Channeled via Nada-Yolanda
MY DEARLY LOVED DISCIPLES and friends through eternity, this is Mary, the mother of Christ consciousness on Earth, speaking on behalf of the Second Coming of the Lord of this World, he who is Sananda and who was my son known previously as Jesus, the Christ child. You have been a long way in coming and I have come a long way with you in these many eras until these, the Latter Days . . . , when you have been brought to the point of absolute purification of soul self and Christ consciousness.
Should it seem strange that we speak of the cleansing of Christ consciousness, let me remind you that until the very last moment the son of God who was Jesus, and is only one son, as you are, had been helped, reminded and torn by these same doubts and needs when he too had to bring about the final demonstration and culmination of his entire soul mission, nearly two thousand years ago, upon the Earth. That we who knew him then, worked with him then, stood by him then, even ourselves doubted and wondered why he had to be taken through that is proof enough unto you that such is required of you, and shall be many times, before the end of this time cycle.
You have much to consider in this parable, as his life was a parable and because you must use it as an example and a blueprint of your own purification symptoms and completion. But let me remind you that there are many coworkers there upon the Earth and with me in other planes and planets who shall support and carry you through these trials and temptations. As it was for him, so it shall be now for you. . . .
In his life, his mission as Jesus was to bring about the final demonstration, clearly and forthrightly that which all men must do on a third dimensional sphere to bring about a fourth dimensional consciousness and example. It was to bring about this refined blueprint that took many lives, and many of you in other lives, to fulfill.
Your mission as a group consciousness, a race awakened, is not only to bring about your own fulfillment of third dimensional consciousness into fourth dimensional understanding and expression but to bring about the planet’s proper evolution and its relationship now into the Federation of other planets in this solar system.
You are required to use the blueprint set forth by him who is Sananda, but who lived many lives in order to fulfill that mission as Prince of this planet. Yours is, as the chorus in that orchestra, to bring it about consciously, simultaneously and in unison. While he is the solo part and the primary factor and instrument in God’s plan for Earth, you are the backup team, the orchestration that shall repeat the theme and bring it to its beautiful and wonderful climax that God has decreed and seen fit for this place and this time and this solar logos. . . .
Therefore, be aware that each one of us plays an important part and an important role in this cleansing and purification. Those of us who remain on the etheric and celestial realms, and a few of us who are evolved into mastership that are incarnated in and around the astral planes to complete this mission, are no less, nor are they any more, than those of us, or those of you, who shall be and shall remain upon the Earth planet in these trying trials and tribulation days of final completion. Be thus assured that we consider ourselves one with you in the Earth and that you are one with us in the etheric and in the astral, as well as the celestial, planes of existence. . . .
Many upon the planet are in this program but are not in this consciousness awakened yet. It is up to us, on the etheric and celestial, to do everything we can to promote and to produce this evaluation unto them and to bring about their acceptance of our communication and contact work.
But the majority of this responsibility falls upon the shoulders of those who remain upon the Earth planet in physical embodiment to teach, to demonstrate and to project themselves consciously here and there, everywhere, upon the planet that they may speak to the Christ consciousness of those who are incarnated and awaken them in the Christ consciousness to the program plan. . . .
Know Them by Their Fruits
You will know those who work in the light by the works that they produce and by the words that they speak and by the actions that they perform. So, you need not be in the dark, nor need you worry that you have not evaluated or discerned properly. Though there may be many false prophets upon the Earth in these Latter Days, there is always the tried and the true test of encouragement and discernment; which is that produced by the works, the words, the actions and the very thoughts that are revealed in the most subtle ways.
This is your requirement, of course: to learn to discern even the most subtle words, the most subtle thoughts; to read and to know the innermost workings of those who are striving for Christ consciousness, who believe in the spiritual life and who desire the return of the proper Prince and spiritual ruler of this Earth planet. . . .
Many of you were with us in those days of the time when Jesus walked his last years upon the Earth planet in that particular form and frequency. Many of us are on the etheric and continue to fulfill that same demonstration and part in the role he has been assigned and has accepted. Many others are now upon the Earth and remember this . . . and see it occurring in the demonstrations of their lives today. . . .
Not one is escaping from this, nor can he until the final days are over. All men have been alerted, through prophecy and prayer and revelation and scripture, that the time would come when complete purification and cleansing had to take place upon the Earth in order to unify all forms of life upon it; and that all men should join together in this effort eventually. . . . The cleansing and the purification of the mind and the heart, the soul of mankind, must be terminated by the end of [these Latter Days].
It is not before you to eliminate this important progressive step, any more than it was possible for Jesus in that life to eliminate it from his experience, though he knew and was awakened to all things. So I had to be required to do it with him in my own way and in my own capacity and after his ascension before it was possible for me to make mine. You are required not only to do it for your own ascension here upon the planet in these Latter Days but to do it and to bring the entire Earth planet into an ascended consciousness within the orbit of solar system progression and federation. This must be done by one and all, by men everywhere upon the planet in one unified, orchestrated concert. . . .
For until that approach has been reached and desired in the minds of men, the hearts of men cannot be opened. For it is definitely the mind that accepts and the heart that produces it. You have been told that the mind represents the male aspect within you and the heart represents the female aspect within you, or positive and negative polarities. Therefore, let the positive polarity, which is the Father in you, bring forth the seed of this idea and let it be nourished by the negative polarity, or the Mother-heart self, and come forth into manifestation. Let burst forth the son of man. Let God be born on Earth as a whole unit: mankind Christed and brought forth in these Latter Days as a worthy Son of God, the body of Christ.
This body of Christ, mankind, . . . must manifest a fourth dimensional evolutionary process. Until now the entire body of mankind, when incarnating upon the Earth plane, came in third dimensional frequency and brought forth and expressed this five-sensual independence from the spiritual concept and body, which is the light body or fourth dimensional, etheric body. This fourth dimensional or light body never has left the third dimension, any more than Jesus as Sananda has left the Earth planet. But he appears and he works only in his light body and thus is not seen by the five-sensual concept or mankind in the third dimensional sphere. He can be intuned only by those who have the clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentient feelings and aspects or talents opened by using their own light bodies.
Thus, we must bring mankind from this five-sensual, three-dimensional body into a fourth dimensional sphere; meaning full well that he must utilize consciously, constantly, in the new era and time of which we speak, that which is of a higher demonstration; just as Jesus did. . . .
First let your minds accept what is being given here, and has been given all along, and then let your hearts dwell upon it willingly, happily, joyfully, that it may be brought through. . . . Therefore, you who have within the wombs of your consciousnesses this beautiful Self, this higher Self, this spiritual Self, must be in joy while the heart is rejoicing and magnifying the Lord consciousness, to bring it forth out of the secrecy and the darkness of the inner Self that it may be made manifest on the outer. Thus the Christ Self is born for you individually and the race as a whole. . . .
Christ Judgment
This mission was begun eons ago, when we all came out of the womb of the Mother Creator and we all were as one Son of God. That we separated in the family relationship, going here and there, some developing more than others, some procuring new ideas and advancements while others fell behind or lagged behind in the sensual aspect of the production, is not to be of concern and gone over and reviewed.
However, it is in the cleansing stage when all of this, in certain aspect, has to be reviewed. . . . The facts must go through the consciousness of mankind in order for him to separate that which is good and that which is error. As each man, and as the race as a whole, reviews these various acts and experiences from the beginning unto the present time, he must learn to judge each act; for this is the Christ judgment. Man must raise himself up into his Christ being and say: “This is of good and this is of error; this I will promote, and this I will eliminate and return unto the void from which it came.” This must be done by each soul in the evolutionary process, and especially in these Latter Days.
As a matter of fact, there is none too highly evolved who does not go through this process daily in his own place and in his own time and according to his own particular development. Though you may think of perfection in the terms of certain masters and other highly evolved evolutionary creatures and planners of this, we and those who are beyond us still must do this in consciousness at every moment. For we constantly are presented with choices.
The free will of man and the free will given to us by the Creator and given to all His creations must have this as a predominant and as an everlasting part of his Self. You have this on Earth and you have this regarding Earth plane matters, past, present and future. We have it regarding our participation in other spheres, planes and planets. But together we are doing the same work. Together we are examining, as does the housewife each day when she examines the food and the housework, as to desire what remains and what is to be removed or dissolved. . . .
Cleanse Yourselves & the Earth
Always debris is accumulated, wherever you are. Even in celestial and etheric realms are we touched by the thoughts and the activities of those who are there only to learn of those places and systems. Do you think that the celestial and etheric realms are all just peace and harmony, without the excitement and the extrication of learning and of development? This would be static. This would be denial of truth, as we know it, and of the law in action, which are God’s methods of development and of evolutionary process. No matter where you are in the higher spheres you are confronted by elements and by entities who are introduced in order to be elevated, in order to be educated.
Let me put it in a very simple Earth plane term by saying that you have amongst your schoolchildren places of a very high achievement that you introduce them to in order that they be excited or stimulated by the future possibilities of that growth. You take them into museums and into places of worship and into places of execution, or of government, where they may see the workings of these higher methods and of these higher plans that they may understand them. But as each soul walks through or participates in any place or touches any other soul, he leaves something of himself there; just as a bee touching a flower is carrying pollen from one to another. It attaches itself. He leaves a vibration of his own upon the flower he wishes to impregnate, and he takes with him something of the flower to the next place upon which he alights.
So it is with every soul who visits or passes through an area. So it is with every soul who comes into contact with you mentally, physically or emotionally. You impart to him something of yourself, higher or lower, depending on your level of development and your evolution; and you receive from him something of his evolvement, development and inner Self; and his problems, perhaps, if such be the case.
Therefore, what is required of each soul at the end of each experience but a reform, a rebalancing, a realignment; or what we call cleansing and purification, judgment, discernment and discrimination. How else can we put it, how more simply can we state it? It is required of those who are heavenly angels when they teach and come into contact with the most lowly of the astral forces whom they wish to raise. When they descend on that level or when they take an astral being into the celestial to give him an idea of what is to come and for what he can strive and to what points he eventually can achieve in his level and evolutionary growth, this same inevitable and immutable spiritual process becomes necessary and is brought into effect.
If the angels themselves examine themselves, if the celestial realms are cleansed and swept momentarily upon contact, should not you do the same in your sphere, where you are surrounded by the debris and the thought projections, the errors and the pollution of your climate and area of existence? We require it of ourselves; you must require it of yourselves. . . . You are incarnated upon the Earth to bring it about. Jesus demonstrated this by showing you how it is to be done. Other masters have done the same, not only he. But his example is simple and clean and clear-cut and should be the best for you to follow, especially in these Latter Days when all shall be shortened. . . .
Your confusions of Earth shall multiply, not diminish. Though you may say, “I am of the Christ consciousness and I see nothing but the light, and I will accept nothing but right thinking, right acting and right action,” you will be surrounded constantly by those who emit it, who produce it, who broadcast it. What will you do about that? You are incarnated to do something about it. You are placed in the Earth to cleanse the Earth. You are placed in the Earth to cleanse yourselves. You are prepared before this time to cleanse mankind of all his Earth debris, of all his third-dimensional-thinking error concepts, and thus bring about his crucifixion, resurrection and ascension.
That the man on Earth and that the planet simultaneously shall experience this is to the glory of God and the beauty of His plan and the highest of His motives. You cannot understand, nor appreciate, the exquisite and triumphant product of this original seed and program; not until you have achieved Christ consciousness fully and can see the entire plan unfold in your consciousness by being one with all men, by being one with the planet itself and by seeing the planet as one with all other planets in the solar system, and the solar system itself eager and happy, harmonious and balanced within its own level of development and expression. . . .
Mankind and the planet are a third dimensional sphere, material matter in evolution; and you have been eternally of a fourth dimensional consciousness, for the Christ Self is ever present and never can be separated from whatever level of incarnation or whatever expression is externalized anywhere, anyplace, anytime. That this third dimensional sphere and material matter must now be transmuted is the point and the purpose of these Latter Days. . . .
The ascension of the planet is to take place with the ascension of mankind. This is brought about by the Second Coming or the return of him who ascended from it after demonstrating and setting down the blueprint or pattern for all who would go through the same step and procedure. Do you therefore see the intertwining and the interrelationship of all things that occur through time immemorial? . . .
You may not take the history of one race, of one religion, of one nation and separate it from the history of all other nations, religions and civilizations. It is not possible. Nor can you separate the history of this planet from the history of this solar system. . . . The history of this solar system is but a mystery and an unknown quantity to the average person and to the majority of those who are upon the planet; though it will be brought forth by those who come from other spheres, other places, other dimensions and other planets, in due time during the Latter Days. . . . This is essential to your understanding and evolution. For you must see your interrelationship with the other planets in the solar system and your interrelationship and intertwining of dimensions with those who evolve and who have incarnation and expression through other spheres and planes of action.
Thus, we come to the close of that which is so essential to mankind in his evolving consciousness. That which shall make him ascend with the planet shall bring about the descent of him who already has ascended. . . . For as one part of God ascends, another part of God descends, so that the two merge and become one. . . .
I have heralded this consciousness on more than one occasion. And I come to you as Mary, the mother of Jesus the Christ, for this very reason. I have heralded these Latter Days . . . in many guises and disguises throughout eternity, but especially in the last two thousand years upon the Earth. . . .
Let me then bless and secure you in these roles and in these missions. . . . Be one with me, as I am one with you and all upon the Earth; as I remain one with my son who was Jesus, but is now Sananda of the Hierarchal Board and will incarnate in a fourth dimensional frequency body in ways unknown to you at present. . . .
Be children unto God and of the light; for this is your mission, as it is mine. In this we are equal and as one. . . . As above, so below. As you ascend, may we descend and meet you at that point of birth.
— Mary; August 31, 1966
Photos: (1) Immaculate Heart of Mary, artist unknown. (2) Master Jesus, artist unknown. (3) Actual photo of apparition of Mary atop St. Mary’s Church; Zeitun, Egypt, 1968. (4) Another actual photo of apparition of Mary atop St. Mary’s Church; Zeitun, Egypt, 1968. (5) Jesus of Nazareth; AI-generated image extrapolated from Shroud of Turin. (6) Planet Earth © 1987 by John Wisely; courtesy of WorldCard. (7) Mary of the Cosmos; image of Mary © by Hartmut Jager; collage by Phillel, with NASA image of spiral galaxy M74.
Thank you very much for you latest Motah Chronicles. Indeed, what is required of each soul at the end of each experience but a reform, a rebalancing, a realignment — especially now with the brutal war in Gaza and in Lebanon still raging!
What a powerful, wonderful message! I am filled with hope and joy anew!