Typically Pentecost, on May 23rd this year, marks the end of the Easter influx of spiritual energies. In 1997, I published the following article in our former MAIN magazine, “Alpha & Omega.” Although slightly revised here, the article presents timeless spiritual principles that are reminders for us to focus our thoughts on the descent of the Holy Spirit, the I Am Self, as we prepare for greater light-body demonstrations.
Descent of Holy Spirit
“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem . . . and to the ends of the earth.” So spoke Jesus to his disciples just prior to his ascension in his resurrected, light body. And so the promise remains for us as we prepare ourselves for transmutation prior to Pentecost.
The Bible tells us that on the original Pentecost, the disciples had assembled in Jerusalem. “Suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.”
Hearing this sound, a crowd gathered. Bewildered and amazed, each one heard the disciples speaking in the native language of each. The disciple Peter then addressed the crowd, recalling the words of the prophet Joel: “In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. . . . And I will show portents in the heaven above and signs on the earth below. . . . Then everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
Spirit is pouring out upon us at this critical turning point of the Second Coming program. We are being prepared to handle the great fire of light that will lift us all into a new vibratory frequency of Christ service. [In the coming months] we shall be in position to receive this explosion of light that will propel us into new awareness. Therefore, we must ready ourselves now to accept and to assimilate the imminent spiritual breakthroughs. We must remain steady, balanced on all levels of our being, holding fast to the middle way. For at the appropriate time we shall be called upon to transfer the light to all humanity, so they too will assimilate the light-body demonstrations that will burst upon the scene.
It is not for us now to speculate what these demonstrations will entail, who will be involved, what services will be required. But it is for us to be about our Father’s business of preparation. It is time for transmutation. We shall focus on the transmuting, violet flame, immersing ourselves in the Pentecostal fire of the I Am Self. With this fire, which does not burn, we shall purify ourselves — mind, body and soul — in order to eliminate the mortal dross of our consciousness, to cleanse unwanted thoughts and feelings, and to position ourselves for a smooth, nonjarring transformation from one vibrational frequency to the next.
Position Key Light Workers
To offer some insights into assimilating the impending explosion of light, I share the following two experiences. . . . In meditation on March 5, 1997, I received the keynote. . . . “There is a concerted effort now on the part of the Hierarchal Board,” I wrote in my diary, “to raise (or resurrect) the vibrational frequencies of all key light workers, in order to maneuver them into proper position prior to the time of new breakthroughs. . . .
“The key program workers, thus aligned, unified and positioned, will have to carry the burden on the physical plane in the attempt to raise all light workers, and thus humanity, into the required frequency to handle the coming breakthroughs. . . . Only those who ‘survive’ the repositioning — that is, make the necessary changes and adjustments — will be able effectively to translate, to ground, and to transmit the hierarchal energies to raise the entire planet to the threshold of this next step in the Second Coming program.
“As a Sixth Ray worker, my primary responsibilities, naturally, are with transmutation functions. In this regard, I felt a new alignment begin to occur with my higher Self and light-body frequency, bringing me into higher synchronization with the strategy being developed and relayed on the inner planes through the trinity of Sananda, El Morya, and Nada.
“Consequently, I was locked into a magnetic beam, and the buildup and transmission of energies were so strong that I felt as if I might be physically levitated. The Transmutation Ray was transmitted first to raise my own consciousness and body-form, then to assist in the resurrection (translation, realignment, transformation) of all United Staff members, and thence to radiate the stability of these changes to all light workers who are ready to take this next step. . . . There is not much time to bring all key workers into position, and there is considerable work to accomplish.”
Transmutation via Spacecraft Hieronics
My next experience, symbolizing the forthcoming breakthroughs, came in a dream on Palm Sunday, March 23, 1997. I recorded the following in my diary:
“Back in my hometown, I was talking with a childhood friend. Even though our terminology was different, I realized that he really believed in the same principles of the Latter-Day program as I. In the midst of our discussion, an unmanned spacecraft, a silver disk about twenty feet in diameter, landed in the neighborhood. There was great excitement as all the neighbors gathered to see this marvel. . . .
“Several dozen of us quickly gathered around the ship. At that moment, there were no lights or noises coming from the craft; it appeared to be dormant. Suddenly, however, my intuition told me to retreat to a safer distance. Others saw me and wondered why I was stepping back. At that moment, the craft stirred to life and began to emit an invisible yet powerful hieronic radiation. The power was as great as any electromagnetic beam I’d ever experienced. . . .
“Each person present was immersed in a hieronic beam so intense that it induced within him or her an immediate trancelike state. Even I, who had considerable experience as a hieronics channel, struggled to maintain conscious awareness. But I understood what was occurring and, thanks to my years of training, knew exactly how to respond. Realizing I was being used as a human amplifier and grounding rod for the beam to reach each one’s brain wavelength, I retained my balance and allowed the energy freely to be transmitted through me. The hieronic beam lasted only a few minutes.
“Afterward, everyone seemed stunned and only gradually returned to normal consciousness. As I went about town, I quickly became aware that the beam had touched every single person in the city, not just those who had gathered around the craft. During the energy emission, each person had been transmuted and raised in consciousness. Each had experienced the upliftment in his or her unique way, receiving whatever had been necessary in the soul development for that individual to be taken instantly to the next level of spiritual awareness. Each one had been raised to the next notch of vibrational frequency, resulting in a new alignment with Christ consciousness.
“Under the influence of the hieronic transmutation, some had experienced clairaudience or telekinesis. Some had undergone supernatural events, had experienced phenomena or had demonstrated miracles beyond their imagination. Each one had had a sudden and profound shift in spiritual awareness, and all were left in a state of utter astonishment. Incidentally, not all in the town had even been aware that a landed unmanned spacecraft had been the triggering mechanism for this dramatic, collective rise in consciousness.
“In the dream itself, while pondering this stunning event, I realized a couple of things: (1) the little unmanned ship, guided by mother ships under hierarchal control, was powerful enough to influence directly an entire town of thousands of people; and (2) such a system, deployed worldwide, could effect a simultaneous change in the entire mass consciousness of Earth. In fact, this is the strategy of the Second Coming program, and is one example of how this can be manifested on the physical plane.
“Finally, as represented by my friend and other townspeople, I realized that there were millions of people around the world, who, although they were not versed in the particulars of the Second Coming program, nevertheless were attuned to the cosmic principles involved. Therefore, when the collective raising of this dimension occurs, these individuals will be aligned enough with the spiritual Hierarchy to participate harmoniously. Even if they are not aware of what is occurring, or why, they still will be able to assimilate the changeover.”
By this dream I am not prophesying specifically that space landings will occur after this . . . cycle. However, since coordination with the Federation of Planets always has been an integral part of the Second Coming program, we should prepare ourselves now for any and all contingencies. We should be willing instruments for grounding and transmitting energies for the planetary changeover.
Another clue in this dream is that I knew intuitively when to stand safely back, and how to respond instantly as a channel for the hieronic transmission. This is a key for all of us in the coming days. Therefore be wise; be discerning. In the landing of light in your consciousness, don’t automatically rush in, overenthusiastically caught up in some personal agenda. Wait for the right signals from your I Am Self, then respond with poise and balance. In this way you will serve all in your orbit most effectively. Remember, Spirit’s plan must be unfolded in Spirit’s time and way for the good of all on Earth.
Enter meditation and immerse yourself in the gentle undulations of transmutation. Visualize the violet flame in front of you. With equipoise, calmly step into it. This Pentecostal fire does not burn; in fact, it feels comfortable and soothing. Let the violet color naturally transform your being, smoothly translating your vibrational frequencies to the next higher level. Surrender to its soft caress, and let go of all impurities in mind, body and soul. Eventually you will see the violet flame turn to gold. The purification is now complete as your golden light body encases you in its loving protection.
Urgent Calls to Action
During the week preceding Pentecost, May 18, 1997, the spiritual Hierarchy issued urgent calls to action via Nada-Yolanda and myself. The intunements and messages urged light workers to coordinate their efforts prior to the end of the [current] cycle. For the start of the [next cycle] will bring a new determination as to the next phase of spiritual opportunities and breakthroughs. . . .
At our weekly group meditation meeting at I Am Nation headquarters on May 16th, I had the following hierarchal contact:
“Soon after the meditation began, my high Self overshadowed me and my light body was activated. I was then contacted by a hieronics beam, operated not by Dr. Hannibal but by a team of extraterrestrial scientists on board an etheric craft overhead.
“For the first few minutes of the contact, my four lower bodies — mental, emotional, astral, physical — were manipulated and realigned with the light-body frequency. Then a steady, smooth radiation of hieronic energy began to pour through me. I became a grounding rod, an amplifying agent, a clear vessel through which the beam was projected to envelop and to coordinate the assembled group. With my psychic vision, I saw the space brothers working to realign, heal and transmute the inner bodies of each person present. As the power of the electromagnetic beam increased, I held up my hands, palms outward, to facilitate the projection of energy.
“Three quarters of the way through the meditation, the energy pulsations began to shift. Suddenly, a blinding flame of white light, too brilliant to look at with my inner vision, appeared above me, then descended instantly into my crown chakra. It was Archangel Michael of the First Ray of Will and Power. His overriding contact pierced the very essence of my auric field and the cellular structure of my physical body. In that first instant I was jolted, as if by electrical shocks, and my body jerked several times.
“As Lord Michael abruptly transfigured through me, my being was filled with the intensity of his light. My face was transformed and my posture was altered, riveting me to the chair. My heartbeat and respiration accelerated. My hands, which were still raised, became transformed into bright balls of incandescent white light. The power of the archangel gripped my throat chakra as if in a magnetic vise, and the stimulation of this center caused it to expand another couple of feet beyond my physical body. My head was thrown back and my lips were parted and began to quiver. For a moment, I thought there might be a vocal channeling. I could hardly handle the power.
“Finally, after a few more quakes shuddered throughout my body, I became better synchronized and could allow the power to flow more easily. Yet, the intensity of the transfiguration was the maximum I could absorb and still remain conscious. Only then did I receive insight into the contact. Lord Michael, in his capacity as co-titular head of the Hierarchal Board, relayed the following thought transmission to all on planet Earth:
“The first step of divine will must be secured firmly through each one’s light-body consciousness for the important works to come. Before the power of the light-body manifestations can be safely released, the foundation or beachhead of divine will must be established without equivocation in each one’s mind, body and soul. For after the current cycle, . . . the incoming power and change of frequency will be so great as to shatter (discombobulate or confuse) anyone not anchored fully within the First Ray intention, knowledge and protection that can only be offered by God’s will.
“Therefore, secure the decree: ‘Father, Your will, not mine, be done.’ Establish this now, while there is still time for the Hierarchal Board to position you effectively for the next stage of light-body demonstrations. These implantations of light, and attendant action of the sword of truth, will affect all on planet Earth; first the light workers, but then transferred through them to all in mass consciousness. So be it in truth.”
Crystal Buddha
Next, in meditation with the staff on Pentecost, May 18th, I received more insights: “I reamplified Lord Michael’s decree of divine will. Through my crown chakra, I breathed in the royal-blue light of the First Ray, bathing my brain and all cells in my body. ‘Father, Thy will be done!’
“Eventually, my attention turned to Sananda, in his incarnational influence as Gautama the Buddha. There came from my subconscious record an upwelling of soul aspects associated with my incarnation with the Buddha centuries ago. Suffused with that influence, my aura transformed into the shape of a crystal Buddha; that is, I visualized myself made of pure, clear crystal, sitting in the classic meditation pose of the Buddha. Drawing upon my soul record, as well as Sananda’s demonstration as the Buddha, I radiated a vibration of preeminent poise, tranquillity, clarity, balance and peace. My mind became a quiet, limpid pool into which I could visualize the clear images of my cosmic consciousness.
“Once I had fully incorporated this image, I began to project it outwardly. Then I received the following Motah communiqué: All disciples connected with St. Germain’s band of Western Hemispheric workers are to hold this image and to radiate balance and poise to all in the Eastern Hemisphere while they go through the planetary changes in the coming months; and beyond, once the [current] cycle is over and new energies are released. This will help counterbalance the upsetting cleansings and transmutations that all in the East are scheduled to undergo.
“The example was given of the transfer of Hong Kong to the Chinese at the end of June [1997]. Although one should not perceive this as a crisis or a catastrophic event, still it would entail a massive shifting of ‘tectonic plates’ in the thought atmosphere; that is, the collective grouping of thought patterns of billions of souls both on the physical and the astral planes. The shift will open up new opportunities for the Hierarchy to break down, to cleanse and to restructure age-old expressions of power and control. Given the still-active grip of ancestral worship in the East, as exhibited on lower astral planes over the third dimensional Earth, there will be reactions that cannot be entirely fathomed ahead of time. It is therefore essential that light workers hold steady, remain in the poise of the Buddha consciousness, and project balance to all in the Eastern Hemisphere.
“This is just one example, one focal point, whereby the light workers can work cooperatively, in full teamwork, with the Hierarchal Board for a smooth changeover from one vibrational frequency to the next. Note, also, the dual track of understanding this information. The East represents the esoteric, subconscious influences of the soul/astral levels. Thus, the coming changes will reverberate throughout the race record and will affect everyone on planet Earth, not just those in the East. Be forewarned, and hold the steady visualization of balanced transmutation throughout the summer months as we near the end of the [current] cycle.”
Gather Sananda’s Flock
In the same Pentecost meditation, Sananda channeled via Nada-Yolanda another urgent transmission to the 144,000 light workers*: “Go forth and multiply. Gather in the sheep. The harvest is being gleaned and we need a cooperative, coordinated effort by the 144,000. Even if they are not collected in a single, collective group, they know, they hear, they will obey this call. Dwell only on this for the remainder of the [current] cycle.
“If we can read the thought atmosphere which these shepherds create on the mountaintop — as a fog drifting across the plateau and descending into the valley below — we of the Hierarchal Board can determine what and how to release the next phase of our glorious plan; twenty-six thousand years in the planning, two thousand years in manifesting it for anyone who chooses to join us in the program. Woe be unto those who know but act not now. Tears and wails for those who blinded themselves from the I Am Self because of selfish needs and desires.
“The lust for life is the passion for Spirit, not the flesh. For all are being transmuted daily. Already these suffer and know not — want not to know — why, where, how or when.
“Be thee therefore about our Father-Mother’s business. My blessings pour out on all flesh wherever the souls have prepared and are ready for their I Am that I am. Sananda/Jesus of the Hierarchal Board for this solar system. Om. Om. Om.”
* The 144,000 elect, or so-called chosen ones, are the demonstrators and teachers of Christ powers in the Latter Days. The number is literal, in that at least that number must so demonstrate to achieve the spiritual goal of lifting man into the fourth dimension, and symbolic, in that it does not preclude any number of additional ones from being included.
Photos: (1) Transcendence (colorized) by Gerry-Sira Libonati, circa 1973, Mark-Age Archives. (2) Phillel, 2000, Mark-Age Archives. (3) Out There © by Hartmut Jager. (4) Earth, NASA Archives. (5) Angel (detail) © by Hartmut Jager. (6) Buddha, source unknown. (7) Sananda/Jesus, Mark-Age Archives.
The words don’t come easily, as I feel quite overwhelmed by it all. The waiting seems to have been forever, but in the light of all we have received and all that is yet to come, a profound gratitude and wonder fills my heart at the magnitude of God’s love for us, and the work and coordination of the Holy Ones in their tireless quest to bring us home.
The realization that hits me so deeply is the simple truth of being “about our Father’s business” as All is the Father-Mother and His will is the only one there is or should be. Our work is His, our very being is His, and with this realization comes the longing to be His absolutely and forever. Without Him we are nothing. To dwell in Him is to be all-in-all in the oneness of All that is and ever will be! I accept and receive; and I am eternally grateful and blessed, not for myself alone but for the entire human race! So be it. To God be the glory!