June 18, 2014. HIERARCHAL BOARD MEDITATION. (Right after lunch, Conrad contacted me with a hieronic beam. The energy became so strong, along with heart-chakra activation, that I finally lay back in my chair, not able to do anything but vibrate from the power amplification. When I came to around 2:10 p.m., I was feeling so restless with the energy, that I got up and did some editing work just to ground myself. Then, around 3:00 o’clock, the power ramped up again, and I lay back in the chair for a half hour. When I arose, this phrase rang clearly in my mind: “Consolidate the gains achieved thus far in the mission.” I knew immediately that that would be our focus for the Hierarchal Board meditation.)
Larry and I gathered at 4:00 o’clock and readied ourselves to link with Robert and MariLyn at Mt. Marcy in New York, in the Earth Temple area, and to ground the energies at I Am Nation headquarters. As soon as we began the meditation, Conrad resumed hieronic contact. Finally, after some time, my four lower bodies became fully aligned with the considerable energy transfer, and my aura smoothed out. Conrad then patched me in directly with Dr. Hannibal and his mother ship, as that was the source of the hieronic download. Thereupon I experienced a truly magnificent, sustained radiation of light.
The hieronic projection took me close to my capacity to hold and to anchor onto the physical plane. My force field also was blended entirely with Larry’s in a violet-colored suffusion of Sixth Ray light.
At one point, my light body was joined with Hannibal’s. My master teacher and I, under close hieronic supervision, then breathed white light for the entire Western Hemisphere. This mind-boggling action, which only lasted about five minutes, served to “consolidate the gains,” as earlier instructed. Although the true import of this mutual light-body breathing exercise for the hemisphere remained beyond my conscious grasp, I sensed I had been initiated into a new level of works, as per my dream of June 15th.
Toward the end, Sananda briefly made contact, looking in on his two grounding agents at headquarters to make sure everything was all right and was proceeding according to plan. He was in and out within a couple of minutes, and he did not entertain my queries.
Though I asked, no specific message was relayed, either from Conrad or Hannibal or Sananda. Larry and I simply acted as receptive instruments to anchor the massive hieronic transfer at I Am Nation headquarters.
In his sharing afterwards, Larry said he also had experienced the tremendous hieronic broadcast of light. Later, Robert e-mailed to say he and MariLyn had wrapped up their work at Mt. Marcy ahead of schedule and were traveling the next day to Vermont. That synchronicity shed light on why we had experienced the hieronic transfer at headquarters.
For the rest of the evening, and into the next morning, I felt the aftereffects of the hieronic transfer. I was tired, spaced-out and discombobulated.
Photo: Collage by author. Space images courtesy of NASA. Spaceship images © by Hartmut Jager.