Christ Matrix for Earthman
February 4, 2015. HIERARCHAL BOARD MEDITATION. In preparation for the Mission to Mexico, slated to begin on March 10th, we focused on spiritual protection. A few minutes into the meditation, I was overshadowed by Lord Maitreya, who holds the office of Christ for our solar system and, with Lord Michael, is co-titular head of the Hierarchal Board.
Enfolding me in his heart chakra, Maitreya bathed me in a soothing radiation of divine love and peace. He conveyed that his Seventh Ray infusion through our group force field signaled a spiritual renewal for planet Earth. His projections were geared to reset the Christ matrix for Earthman, following not only his pattern as Lord of this World but also that of Sananda/Jesus the Christ, Prince of Earth.*
Throughout Maitreya’s projection, Nada-Yolanda’s signature phrase, a symbol of spiritual resurrection, kept ringing in my mind: Amor vincit omnia; that is, “Love conquers all.” In the transmutations of these Latter Days, the solution to all problems on Earth may be found in love. As Sananda has commanded us: Love God and Love One Another.
* Lord of the (this) World: designation of spiritual title for one who holds office of Christ for a certain area, such as Lord Maitreya for the solar system and Sananda for Earth.
Supplementary Reading: Maitreya Implants Peace
First Day of Orientation
February 5, 2015. DREAM. It was the first day of my college orientation. I was filled with enthusiasm for new classes and adventures. My dorm was a residence with three stories. After I settled in with my housemates, my parents came to visit me.
Interpretation: Reinforcing yesterday’s meditation contact with Lord Maitreya, the dream signals a spiritual renewal, a beginning of new classes and works. The three stories are the three levels of spiritual consciousness and demonstration: mind, body and soul. My housemates represent both my own congregation of spiritual thoughts as well as fellow light workers who also are preparing for new instruction in the university of life. My parents symbolize the protective supervision of Father-Mother God; also, brothers and sisters of the Elder race who are guiding all of us in the Second Coming program.
Photo: Creator Square with Earth © by Hartmut Jager.