Channeled via Phillel on April 10, 2010
MARY: Take my hand and come sit with me a while. It is I, Mary, mother of Christ consciousness, come to soothe the wounds of the world. Through my example of the soul purified, I lead you into a new realm of light, wherein the purity of the soul holds vigil for the resurrection of the spirit.
It is a tale oft told, yet its understanding is veiled to the clouded mortal mind. Two thousand years ago, in that episode of the crucifixion and resurrection of my beloved son, way shower for all mankind, you have before you the image of my steadfast motherly love; a picturization of the perfectly balanced polarity, as your soul must express when you too face your crucifixion of mind and body and lesser frequencies of a soul personified.
In that day of yesteryear, when we removed the body of Jesus from the cross, I cradled him one last time in my arms, disconsolate and weeping as his mother and protector. Yea, though my heart was crushed to view the pierced and lifeless body of my son, yet from the purity of my soul training and knowledge, I held the vigil of hope in his ultimate resurrection of eternal spirit.
In spite of his many teachings and imparted insights, neither I nor the others knew in what way and in what timing that resurrection of spirit would be manifested. Surely on the last day! According to our traditions and parables, we knew by faith that the Eternal One, the Father of us all, would and shall resurrect the eternal spirit abiding within each of us as children of light.*
So in this vigil, held in prayer for three days, we strove to focus our minds and hearts not on the grief of crucifixion but on the promise of life in demonstrating the eternal spirit, Christ consciousness. That is where the purity of the soul must hold sway; and that was the example I held for the other disciples and followers, all who were as grief-stricken as I. We wept through lack of conscious understanding of our horrible personal loss. Yet, Spirit within beckoned our souls to higher enlightenment.
In those hours of misery, there remained the holy whisper that a higher purpose was at work. We did not know that specific purpose, clouded as it was by moments of panic, despair, and other terrors that tore at our hearts. Still, we focused our faith on God, knowing that He gives His children only the pure love of His fathomless bosom, and seeks always to soothe, to comfort, to bring enlightenment, especially in moments of the soul’s darkness and despair.
We held our prayerful vigil, not knowing that the glory would soon be manifested amongst us in the full form of light.
And that is what I impart to you, my beloved children of light. Maintain your vigil of faith, that the spirit may be resurrected within you at the hour that can only be appointed by Father-Mother God.
I will finish my tale, for crucifixion is always only one side of the coin, one aspect of the initiation for eternal resurrection. You must never lose sight of this.
We who were with Jesus did not lose sight of this, even though we understood it not; only by faith did we perceive the eternal life of our spirit form. That is, until the third day, the third step in time, did arrive, surely as the sun arose on what you now designate as Easter morn.
So the son of I Am consciousness, the pattern setter whom I still herald as Sananda/Jesus, the anointed one of Israel, arose to announce the materialization of his victory over death and crucifixion. When the women and the brothers returned from the empty tomb, relating their incredible news, we were whirled into a state of mystified astonishment! How could this be? We could hardly contain ourselves with a mixture of joy, shock, confusion; even, to some, unbelief. Thunderstruck, we sought to understand.
But the proof came soon enough, through the appearances of materialized Jesus in our midst. Only then could the truth sink in to our struggling mortal minds. Only then could we see the pattern of Christ demonstration in its full glory.
Slowly, day by day, we put the pieces together in our understanding, later searching in earlier scriptures for the prophecies now revealed. Jesus, through his materializations and his discussions, helped us to see clearly; or as clearly as we then could grasp, for it took us years to unlock further mysteries of what had occurred in those ensuing forty days of demonstration.
In the fullness of that time, he then ascended, translated his form into the higher etheric frequencies, beyond our physical sight.
Beloved children of Earth, again I say: resurrection is the other side of the coin. But only as you hold to the purity of your soul, may the doorway into this glorified light be opened to you. I, Mary, hold this example of soul purity, feminine balance of love consciousness, for you even unto this very day. I implore you to take my hand, therefore, and sit with me in vigil, knowing that the resurrection of your spirit will soon be upon you who remain faithful to the light and the promise of the Holy One, the eternal Father-Mother God.
Come, sit with me a while, and I will soothe your troubled heart, will calm the errant fears of your mind, and will bring a balm to your stricken mortal frame. As you rise to this occasion, take heart in the example I hold before you. For I hold my prayer vigil for you, individually and collectively, that you too may rise into the light at the Father’s appointed hour.
Turn your sorrow into joy, and weep no more. Mary, a loving force for the soul of man, brings you a herald of peace in these troubled times. Reach up and take my hand, for I am with you for all time, as mother to child. Amen. Amen. Amen.
DR. HANNIBAL: Remember well what was previously relayed: “Through the whirlwinds you must now transcend.”** All in these higher realms of light are on standby for your further resurrection into the light. We assist where you allow us, therefore be receptive to the call of Spirit within. Arise! A new awakening is upon you! Hannibal, over and out.
* “For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.” — John 6:40
** See communication of Hannibal-Summalt on March 3, 2010. (Click here.)
Photos: (1) Pieta by Michelangelo. (2) Mary the Mother (origin unknown).
Dear Phillel, what a blessing this channel ought to be for you and all. This beautiful message from Mary has powerful underlying meanings. We should not ignore it. Take it very seriously. God has sent us a loving force, a strong motherly image and message to ease the pain of these trying times. Who better than the “mother” to ease the pain of the “children”?
Let us reach up and take her hand, becoming one with Spirit and giving thanks for this channeling of love, faith, compassion, assurance, comfort and awakening — once more. Share it with all, especially those around us and the world that are so badly afflicted with pain and despair. Let us strengthen our faith through prayers and meditation. Let us dwell as much as we can in this and all the messages, the guidance and orders received in light and love from the higher realms, now through Phillel. Let us allow, and be receptive to, all the assistance that is available to us. We are grateful in light and love, and hold vigil for the resurrection of the spirit.
From your lips to Mary’s heart! Your loving response to her message is just what she and the other ascended masters are attempting to evoke from the light workers at this very moment. Thank you, Lynnette, for helping to pave the way for others with your demonstration of love, light and acceptance. All glory goes to God, and we all are merely instruments of the Divine. May each one on Earth heed Mary’s call to hold vigil for the resurrection of the spirit. God bless you!
Wonderful message! As I read it, a new sense of clarity came over me, seeing more clearly who Mary is, seeing more clearly and with awe who Sananda/Jesus is and the power of his demonstration; and seeing more clearly who I Am; and knowing intuitively that it’s all intertwined. All is One. Thank Thee, Spirit!
Thank you for your interactive participation, brother Jonathan! I’m still integrating the impact of Mary’s overshadowing and message on my whole system. Even now, when I reread the communication, it brings tears to my eyes. Yesterday, as soon as the delivery was finished, I thought my heart chakra was going to cave in… I am vibrationally transformed, praise the Lord!
Thank you very much, Phillel, for sharing this message. It will inspire me to dig deeper in my light work despite life’s daily travails and distractions! It is easy for me (and I am sure I’m not alone!) to get sidetracked by the mortal world, but channelings such as this really ram home the importance of why we are here, the sacrifices that have been made before us, and the help that is available to us if we only ask.
Mary’s message is such a loving and poignant reminder for us all to keep our spiritual priorities straight. If we each reset our focus on the resurrection of our spirit within, and hold this for all humanity in the fullness of our heart, then together we can anchor more readily the new heaven on the new Earth. May it be so! Thank you for doing your part as one of Sananda’s light brigade. Truly, we are one/won in the Second Coming program.
Through dearest Mother Mary’s message we come to know exactly what her beloved son Sananda’s death and resurrection are all about. Also, as mothers ourselves, we can deeply identify with her pain and sorrow, which are ours also.
This Easter seemed to be a most special time for me and, I am sure, for all light workers. It was as if having been there we are assured that in the midst of the suffering and pain and agony, we know that our Redeemer is here. Our dearest Mother is by our side, and all sons and daughters of God are filled to overflowing with His light and love. And all will be well! All is well! So be it.