University of Life Archives
LET THIS BE A CLEAR SETTING-FORTH of the manner in which true light workers and all members of and representatives for the I Am Nation on Earth think, create and work in all aspects of our roles and missions for the hierarchal plan and program.
There are those, of mortal consciousness primarily, who in that consciousness presume to tell God and His agents or light forces of the Christ consciousness how to deal with unawakened man of Earth. Much could be discussed concerning these two extremely divergent ways of thinking and acting, but since truth needs no defense, only the brief essentials of the proper method will be presented.
True workers of light do not employ the denouncement method of indiscriminate attack against persons, organizations or concepts. Never will anyone see or hear any such attack by a master.
This does not mean in any sense that workers of the light do not seek out and eliminate error wherever it is discovered and whenever it is within the function of their work. But we use pronouncement of light and truth principles, which is the proper, constructive method to be used and taught by all forces of light, rather than the destructive methods practiced consciously or unconsciously by many.
What would Christ Jesus of Nazareth (known also as Sananda, the Prince of Peace and Love, and who is the spiritual ruler of the planet Earth) say and do concerning the elimination of error conditions which prevail throughout the world today? His way has remained ever the same. Here is what he delivered through Nada-Yolanda of Mark-Age on July 10, 1962:
“It is necessary to speak and to act in a spiritual consciousness that has with it a higher form of control and guidance than anything to be done, said or presented in physical manners or means. Your whole purpose is not to work from physical levels into spiritual understanding, but to bring about a spiritual realization that will effect a material result. So I, as well as others working in this field and aspect of control, wish to remind you of your responsibilities and to direct your thoughts to bringing about this desired result.
“Should there be in your minds any doubt of what we speak of here, let me assure you of abortive attempts previously made on this plane and planet for thousands of years, to verify your truth in these matters. I am not content with the agents working in these fields, because they so easily slip into the opposite or negative respect for what they have vouchsafed to do before incarnating upon this plane for the present cycle of evolution.
“We cannot work with denouncement, but only with pronouncement of what we desire in the result aspect. Therefore, as proponents of the light we must pronounce that light and prospect the light all through our entire existence.”
Sananda here uses a tool frequently employed by the masters of the etheric: a play of sound or words. To strengthen his meaning, he plays with the prefix pro-, which means to be for something; or, as it would be used in the word professional, one who is a master of his subject.
Eliminate the Negative
In his statement the master coordinator for the planet’s evolvement into Christ-conscious awareness speaks forth clearly and plainly for all who have eyes to see, ears to hear and inclination to act in truth. He reminds all that history repeatedly has shown the futility of seeking to effect lasting and proper results by using only physical or mental counterattacks against that which is error, no matter what or where. The only acceptable and permanent corrective measure is to employ spiritual methods, bringing down into the material world these spiritual concepts of truth to replace those which are not truth, and thus not of reality.
How consuming and ineffective have been the countless attempts to combat non-reality, that which has not its base in spiritual truth; rather than to ignore such non-truth (although not to be unaware of its transitory appearance and need to be eliminated). Concentrate on bringing forth truth. Where has man’s focus of attention been: in eliminating that which is not desired, or in bringing forth that which is real, is truth and is desirable?
Sananda further has pointed out the dangers inherent in the denouncement method of seeking to ferret out error. Many spiritual workers, who came not to participate in this necessary elimination phase, as well as countless others who are not so evolved and do not know the law involved, have fallen victim to the error they sought to fight. For to whatsoever we give our attention, that we tend to bring about. The light workers came at this time to demonstrate and to bring forth the light, the truth, the reality of spiritual law.
The higher the evolvement in spiritual understanding, the greater the degree of manifestation or creating of that which we think; for to think is to create. Therefore, it behooves all who have developed this power of thought to a high degree to use it to see, and therefore to bring forth, only that which is desired, not that which is to be eliminated. To think or to dwell upon the error conditions, of which we certainly are aware, is to strengthen them.
There are those workers in the present program to bring about Christ-conscious awareness on this planet whose function and purpose are to combat errors, whatever and wherever they are, on those levels. But allow them to fulfill their work on their level of understanding and evolvement, without forfeiting the higher training and understanding of those who are of the light, who teach the light and who are to bring forth the light. Each to his own mission.
Give God and His agents full credit not only for knowing present, as well as past and future, conditions of man and of Earth; but also for knowing how to bring about the divine plan and for having absolute power to bring it forth. Those agents whose work it is to bring about the destruction of error do so constructively, using spiritual understanding and methods, working in at-onement with other forces of Spirit that build up what is good and replace what is not.
Evolution Not Revolution
God works by evolution, not by revolution. God is love, not hate. God does not wantonly destroy that which is good just to eliminate that which is of error. The purpose of evolution is to keep what is good and to add to it, while eliminating what is not desirable. To this purpose is Mark-Age dedicated in all things throughout the world and the affairs of man. That which has merit shall be emphasized and shall be encouraged, while that which is not of truth will be replaced constructively and surely.
There are many constructive criticisms, pointings-out of error thinking, actions and methods. This analysis is a sample of such. But in Christlike manner of correction, we state the spiritual principle involved and throw the light on the less-than-perfect manifestation of it in an individual, in an organization or in an idea.
It is by these ways and means that true light workers throughout the world bring about the necessary evolutionary changes within the scope of the divine plan for the harvest period of the Latter Days. This is the preparation that includes both the total elimination of that which is not spiritual and the manifestation of that which is spiritual, for the return of the ruler of this planet, Jesus of Nazareth.
As representatives of the Christ forces, we must use whatever form of divine power is deemed proper by Spirit and the agents of Spirit who constitute the Hierarchy of this solar system. But always the method of bringing about changes for spiritual purposes will be that of pronouncement: the speaking of the positive word as love in action.
God’s creations, including man, are constantly in a state of evolutionary change toward greater manifestation of His glory. Therefore, we must not think man’s creations are exempt from such perfecting changes. All that exists on the physical Earth today is being changed for higher manifestation for the Golden Age.
That which is not of a certain divinely prescribed standard of spiritual value and potential will not be allowed to manifest on the Earth after the Second Coming. So, it behooves all who sincerely wish and work for the elimination of error from Earth today to recognize that it is God’s plan and purpose to effect the necessary changes.
Let Go & Let God
The next step is to accept the reality that God also knows how and when to bring about all necessary steps in this plan. Therefore, what is really needed by man, acting as the expresser of God on this plane, is to turn to Spirit and the agents of Spirit for the necessary plans and procedures to eliminate that which is decreed by Spirit to go, and to bring forth that which is to come.
Sometimes the concentration on bringing forth the desired and decreed manifestation automatically effects the elimination of that which is not of truth. We are agreed there is an overabundance of error thinking and conditions on the planet. This also means there is a tremendous shortage of light workers and light projects demonstrating what is to replace the error situations once we successfully have eliminated them. Light workers must see and be, so that what they see will be.
To support this positive, cooperative and spiritual evolutionary policy, let us pledge constructive support of all those individuals, organizations and programs that truly seek to manifest the two basic rules for the Golden Age: Love God and Love One Another.
Where there are good policies we shall support them. Where there is need for change we also shall speak and shall act for such; with and in love, giving forth the constructive or positive aspect, rather than denouncing to eliminate the negative aspect, all within the scope of our powers and our missions.
We support those governments and those organizations of religious, spiritual, educational and research nature, including churches, that, to the best of their understandings and abilities, desire to work for and to establish God’s will and to eliminate man’s tyranny over man. This list is by no means intended to be complete, nor is blanket approval meant for all individuals and actions within such organizations or groups.
We serve Spirit only, in whomever and whatever Spirit is able to bring forth Its plans. So we see it, so be it. We give our thanks for the glorious opportunity to participate in this planet’s peaceful transition from a third dimensional or physical manifestation into a fourth dimensional or mental-spiritual understanding and expression of life.
Project Power
Here are the basic metaphysical steps followed by Mark-Age associates in sending forth light where there is error; or, as we call it, projecting power and love:
PRAY WITHOUT CEASING. This means to think positively at all times. In order to prepare the way for such continual positive thinking, one must eliminate all negative thinking from one’s own total consciousness, which includes both the conscious and the subconscious. When dwelling on or entertaining negative thoughts, one is not able to receive positive thoughts from Spirit or the agents of Spirit, which includes one’s own Christ or spiritual Self. You cannot think both positively and negatively on the same subject at the same time, so choose this day, and each day, which you will serve.
It has been said many times in many ways that peace must begin with the individual. There is a well-known inspired song that beautifully expresses this: “Let There Be Peace on Earth; Let It Begin with Me.” So, the first step toward the use of pronouncement is to eliminate the error in one’s own thinking. For truly is the War of Armageddon now being waged. But it is a mental war, with the battleground being in the thoughts of men.
Let each one, therefore, concentrate first, although not exclusively so, upon clearing out the error in one’s own cities, governments and organizations: the groups of thoughts within one’s own consciousness. When peace has been established in one’s own earth, then the crusade can be carried forth from a base of operations which will remain impregnable and calm regardless of the enemy camps into which one sends forth his thought soldiers.
BE LOVE. This is the primary weapon of all light workers and does not wait for peace to be established first. Error cannot withstand divine love, the love of God for each and all of His creations. This love is always within man, ever ready for his use. One need not seek it, define it or manufacture it; love is. Always existing within man and always ready to pour forth at his direction, it surmounts any and all obstacles.
Without using it, man not only is ineffective in eliminating error and in bringing forth that which is of Spirit, but he also is unprepared to cope with the weapons that those of negative intent, be they individuals or forces, turn against him. He easily falls into defeat, or is most subtly and insidiously manipulated so as to become a tool and an advocate of that which he started out to fight.
Therefore, become skilled in the use of the divinely given armor and weapon: love. The principle on which the ascended masters of the spiritual government of our solar system carry out the plans of Spirit is love in action. Make this yours also.
THY WILL, NOT MINE, BE DONE. One of man’s functions as cocreator with God is, when he sees imbalance or error, to use his right and duty to ask Creative Spirit that proper balance be restored to that individual or situation, resulting in divine order and harmony according to the will of God. Many times what one decrees in this manner will not come to pass as he thinks it should, but when one has fulfilled the function of asking for balance to be restored according to the will of God, one must let it so manifest. Let go and let God.
Within God’s plan it may be that you are to do something further; then it will come to your attention. It may or may not be that you are to be an instrument in the bringing forth of the proper outcome. Never dilute pronouncements by indulging in negative thoughts or actions or seeking to take the initiative from God.
Study the Lord’s Prayer; it contains the seven basic steps for perfect harmony and balance on Earth as they are in heaven. Practice the Golden Rule: Do to others as you would have them do to you. At all times enact the two commandments for entry into the Golden Age upon Earth: Love God and Love One Another. Be love in action.
Revised from a brochure Mark-Age published in 1962 and 1971; also republished in 1985 in University of Life course Know Them by Their Fruits, and in 2024 in I Am Nation News. See also Facts of Life.
Photos: (1) Sananda/Jesus, Mark-Age Archives. (2) El Morya; line drawing by Owen Morrison, Mark-Age Archives. (3) Jesus the Christ, artist unknown.
Profound words which came at the right time. See the light. Affirm the light. Be the light. Let go and let God.
No matter how long we have been on this journey, it is always good to be reminded. I will keep praying. Much love!