University of Life Archives
WE HAVE COME FULL CIRCLE. We are in the last moments of a cosmic drama that has been playing for 206 million years on this planet. What was being demonstrated and lived millions of years ago on Earth is now at hand for us. We are in the cycle where we are demonstrating Christ consciousness through the fourth dimensional light body as well as the third dimensional, physical body.
No, we are not fully in the resurrected light-form. We are expected to operate in both the physical and the light body until Sananda/Jesus the Christ returns in the new millennium. We do not know the hour when Spirit will choose to demonstrate through us; our personality self does not make that choice. Our I Am Self decides when to express the higher talents and abilities.
In reviewing our evolutionary history we can see the thread of golden Christ consciousness that the light workers have woven on Earth from the beginning till now. Between 206 million and 26 million years ago the Elder race, or golden giants, were expressing in fourth dimensional, light-body consciousness. They enjoyed interdimensional and interplanetary travel, past-life recall, and other light-body talents. I Am Self expression or natural, spiritual way of living was embedded in the very fabric of the Earth.
Yes, from this consciousness the golden giants implanted some erroneous patterns, which resulted in the fall of man into the physical dimension. Notwithstanding, the proper spiritual pattern they anchored then is the thread we desire to focus on and to weave in our consciousness now.
The golden thread continued through the Lemurian civilizations, from 26 million to 206,000 years ago. During these eras the spiritual Hierarchy, with its representatives on Earth, worked to uplift the fallen segment of the race of man through a caste system. Yet some of those in light-body consciousness, instead of raising the fallen humans, enslaved them further. Too much error developed, so this experiment had to be aborted.
Held by a few who were faithful to the light, the golden thread of Christ consciousness then weaved its way through the Atlantean civilizations. In this period, beginning 206,000 years ago, the Hierarchal Board of our solar system focused on equal opportunity for all in order to facilitate union of third dimensional, physical expression with fourth dimensional, light-body frequency. However, by the height of Atlantean society 26,000 years ago, the Hierarchal Board determined that Atlantis would not succeed in spiritual goals, due to selfishness, a sense of superiority, and misuse of power. So began the breakup and submersion of land masses, resulting in final destruction between 10,000 and 13,000 years ago. [See our text Evolution of Man.]
The light workers, remnants of Atlantis, carried the thread of gold through the next experiment of man’s development, our present recorded history. With the incarnation of Jesus two thousand years ago, the hierarchal plan of the past 26,000 years reached a turning point. For Jesus implanted in race consciousness the supreme example of crucifixion–resurrection, and thus paved the way for mankind to free himself from mortal bondage. All must accomplish this spiritual initiation in the next two thousand years of the Aquarian Age.
Sananda/Jesus also demonstrated light-body talents and abilities we are expressing now, or will be expressing before long. To his followers he prophesied: “Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these, because I am going to the Father.” Jesus is saying that whoever has faith in his or her Christ Self, and acts from that consciousness, will follow in the footprints of his demonstration.
What did Jesus do? He healed the sick; raised the dead; walked on water; commanded the elements; recalled and projected (was transfigured by) past incarnations; teleported; materialized and dematerialized, and more. He demonstrated love of God and love of one another to its fullest. He triumphed through death of the mortal to resurrected life in Christ consciousness.
The demonstrations he performed were necessary to convince the people of that time that he was the prophesied Messiah. Ranging from simple, daily actions of love to so-called miraculous feats, his Christ expressions formed the warp and the woof of the tapestry he wove for mankind. In this golden cloth, too, we each have a design to weave for all on Earth.
In a channeling on August 17, 1966, Lord Michael reiterated the goal of the hierarchal plan: “In the last two thousand years our varied programs, plans and paths have been set forth by many masters, teachers and demonstrators, that they may bring about these last few days known as the Latter Days, the cleansing, purification time, when nothing else on the planet shall matter but the bringing forth of the Christ consciousness and him who is the exemplar of that consciousness for this place and this time and this planet: Jesus the Christ, Sananda of the Hierarchal Board.”
Now we are at the end of this two-thousand-year cycle, and we are the ones safeguarding the golden thread of Christ consciousness for the planet. On July 18, 1966, Sananda channeled what he expects of us:
“If incarnated on Earth you will express third and fourth dimensional consciousness simultaneously. This set example, this demonstration was achieved, recorded, accepted and taught by me in the life as Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, in the crucifixion and in the resurrection. All those who have been able to cross out or to be crucified in their third dimensional consciousness and who can resurrect in the physical dimension, translate their physical functioning into a pure and total spiritual expression and perform the spiritual tasks that are set before them by the God Self within are those who have performed those deeds set before them by the Hierarchal Board of this solar system.
“In other words, I am saying: by their fruits know them. What fruits are you to look for but those of this last, final demonstration which can and does bridge third dimensional life with fourth dimensional executive powers? These are the teachers and demonstrators, the Hierarchal Board in action upon the Earth planet. No less can be expected by you in your own consciousness, in your own endeavors, in your own yearnings.”
Whether or not we choose, and are so chosen, to be among the elect who demonstrate the crucifixion–resurrection, our most important task is to anchor the light body on Earth. Weaving that golden thread of love, light and life throughout our lives, we become Christs in expression. Moreover, in unity lies our strength to perform the greater works prophesied. As unified light workers our decrees, visualizations and realizations do have a greater impact on changing and raising life forms on Earth than did the single consciousness of Sananda as Jesus the Christ.
Guidelines for Demonstration
Here are some guidelines to help us establish I Am consciousness during this demonstration cycle:
• First and foremost, we were spiritual beings on this or other planets long before we became physical beings. Physical, third dimensional expression was the downfall of the race of man, not the fulfillment. The light body, then, is our eternal form.
On June 25, 1968, Sananda channeled this key to anchoring the light body: “The I Am consciousness is in effect wherever men will give it that place of honor in their experience and in their lives. This spiritual know-how and realization then become the actual fact of existence. That form that develops from these thoughts and desires and dedications builds up in and around the focal point a pivotal function through the conscious and physical body.
“It is not that the body of the spiritual Self has not been formed elsewhere and lives and works elsewhere. It is that we are consciously anchoring it to Earth in these Latter Days; in one, in two, in dozens, until at least 144,000 light bodies are manifesting and working in the purest light and in the most outward manifestation of that light collectively, and independently as well.
“I wish you to see the image of this thought, because it is by the imaging of your own power and force that you funnel this light and bring it into eternal manifestation for the planet where you begin the works. . . . In working from Earth plane through an Earth body, it is as though you use the physical body and consciousness as a stick around which you pivot all the etheric substance and energy of your higher consciousness and goals until they wind around that form and the higher form is taking precedence over the lower form. . . .
“It is not a matter of using one or the other body. It is more a matter of using both as long as a third dimensional Earth plane is in effect. This shall continue for some time, until the complete evolution can be transferred. That is not for your era or time or program, as of now. So, be not concerned with how this shall be done.”
We now give that place of honor to the I Am Self in every moment of our lives. In so doing, we experience unwavering Christ determination, selfless love, wisdom in applying the laws of God in everyday life, and oneness with Sananda, the Hierarchy and all life throughout the universe.
Old patterns, be gone! I am that I Am, now.
• We are the forerunners, the demonstrators, the light bearers of the New Age. Be receptive. Be ready. Be love in action. Be willing to express the light-body talents and powers for the highest good of all.
Begin demonstrating now! Whatever you are hesitant about in expressing of your Christ Self, demonstrate now. If you have been serving Spirit halfheartedly, give it your all now. These actions lead to the higher works Sananda/Jesus expects you to perform. If you do not complete the little tasks or changes, you will not accomplish the greater ones. Demonstrate now the Christ within you.
All must begin to demonstrate the good, or gold, that is within them. We visualize all on the astral and the Earth planes living the “golden giant” consciousness they have demonstrated before.
• Finally, we unite with our brother and the leader of this Second Coming program, Sananda, aboard his master ship #10 in etheric orbit around Earth. We also link with the thousands of ascended masters serving with him. Sananda and his coworkers actually have the planet enveloped in their cosmic consciousness; thus, we too enfold the globe as we unite with them.
In meditation speak to Sananda: “What works would you have me do for the Second Coming in order to raise the planet and all life into the fourth dimension? In love and light projections and actions, let me be a vehicle for your needs.”
As we ask to serve in this way — with love, humility and faith — we will do Spirit’s greater works for the upliftment of all.
Revised from an article published by Mark-Age in 1993.
Harvest Time Is Now
Channeled via Nada-Yolanda
“Now is the time of my harvest. Now is the time for you to begin the real work you have come to this planet to do. Do not look back like Lot’s wife and mourn the past and long for the conditions that once were.
“You are prepared. And I have prepared you with my legions of good soldiers of the light. This is not by happenstance that you have come through the fiery furnace of this lifetime. But now is the time to stop the regrets and the breast-filled hurts. . . .
“You are not alone. Know you all, the entire light brigade upon the Earth, that you are with the mightiest force that can be collected under the Godhead.
“Go forth, then, and be not hesitant about what you know. But know what you know! Do not hesitate to bring the light into the darkness of men’s souls and the fields of tares and agony which they themselves have created for themselves and their heirs.
“I ask this not for myself as the Prince of this planet for the Hierarchal Board, but I ask it for the sake of each soul which is in agony upon this hell-planet of Earth. Go and do likewise. . . .
“Work is to be done. Enlightenment is to be given. Then, give it in my name and with my blessings. Amen. Love is in action now. Om!”
— Sananda; April 20, 1987
Supplementary Reading: Begin the Greater Works
Photos: (1) Creator Square, with Earth © by Hartmut Jager. (2) The Transfiguration by Carl Heinrich Bloch; courtesy of (3) Elsewhere Reflection © by Hartmut Jager.