March 18, 2020. MEDITATION. In separate meditations today, focusing on the coronavirus pandemic, Dr. Robert and I both received independently this hierarchal guidance: “Be poised.”
This instruction immediately brought to mind how-to #17, “Be Poised,” in El Morya/Mark‘s masterful text How To Do All Things.
Reprinted below, this is El Morya’s urgent guidance to the light workers. In our spiritual projections to eliminate the scourge of coronavirus, let us be poised in the I Am Self and thereby radiate true healing power to all on Earth.
Be Poised
When you are vibrantly aware of your oneness with Spirit and thus have no fears, worries, hates and loneliness, you cannot be other than poised. You live each day with all the patience and poise of one who knows he is eternal and that nothing can change this. Each day can be a glorious adventure and can bring forth more good from the infinite and eternal treasury of Divine Mind.
But nothing can be taken away from your eternal nature, nor can you suffer any real defeat. No matter what the situation, you do not give in to any mortal weakening. If you catch yourself for the moment becoming upset, you quickly remember you are a spiritual being who is having Earthly experiences. You are truly in this world but not of it.
You radiate this poise to all about you and they become more poised. You have forgotten the time when you did not have this spiritual poise; the time never existed when you did not have it, you just did not know and act it. Your poise in every situation leads others to inquire how you attained it, and if they can also. This is one of the most effective ways of bringing one to one’s own Self.
No matter what has been, you now and always act with perfect poise. You have complete Self-confidence. Nothing can happen that could in any way prevent your eternal unfoldment and enjoyment of life. All is well. Do you accept this gift of Self to self? Say so, act so, be so. “Thank You, Spirit of perfect and complete poise. So it always is with me.”
Supplementary Reading: Stay Centered in the I Am
Photo: El Morya, line drawing by Owen Morrison, depicting materialization of divine power as and through El Morya; Mark-Age Archives.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this timely and powerful message! We are one with Spirit … who knows that we need the guidance; this is a confirmation through Phillel and Dr. Robert. We do accept this gift from Self to self and we say so, are so and act so. I am one with Spirit of perfect and complete poise. So it is! Amen.
Thank you and bless you, Lynnette! We are one/won in the Christ, indeed, and the light shall prevail!
Thanks for sharing this great wisdom, so appropriate for the current time.
God bless and keep you, brother!