May 7, 2014. DREAM. I learned that, after her transition in 2010, my friend Kela, from the astral plane, had sent special messages to her family and friends. Each message was coded in a theme of one of the Seven Rays of Life.
Nada & El Morya
May 8, 2014. DREAM. I attended a Broadway production in New York City with Nada-Yolanda. When the play ended, we got up to leave. I gathered Yolanda’s purse and wrap, my own jacket, and also my guitar.
Interpretation: Since I have resumed editing/production on Yolanda’s Autobiography of a Prophet, I presume this dream indicates ongoing inner plane coordination with her. In 1983, I actually did attend a couple of Broadway productions with Yolanda when we were in New York City.
May 14, 2014. DREAM. I was with El Morya/Mark, having a relaxed, peaceful conversation. He was kind and gentle. He showed me a photo album he had put together. I complimented him on his artistic composition and use of lighting. I awoke still feeling the glow of my interdimensional communion with the First Ray master.
The Gateway
May 15, 2014. DREAM. At Mark-Age headquarters, I was with Nada-Yolanda, assisting her as she coordinated production with the female author of a play entitled “The Gateway.” The play, in a biblical setting, was about the land of Canaan.
Interpretation: It is interesting that yesterday’s dream communion with El Morya/Mark is followed by today’s inner plane contact with Nada-Yolanda. “The Gateway” refers to the interdimensional gateway or open portal between dimensions, allowing an ease of communion with my higher plane teachers. It also implies the gateway of consciousness from my I Am Self, through my soul-subconscious, into my conscious mind.
According to Fillmore’s Metaphysical Bible Dictionary, Canaan means “lowland”; that is to say, the mortal body consciousness, as opposed to the immortal or redeemed body, the light body, the Promised Land. “In order to redeem the body man must enter with his spiritual thoughts into his organism and teach it the saving Truth.”
Canaan also refers to the subconscious, thus metaphysically represents humbleness and receptivity. “The land of Canaan, too, represents the unlimited elemental forces of Being in which man is placed and to which he gives character through faith in God as omnipresent Spirit. To mystics it is the name of the invisible substance that surrounds and interpenetrates all forms, of which it is the mother.”
Lastly, assisting Nada-Yolanda on a play production reflects the similar symbolism of my dream of May 8th, where we attended a Broadway production.
The Flood
May 23, 2014. DREAM. Elk Valley had been flooded and everything had been destroyed. I was not there at the time, but when I heard the news I was concerned about Shasta and Cheyenne. “The dogs may have gone to higher ground and survived,” I said to a person near me. Along with others, I began walking back into the valley to inspect the damage and to look for Shasta and Cheyenne.
Interpretation: Elk Valley is a metaphor for the third dimensional Earth plane, which is being cleansed and purified in these Latter Days. (The flood, as in the time of Atlantis, represents this cleansing.) There is no life here, of any kingdom of God’s creation, which is not subject to the changing of vibrational frequency into the fourth dimension. No one, no thing is immune from the exigencies of planetary transformation. As light workers, though we reside in the third dimension and are subject to the cleansing, we must act in higher spiritual consciousness. We can help protect our fellowman and fellow creatures, and help as many life forms as possible to reach “higher ground” (an upliftment in consciousness) and thus to survive the changeover.
Our concern is to help safeguard all life in the astral and physical realms. Hence, both Shasta (physical) and Cheyenne (astral) are in my thoughts.
The Third Dimension
May 24, 2014. DREAMS. In one dream, I was driving a car through mud. The going was difficult, the ruts were deep, yet with perseverance I made it out of the mire to safety. In a second dream, I was in a Nazi POW camp, carefully and methodically planning with others to escape.
Interpretation: Working in the frequencies of the third dimension often seems like driving through mud. It takes skill and determination to navigate through the mire of mortal thought forms here. Are we not all “prisoners of war” in Armageddon, dealing as best we can with oppressive conditions of the third dimension, actively planning our release into the higher spiritual frequencies of the New Age?
The Spiritual Guide
May 28, 2014. HIERARCHAL BOARD MEDITATION. A friend and Mark-Age member is nearing her transition. We held her in our prayers for protection and balance as she prepares herself. While projecting spiritually, I had a clear vision of a radiant “elder sister” who was peacefully holding our friend’s hand and leading her along a beautiful garden path. Though the woman remained unidentified to me, she was a special guide known to our friend. She is helping to care for her as she prepares for transition, steadying the vibrational frequency for the crossover.
The spiritual guide had short dark hair and wore a plain brown dress, much like an unadorned deerskin dress an Amerindian might wear. The brown color did not symbolize earthiness; rather, it denoted steadiness, a solid foundation. The higher plane guide is well-grounded in the higher vibrational frequency to which our friend is traveling. She is keeping the energy matrix steady.
The vision gave me great comfort, knowing that all is in order and that teachers on the other side are making the necessary preparations for the reunion.
King of Amazonia
May 29, 2014. DREAM. Revealing one of my past incarnations, Nada-Yolanda said, “You were a king of Amazonia.” On a map of South America, she pointed to an area that corresponded to present-day Venezuela or Guyana. The name of the land or kingdom started with a P, but I did not recall it when I awoke. I noted, too, that there were some subtle differences in the shape of the coastline of South America. Although she did not give a time frame, the implication was that the incarnation was in ancient times, perhaps post-Atlantean.
Interpretation: If accurate, this would be my first-ever recall of a lifetime with an Indigenous tribe on the South American continent. Amazonia, the extensive region of the Amazon rainforest, extends northward into areas of southern Venezuela and Guyana.
Photos: (1) Phillel and Kela, 1979, Mark-Age Archives. (2) Mark and Yolanda, 1968, Mark-Age Archives. (3) Shasta, April 2014 (six months old), Mark-Age Archives. (4) Angel Facing Left © by Hartmut Jager.