Have Spaceship, Will Travel
Through the translation or transformation of vibrational frequency, which is energy or spiritual matter in motion, our fellow beings of this solar system freely exchange with one another, planet to planet, plane to plane, person to person.
In Part 1, we translated our vibrational frequency of mind, body and soul to synchronize ourselves and the masses for contact with visitors from other planets. Now let us travel in thought to other realms in our solar system, to understand how our space brothers and sisters also must translate their vibrational frequency in order to travel interplanetarily. Learning from the example of those who already enjoy full exchange in the Federation of Planets, we will prepare ourselves and all on Earth to interact more openly with them.
We begin our journey by acknowledging that all life forms in our solar system, no matter on what plane, planet or dimension they manifest, are made up of energy in motion, Spirit in motion. Each form vibrates at a particular frequency rate. As Glo-Ria channeled via Nada-Yolanda on August 13, 1963, “Everything is a matter of vibrational frequency in Spirit, and you have degrees and levels of vibrational matter. But what is vibration? Nothing else than energy in motion. It is energy, then, that we are and that all materialized form becomes.”
There are twelve planets in our solar system, three of which remain undetected by our physical instrumentation. Life is different on each planet. Each planet, each plane, each dimension has been formed as a specific schoolroom by which we, as sons of God, may learn various lessons and evolve the many talents of cosmic consciousness.
Mankind in each area has evolved body forms that are most suitable to that respective multidimensional planetary environment. Where the frequency vibration is of a compatible or comparable level to that of Earth — on Venus, for instance — the body forms are similar. Though other forms are different from ours, many in our solar system have the ability to transform or to transmute their energy vibration into the similar form that is recognizable on Earth. Also, space beings from outside our solar system who have vibratory rates similar to ours are permitted to visit when they have developed scientifically, emotionally and spiritually enough to exchange with us.
No planet is a duplication of another planet. Each has different levels of expression. Each manifests a different physical vibration and a different astral force field. Life on physical planes of other planets in our solar system, for example, exists in higher dimensional frequencies than our third dimension. That is why we cannot detect physical life on the other planets with our physical instruments or space probes.
The etheric or Christ realms are shared equally by all planets in this solar system, and thus are not vibrationally singular to each planet. Since every planet is a frequency vibration that is made up from etheric substance, which is the divine matter, one may travel in the etheric form unimpeded from planet to planet. Etheric form is the highest form we can come into in this solar system.
Interplanetary Travel
On January 7, 1961, John Mark channeled: “You can travel back and forth in the etheric easily from one [planetary] force field to another. But in the physical — all of which are a different level of manifestation: different expressions, different shortcomings, different advantages to each of those physical expressions — they are not connected. If you are a physical being from Uranus, you cannot pick up and go and live on Saturn in that particular body vehicle.
“The astral planes are cut off in the same way. You cannot be an astral on Uranus and suddenly decide you want to experience an astral Earth expression. You would not be able to maintain the vibration in the vehicle in which you are living.”
Because of the differences in frequency vibration, physical or astral travel amongst the various planes and planets in our solar system requires a translation or transformation of body form and substance into a form sustainable in the particular environment one is visiting. But there are limits inherent to such materialization.
On Earth, for example, we cannot travel as yet in our physical body to other planets, for we have not achieved the physical transmutation that would enable us to raise our body into other dimensions. Yes, we have gone to our moon, which has stretched our physical form to new vibrational limits; but that orb is closely connected with the auric field of Earth. By the same token, any physical traveling we may do in extraterrestrial spaceships must be within the atmospheric confines of our planet.
Astrally, we can travel to other planets, as many have in dreams or meditations. But due to transmutations required of our astral body, we must be accompanied by a higher guardian. Of course, in our etheric or light body, we can travel easily and freely throughout our solar system.
Those on other planets, on the other hand, have an evolved understanding of using divine energy, and so enjoy interplanetary exchange to a high degree, including traveling astrally and physically to Earth, which requires a greater stepping-down of their vibration in order to manifest. Additional information on interplanetary travel was channeled by Glo-Ria on August 13 and 14, 1963:
“On other planets you do have forms that have learned how to manipulate etheric substance to the extent where they can materialize or dematerialize to the physical sense, where they can retransform or remanipulate that etheric substance into another substance. It is a marvelous method, and . . . not all on all of these planets have acquired this tremendous thought. But it is being learned on every other planet except the Earth planet, consciously and openly, and it is with great hope that the masters of the Hierarchal Board for this solar system see it happening soon on the Earth, within the next forty to fifty years. . . .
“On these other planets of our solar system, our sisters and brothers have developed a unique sense of responsibility and awareness of one another. In their consciousness is already established the juxtaposition of harmony between all levels of creation.
“In some cases, on planets such as Venus, Mars and Neptune, it is possible for the highest developed souls in physical embodiment to transform their outer shells into shells or body vehicles for manifestation everywhere in the solar system, regardless of plane or planet. But degrees are absolutely essential in keeping harmony within their frequency vibration. They must not stay a length of time that would burn up what form they have proceeded to stake out. It is different in every case.”
Glo-Ria gave the example of a contact from Mars, who could remain in the Earth’s atmosphere for several days, but no longer, without damaging the frequency vibrational level. “Vehicles that are used,” she said, “or the matter that is manifested into formulized means of transportation or body parts would be sufficiently intact for some time, until outer pressures of your atmosphere on Earth, including levels of air pressure, including ordinary combinations of balance of parts of the air itself, and including all relationships of the elements by which you are able to remain intact, bear in on the force field around the projected manifested form of space contact. It becomes a necessary factor, therefore, to limit the strain.”
Concerning a contact from Venus, whose vibrational frequency is the most compatible with ours in this solar system, Glo-Ria said, “That form can transform itself through time and space, using energy frequency at a different level; bring about a retransformation or a remanipulation, materialization as you would call it, on the Earth planet; and remain for an indefinite stay.”
Manifestations on Earth
Both physical and etheric space visitors are appearing on Earth. The difference in their materializations is mainly in the time allowed for their projected forms to manifest on our physical dimension. A physical space being, especially one whose vibration is closer to ours, may appear for perhaps hours or a few days. The limitation is greater for an etheric being, who may stay for minutes; or, to the utmost, perhaps several hours, in a few cases.
As we on Earth anchor our fourth dimensional light body and are able to manifest it for longer periods, perhaps for days, we also will be able to sustain etheric materializations of the space visitors for longer periods of time.
Of course, the Earth plane is capable of supporting the light-body vibration, for Christ Jesus himself established the pattern for all on Earth when he sustained his resurrected form here for forty days, prior to his ascension.
Here is another criterion for distinguishing between physical and etheric visitors: Physical beings from other planets must wear space suits in order to adjust to our atmosphere, although their apparatus is more sophisticated and not as clumsy as what our own astronauts wear. Contactees who have had encounters with space brothers in their natural forms in reality have seen what had been materialized from the etheric.
Regarding the time element for materialization, there is another concern. Manifestation of spacecraft and beings from other dimensions has a transmutative effect on our third dimensional frequency. For visitors from other planets are here to help raise our consciousness and vibration into the fourth dimension, in preparation for the Second Coming of our planetary prince, Sananda/Jesus.
Through their darts into our atmosphere and their carefully controlled landings, they inject higher energies into our planet. Therefore, due to the nature of energy radiation peculiar to their manifested forms, they cannot remain materialized for long periods of time, for our own good. As Dr. Hannibal channeled on January 3, 1969, “We cannot allow you to have much contact with our solidified form until you have been raised sufficiently to satisfy your concepts and your own body forms without destroying them or damaging them to a degree that would be irreparable. . . . We will not do this until you are ready to be able to indulge in the higher rates of frequency that we shall bring with us by the nature of our being.”
In our meditations, let us prepare ourselves for free and open exchange with our space visitors from other planets. As they translate their frequencies to appear amongst us, we translate ours to receive them in spiritual consciousness, which is love in action.
Adapted from Mark-Age Meditations (now I Am Network of Light) tape #444B, for the week of 5/28/89, by Phillel.
Photos: (1) Alien UFOs Yellow © by Hartmut Jager. (2) In Saturn’s Shadow (color-exaggerated view), 2006, NASA Cassini-Huygens Collection. (3) Solar System Montage, NASA. (4) AngelWing © by Hartmut Jager.
Note: To read more about contacting life in our solar system, see our textbooks Visitors From Other Planets and Life in Our Solar System, channeled by Nada-Yolanda.
This article, which explains the connection between the various planes as well as interplanetary travel, is proof positive of how advanced the Mark-Age literature was back in the 60s and 70s. Now science is backing up the idea of our multidimensional universe. Much is coming to the forefront that was predicted close to a half a century ago by Nada and others associated with her.
Thank you, Motah/Phillel! I read and shared a link to this today in our PRIDE OF OLYMPUS Facebook group. I will be re-reading Life in Our Solar System and Visitors From Other Planets next! Motah Chronicles is an awesome online resource for cosmic individuals!