blending of our force fields took some time. Eventually she used universal sign language, levitating my arms and hands in various configurations, both to solidify her direct connection with me and visually to telegraph her message.
When our synchronization was complete, I realized she carried with her the distinct etheric vibration of Dr. Hannibal/St. Germain. They were perfectly intermingled, as she later explained, “upon a unique wavelength band” that I never had experienced in my contact sessions.
Archangel Uriel, the only one of feminine polarity of the seven archangels in our solar system, came through with great masculine-positive force, clearly audible on the voice recording. Usually her channelings through me have carried a purely feminine Seventh Ray vibration of love and peace. The powerful thrust of her presence partly was due, I believe, to her unification with Hannibal, amplified by the electromagnetic force of space hieronics.
I am reminded, too, that when Uriel first contacted Yolanda in the early 1960s, she came through with such power that Yolanda did not perceive her initially as a feminine archangel. Her polarity was only clarified as the contacts jelled.
For his part, Dr. Hannibal was engaged in the channeling session not only because of his etheric planetary space role but also because, as my master teacher, he was personally responsible for assisting the archangel to stabilize my light-body anchoring. Thus, the etheric-angelic contact was a universal demonstration, for all master teachers likewise are involved intimately with their disciples, working hand in hand with the angels to secure the light-body manifestation.
As Hannibal stated, his mother ship #1235 would be in etheric orbit above our headquarters for a few days, securing the infusion of light.
After the channeling, I felt transformed in vibration. Over the next several hours, as I adjusted to the new octave of light-body anchoring, I felt subtly spaced-out, out of sync with the third dimension. I went swimming, immersing myself in water, an excellent energy conductor, to help ground the vibrations through my four lower bodies (mental, emotional, astral, physical).
Supplementary reading: For another Pentecostal visualization, see Dr. Robert’s blog.
* For a correlation of “tomb” symbolism, refer to Uriel’s channeling of March 7th, Step into the Light; and to my meditation contacts of April 6th (Good Friday), April 8th (Easter Sunday), and April 25th.
** See Sananda’s channeling of May 16th, Sananda Quickens His Troops.
Photos: (1) Light Ship at Apex © by Hartmut Jager. (2) Diamond Man © by Hartmut Jager. (3) Dimensions (rotated) © by Hartmut Jager. (4) Nada-Yolanda and El Morya/Mark, 1961, Mark-Age Archives.
LISTEN TO PODCAST: Click on the “Play” button below to listen to the above communication, as recorded live on 5/27/12. This recording was released on I Am Network of Light tape #1048B, for the week of 7/22/12.
Coincidences or synchronicities? For years I have been working with Nicola Tesla ideas and the “Odic Force.” For the last couple of weeks I “got” the solution to merging both forces for greater power yield. Both can be merged using an above-surface pyramid on top (to capture immense static electricity power from Tesla’s ideas) and an inverted, into-the-ground pyramid (to captue and produce the Odic force), forming the diamond Archangel Uriel discussed.
Technical details are not necessary. You have a delicate mission; I am trying to tap into the energy. Just wanted to give you a rare feedback of confirmation. Very often, my research comes out in your channelings, but more often your channelings open new avenues of solutions for my work.
Thank you, dear Nilvio. It is always heartwarming to receive such confirmations, and I visualize all the best for you in your ongoing research. Given the spiritual principle of “as above, so below,” it only makes sense that, in one form or another, there would be applicable scientific correlations, bringing the higher dimensions to Earth. Go for it!