by Phillel
As an American citizen, I am very well informed on issues that affect our local, state and federal governments. I freely exercise my right to vote, and I have done so in virtually every election for over fifty years. As it turns out, given our two-party system, during the course of my adult life I have voted about half the time for Democrats, half the time for Republicans, and even at times for Independents.
Character is important in a candidate; personalities, not so much. Being human, all candidates have flaws, a mixture of good and bad qualities. But in any given election — local, state or federal — I typically have voted for the candidate who espouses policies that I believe would promote the betterment of our society. My fervent prayer is that the United States, through its elected officials and citizens, will fulfill its true spiritual role and pattern as the New JerUSAlem.
Every citizen has a freewill right to vote, or not. I never criticize anyone’s freewill choice.
I never divulge publicly whom I vote for, as that would not be appropriate within the context of my spiritual work at Mark-Age. As directed by Mark and Yolanda from the very beginning, as well as by channeled guidelines from the spiritual Hierarchy, Mark-Age does not officially promote any one party or candidate. Also, it is not legally appropriate for us to do so as a nonprofit religious-educational organization. Our sole goal is to promote the Second Coming program, the return of Sananda/Jesus to lead the I Am Nation, and the eventual spiritualization of all Earth governments.
However any election turns out, I am honor-bound to work spiritually with the high Selves of all elected officials; that they may be inspired, as Lincoln said, by the “better angels of their natures” to govern with love and wisdom. Every elected official is a child of God who may be reached through his or her I Am Self. That is how the Hierarchy works with each of us. So may the evolution of Earth be advanced into the New Age.
For further insight, I invite you to review some of the Hierarchy’s channeled guidelines in my blog post from 2012, entitled “Spiritualize Earth Governments.”
Also, in Volume 2 of our booklet Mark-Age Broadcasts, published in 1968, here is one pertinent exchange during a media interview with Mark and Yolanda:
Question: What influence would you say the celestial powers have on our political elections?
Answer: The Hierarchal Board has no particular interest in our elections or other phases of government, other than to impress continually on man that he should go within and seek the spiritual answers to such participation. They are not especially concerned with any one form of government on Earth, so long as proper opportunity is provided for man’s spiritual evolvement and freedom of choice.
Nor are they usually interested in which individuals win elections. There are those who come to Earth to participate in governmental matters, sometimes to fulfill an important soul mission or a special mission for mankind at a crucial time. In such instances special attention is given to aiding him or her. But in general there is no favoritism or selection made by those on higher realms concerning leaders chosen by the voters.
Supplementary Reading:
Spiritualize Earth Governments
Photo: Phillel, 2007, Mark-Age Archives.
Well-stated, precise and to the point. This is the state of mind, point of view and perspective that I strive for as well. As much as possible, objective and over-seeing, light work in action. Thank you for your statement and your demonstration of love in action.
Good day, Phillel, and all light workers herein. On reflecting on the many years of personal (as many of us have experienced) and direct teachings from now ascended masters of the Hierarchy, and from our Earthly way showers teachers, we remember on these instances the following powerful principles that have brought us this far and have enlightened our existence on this realm:
(1) WE ARE ALL ONE — that oneness that keeps us together as one nation, one planet, growing and working towards one common goal: the Second Coming of our savior Sananda/Jesus the Christ of Nazareth.
(2) LOVE GOD AND LOVE ONE ANOTHER — a simple but powerful mandate from our Lord and Savior that makes us humble, forgiving, grateful and brings us to the realization of who we really are: soul/spirit, dressed with an Earthly coat called human body, seeking God’s perfection, with ups and downs, errors, likes and dislikes, etc., while achieving through many reincarnations and works the ultimate goals that we are called upon to fulfill, individually and collectively.
(3) PEACE, LOVE, COOPERATION AND COORDINATION — the Christ matrix, a guideline for human survival above and below; a beautiful reminder of steps to follow to be successful in our endeavors, while maintaining the essence of who we really are.
These are difficult, trying times, and we light workers will get the most difficult tests; hence, we need to hold on tight, put all our teachings on the front lines, manifest and surround ourselves with light, call upon assistance for clarity and the right path to follow until the storms have passed. If we act rightly and observe the three principles mentioned above, and more, we will be enlightened, guided and protected. So be it. In light and with love. Love in action, Lynnette
Very well put. Bravo!