December 22, 2021. HIERARCHAL BOARD MEDITATION. In the hours leading up to our Hierarchal Board meditation, the influx of energy was considerable. I had to stop work for a while and absorb the higher vibrational frequencies. Soon after we began the meditation, a vril stick, or cobalt rod, formed in my auric field.* The etheric energy materialized as an elongated staff that was about a foot in diameter. The top of the rod extended above my crown chakra, into the ethers. The pole of light descended along my spine, to the base, thereby grounding or pinning me solidly to the Earth. The cobalt rod comprised a perfect magnetic balance of positive and negative polarities.
Around this cobalt rod were magnetically attracted all the light-body energies and elements of my spiritual function with the Motah Council in this solar system. The tangible etheric substance, appearing to my inner vision as particles and waves of light, included the record of my many training experiences throughout the ages on different planets of the Federation. These higher energies gently swirled around the cobalt rod in a counterclockwise direction, grounding magnetically through the rod into my present incarnational form on Earth.
An inner voice clearly spoke: “The name of the rod is I Am.” Up and out through this etheric vril stick, or cobalt rod, I would ascend in light-body consciousness, and then would redescend in order to anchor my multiple Motah functions on Earth for Sananda’s Second Coming program.
While I held intact this extraordinary force field, a series of electromagnetic energies descended the rod into my crown and transfigured me with my outer-space Motah aspects. My facial features were transformed, visibly changed. (Dr. Robert later reported that he witnessed the transfiguration.) My throat chakra became highly activated, and my throat and neck muscles were contorted, as if I were being prepared for a vocal channeling. The transfigurations overshadowed me about four times. Each wave lasted a few moments, then dissipated, then began again.
But there was no follow-up signal for a communication, so I simply grounded the Motah light-body energies and radiated light to all on Earth for the reawakening of Christ consciousness during the Christ Mass cycle, to last through Epiphany, January 6th. Eventually, the overshadowing ceased and I came out of meditation. Vibrationally transformed, I experienced a subtle discombobulation for several hours as I adjusted to the new energy alignment in my auric field and physical form.
* vril stick: a cobalt rod, known and used especially in Atlantis and in early Egypt. Had higher spiritual energies installed and held in it by mind power.
Supplementary Reading: For another meditation experience with the vril stick, over seven years ago, see Crystal Homing Beacon.
Photo: Space Explorers © by Hartmut Jager.