Channelings via Nada-Yolanda
The 2012 election cycle in the United States of America, in full swing now to choose the next president on November 6th, leads us to revisit some important principles for governance that the spiritual Hierarchy has channeled via Nada-Yolanda.
Regardless of the governmental system under which we have incarnated, or our personal political persuasions, our responsibilities as citizens of the I Am Nation are clear: to provide a prototype or a pattern to spiritualize all Earth governments. Through our prayers and actions, we build a unified force field by which all are uplifted in preparation for the Second Coming of Sananda/Jesus the Christ and the subsequent externalization of the I Am Nation, or spiritual government, on Earth.
The following communications help guide our understanding and our projections as light workers.
Many Forms for Spiritual Government
“You have the wrong concept of the word government, and it is unfortunate that it speaks to you of unpleasant rule or hardship. In the Christ way of speaking, and how I mean it now, is the government where love, honor and justice prevail equally for the individual and the whole. For the whole cannot benefit if one individual is in pain or suffers; and no individual can benefit if the whole is not satisfied. We hope that this time of now upon the Earth planet will bring all men into this awareness, and it will dissolve all pain and misery of physical governments as you now have them.
“For it is not important what manner of government you have. What is important is how that government operates: in love, in justice, with honor and consideration for all and each one. There are many forms that are applicable or suitable to bringing about harmony and keeping all things in their proper balance. For this is truly the way and the role of any governmental body. The Hierarchal Board has worked, and within it works, in several ways. Throughout the solar system there are many different methods of rulership. We someday can liken it unto the various methods that have been in experimentation upon the Earth planet.”
— Djwhal Khul/John Mark; September 5, 1962
Project Light to World Leaders
“Truly it is difficult to maintain a form of equilibrium in watching some of the international events of this planet. We beg of you to send forth treatment when you see the sickness coming out like festering sores in the leaders of nations who resist these changes.
“This is necessary, for these leaders cannot resist forever the Christ forces within and without, surrounding them. Therefore, the more power you pour forth upon them, the more they will rise in fury in order to shake it. But as they rise in fury the sores will burst and the disease will run freely, but this will be the beginning of healing. Do not be afraid of all these things you see and hear, for it is all toward progress.”
— Sananda/Jesus; July 19, 1960
United States Is Example for World
“Your governments are responsible for keeping much information away from the masses. The population has a right to know what the government knows. . . . In a government of the people, for the people and by the people it is necessary to keep the people well-informed, so as to make their choice for communication with us or not to make this choice. For we must give man the opportunity to exercise his free will so he can learn to exercise his other powers that will be necessary to use in the New Age, in which we now are fully operating.
“This nation has been under spiritual influence from the moment it was inhabited by citizens of Atlantis to the present historical data which you now have in your records. Every step has been aided by Spirit and serves a purpose in the Earth evolvement. This is true not only of your government and nation but of all governments and nations, which serve as a part of the balance and a part of the picture of the whole.
“Yet . . . the United States of America is the sample or example for a confederation of countries on the planet, and eventually this planet in confederation with all other planets in this solar system. . . . Therefore, you will see why this nation is considered one with a great destiny to lead.
“Yet, there are those who will not allow this to happen. It must be that the people themselves who shall rule and shall guide other nations be given this opportunity to rule their own government as it was intended originally, so they may be examples for the entire Earth to follow, and then for this Earth to understand its role in the solar system.”
— Sananda/Jesus; September 5, 1960
No Politics from Etheric
“We desire no particular program for your political, or even international, projects. This is man’s creation on the physical. He is given enough evidence always to know right from wrong. If he desires to go against the law and to work in his own way, then he will reap the consequences and thereby learn from his mistakes. If he desires to make the right choice and to reap the progress from these decisions, then he will grow faster and more securely.”
— Sananda/Jesus; October 19, 1960
The Worthy Shall Lead
“All will not be governed from above. All on the Earth will be governed from the Earth. We guide, we teach but we do not control you. You are in this dimension and you are in this life experience to learn all you can from it. These are the reasons you have politics and you have problems. Through these experiences, through these problems you shall learn that all men are brothers, that there are the good and the bad.
“In the Golden Era men of Earth will be practicing God consciousness. They will not need politics, as you know it now, for they will seek who is worthy to lead and automatically will want him to lead. There will be no desire to assert one’s will over another when one is not as highly evolved as someone else. Always you will seek to have the worthy one at the head of your society; and those who have not reached that awareness yet, to learn from the one who is worthy. . . .
“That is why we do not choose one party, one country or one ideology above another. We teach only one thought: love one another. If you truly love one another and do unto one another as you each would have done to you, there could be no preference except for the good that manifests in each one.”
— Sananda/Jesus; October 25, 1960
Leaders Represent Mass Thinking
“Any country produces its own leader; consciously when it is a democracy such as yours, unconsciously or through the route or wheel of karma when it is not done by the freewill choice of the majority of those who are governed. . . . The leader is only representative of or a symbol of the mass thinking of that area, even if the area be a family unit, a church movement or a country’s policies. Let us understand that.
“Because of the nature of the American philosophy and way of life, the leader usually is selected consciously because of what he will bring with him from the inner plane of life. This is often — of course, now — unconscious on the part of the individuals. But we know that the unconscious — mass thinking or intuitive qualities of the whole — mind can and does know all things and can relay it to the conscious level, even if under duress and strain at the time.
“Because this particular nation is an experiment on this planet for a certain type of life that must become more predominant — with some more rectifications and modifications than presently known and practiced, but tried in the past in small measure — it has been graced with some, frankly, expert choices by the masses, and some near misses that did not backfire but could have.
“The conscientious New Age worker of today must keep one thing in mind: he is here to herald the New Age, to prepare for the Latter Days and to keep the vigil for the masses who are unenlightened, so they can be carried along in the impetus of new vibrational frequencies that will come into effect. . . . This is your duty and your function as enlightened souls in this work. Nothing less is required of you. Whether or not you are an American, this applies.”
— St. Germain; November 6, 1968
Influence Governing Bodies
“We shortly approach a time when deeper understanding or coordination must be achieved with governmental factors. Now, governmental factors involve the governing bodies of more than one method of control upon any plane or planet. It is that which governs man’s actions, as far as your Earth plane terminology is concerned. For it is not only political government that we will come to understand and to serve but those governing factors in mass educational fields, through your news services, entertainment influences and instruction forces plus those which control your economic and political systems.
“Indeed, this is a large order. But it is not, when you work on the inner planes. For only a few minds really direct or govern the trend. These are the ones you must become intuned to, realize are the guiding hands and forces functioning behind the scenes, and reach into and work upon their desires and decisions. This can be done only through the Christ. For in the Christ we are as one, with one purpose and one goal, though we express it out into the material form in many diversified means and methods.
“It is then up to you as well as up to us, working in this mental-telepathic communication system setup for this purpose, to ferret out the very minds and forces upon the Earth plane which do govern the masses of men’s minds. With your cooperation we shall begin.”
— Djwhal Khul; July 6, 1962
United World Will Bring Second Coming
“Sananda speaks unto his charges on this plane and all planes concerning the Earth. I am with thee, I never have been apart from thee. . . . We work together with the one common goal that Earth, which I represent in the Hierarchal Board governmental procedures, shall come into its own within this solar system of which we all are a part. . . .
“Ours is a mighty task. We have forfeited our true place and our rightful heritage many eons ago by misuse of powers and thoughts and deeds. So now let us right the wrongs. Let us now face our cleansings. Let us be willing to cross out, as I did in the demonstration of the crucifixion, so that we may be prepared for that moment, that day of resurrection; not only the resurrection when I myself can fulfill the pledge to return unto the Earth in a form that all will recognize but the resurrection of your own Christ Selves, which must become manifest and must demonstrate and must fulfill the power that is within you. . . .
“This step within the transmutation faculty has to be undertaken consciously and willingly by each man, then by various groups of men and then by the entire planet as a single whole. This cannot take place all at one time, and well you know it and well I know it.
“This takes place first by the vow and the covenant from within your own individual consciousness and your own personality from where you are standing now in evolutionary time. This takes place within the small groups who are gathered together all over the planet, whether they be families or churches or religions or governments or any other group that is joined together with a single idea; that idea, to bring forth the Christ within mankind.
“Whether these groups be groups of peace and love or political indoctrination; whether these groups be of a spiritual, prayerful nature; whether they be of an educational nature is not of any consequence. If the group is dedicated to the living Son of God, which is the Christ indwelling in each and every man on Earth and beyond the Earth, then he is part of this covenant and part of this activity. . . .
“The groups will expand via the light emanation from them individually unto very large areas of consecrated, dedicated souls. These can be large enough to encompass whole nations.
“For the nation through which most of you have incarnated, the United States of America, was founded and dedicated to this principle of life and light and truth and love of fellowman and the freedom of expressing this as sons of God as well as the sons of men. So, like unto this original covenant, we now see the covenant spread to all other nations who will bring about the same thought and the same freedom and the same release unto their citizens, that they may become sons of God and be banded together to bring truth and light, peace and love everywhere upon the planet.
“The final step naturally will be when all nations of such consciousness will be able to join together and bring about a single solidified form of government or thought consideration which will allow all citizens to interchange and to recognize one another equally, lovingly and constructively. For again, by the fruits of each person and each nation shall we know who is who, what is what and where we are going.
“Then, on that day and in those moments, shall I return unto the Earth to take my rightful place and the heritage which has been bequeathed unto me via the Son, which is the Christ body of our planet and this solar system: the Prince of this planet and one of the members of the Hierarchal Board for this solar system. So be it in truth. I am he who is known on this Hierarchal Board for this solar system as Sananda, but unto men of Earth my incarnations included many, such as Moses, Buddha, Melchizedek and Jesus of Nazareth.”
— Sananda/Jesus; February 21, 1969
Revised and reprinted from I Am Nation News #57, March-April 2008. To subscribe to our bimonthly newsletter, click here.
Photos: (1) Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory, drawing of Nada-Yolanda by Hilda Zaenglein-Schaffer, 1964; Mark-Age Archives. (2) U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C. (3) The White House, Washington, D.C. (4) Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States. (5) Sananda/Jesus, Mark-Age Archives.
Timely message, Phillel. We must stand strong in this principle of love, life, and truth as we remain connected in one body of light. Thank you.
This post reminded me of a dream I had many years ago. In that dream I was in an amphitheater that had circular multitiered seats which all faced downwards towards a stage. On the stage was a cot with a government leader and projections were being sent to him.
We must embrace our full power now and can only do so as we work both sides of any transformation. This means taking what is good and making it stronger, while releasing what is no longer useful.
Namaste, dear friend.
Thank you, dear Lynn. Wise words about working “both sides of any transformation.” Your dream certainly is an apt symbolic description of how we light workers have been projecting spiritual energies and solutions to government leaders worldwide for many years. So be it, and so may it continue.