Editor’s note: Scroll down to the end of this article and listen to the podcast of my original audio recording — broadcast in 1981, when I was thirty years old. Through the power of the sound vibration, tune in to my timeless high Self enthusiasm to bring forth good!
FELLOW BROADCASTERS, GOOD DAY! Let us do something we have done oftentimes in our meditation network; that is, discuss a code phrase we all can use in contemplating and meditating on our roles and missions as light workers. Codes may act as symbolic keys that trigger a whole series of thoughts and experiences; and, if simple enough, they can be quick and easy reminders of important spiritual truths.
Some of you may remember other code phrases we have used on our network in the past, especially those inspired so masterfully through El Morya/Mark. These include such ones as: “Yes and No”; “Cancel It”; “So Be It”; and “Hail to the Christ in Me.”*
This week let our code be: Bring forth good. In all things that we think, in all things that we feel, in all things that we do, let us bring forth good; good for our planet, good for our fellowman and good for ourselves. For the good that we do bring forth is not just for ourselves, does not affect just ourselves, but is for the good of all creations on all planes, planets and dimensions. For we are united as one through the goodness that pours out upon us from our Christ Selves.
First, let us realize more fully what is good. Good is God. All that Spirit is, is good. All attributes of the Godhead are good. All powers and manifestations of Creative Energy, or God, are good. This Goodness emanates eternally from our Father-Mother Creator. In this all-pervading Good, we are created; and we manifest these divine attributes and innate powers through our I Am Self, for we are created in the image and the likeness of Spirit. We are spirit, and this spirit is good. Only good can be created by Spirit.
So, let us bring forth the good that is the spirit within us. Let us bring forth good, because it is our true nature as sons of God.
What is good? All sublime expressions of love, peace, harmony, justice, healing, truth and wisdom are good. All cosmic laws and principles are good, and only work for the highest good, the most beneficial growth, the greatest balance of all creations. These are the things that are good. As light workers, we are aware of them. We are trying to bring them forth into all aspects of our life and being on Earth. Bringing forth good, in essence, is the sole purpose of our soul mission here and now, and it always has been.
Let us be more systematic in bringing forth good. In our meditations, let us visualize any area of our life or expression that is in need of good. Scope in on it, hold it in your thought, and then image your high Self bringing forth good into that area of your life.
You may wish to visualize this good as being the white light of your Christ Self, infusing your entire being. Whatever the problem or the imbalance may be, mentally breathe in, through your crown chakra, the good, or the white light, of your Christ Self. Open up to the outpouring of good that comes from your I Am Self. As you bring forth good, as you breathe in the good that is God, you will be healed, you will be enlightened, and you will be raised up to a new level of expressing your real nature as a Christ being.
Another system we can employ in our meditations is to bring forth good from each of the Seven Rays of Life into our consciousness. Think of each ray of life, and then breathe in the good that is inherent in that aspect.
For example, the First Ray is the ray of will, power and the sword of truth. Bring forth the good that is the First Ray. Bring forth divine will, power and the sword of truth into your life. These attributes of Spirit, inherent also in your I Am Self, can only bring forth good in your life. Called forth properly and with the right motivation, your consciousness will be infused with the good effects of Spirit’s will, power and truth. These aspects will permeate your entire being, ultimately bringing forth good not only in yourself but also in all others whom you touch.
Bring forth good from each ray of life. Bring forth the wisdom and understanding of the Second Ray, the unity and synthesis of the Fifth Ray, the divine love and peace of the Seventh Ray, and so forth. All of these aspects — which represent the totality of good which emanates from Spirit through our I Am Self — are ours to call upon, to bring forth. By calling forth good into our lives, we will begin to see good fruits manifest.
Make Positive Choices
Fellow light workers, we cannot overemphasize the crucial importance of bringing forth good now into our lives. Every moment of our life we are confronted with choices of what to bring forth in our life and how to bring it forth. We must be discerning and keep our eye single to the goal of bringing forth the good that is our I Am Self. Let us breathe in the good of God. Only in this way will we be able to effect positive changes for good on this planet.
Let us be even more specific. How can we align ourselves with that which is good for our spiritual development, and thus bring forth good in our lives in a systematic and practical way? We are faced every day with multitudinous choices to make in our lives in order to bring forth good. Some of our choices do bring forth good. Some of our choices result in bringing forth less than good; and we all pray that we will learn quickly from our mistakes. However we choose, we constantly are confronted with the challenge to bring forth good.
On January 22, 1971, Nada channeled through Yolanda the importance of aligning ourselves with all that is positive and constructive to our growth, in order that we may fulfill our roles and missions as light workers and may assist in the light-body anchoring process. Here are excerpts from that communication:
“As you breathe in the air or atmosphere of those living forms and species around you, you are participating in their thought patterns and evolutionary progresses also. So, your breathing-in and breathing-out processes have an exchange in themselves.
“But this is also true of that which you eat and that with which you exchange in social activities and in mental activities. Whatever you participate in is of a vibratory frequency that has to be recorded in the soul development. . . . Therefore, if you eat or think or socialize with elements disharmonious to your own progress as a spiritual individual in a physical form, you will have certain additional unpleasantnesses that cannot be incorporated or aligned properly with the ongoing [light-body anchoring] process. . . .
“In a specific example, let us say you visualize or view certain matters in life that are of a lesser nature than that which you are trying to attain. It could be a movie or a book or a neighborhood condition, that we are speaking of here. You are viewing it, looking at it, thinking about it and incorporating it into your soul, subconscious memory pattern. For you cannot avoid taking into your consciousness anything you experience, think about and participate in.
“As this occurs you are setting up certain reactions within the body structure that are either helpful or harmful to your new changes that are taking place as you transform from a mortal being into an immortal being on the plane of action where you are.
“Naturally, you always are an immortal being, for you are of Spirit. But we are talking here about your transforming from mortal frequency or material frequency of an Earth being into a light-body frequency or immortal being upon the plane of action where you are operating.
“This taking in of additional substance that is not to your advantage hinders or thwarts the growth process. . . . In other words, as you have a new setting . . . in your body frequency pattern, the new experience which you allow yourself to participate in either slows down or speeds up the process of alignment and purification. . . .
“We do not wish to dwell too long and too explicitly on these various aspects, as this in a sense would infringe upon your free will, and it in a sense also would slow down your progress. For you are ingesting these words and participating in these concepts just as much as you are participating in some of the lesser ones.
“If you can see the value and the truth that are behind what is stated here, then you will chew upon and will digest these words and thoughts much more frequently than you will the lesser ones. That in itself will speed up your entire progress and the process of alignment of the light body with the physical frequency form.”
Broadcasters, this week and for all time, let us bring forth good in all areas of our being. Let us be discerning, so that whatever we participate in, whether through thought, relationship or physical activity, will be for our highest good and will bring forth good in our lives and in the lives of our fellowmen. In all thoughts, in all activities, in all feelings, let us bring forth the good that is God. Let us realize that in bringing forth the spirit within us, we will fulfill our purpose as light workers; and, with the highest and purest intentions of love and light, we will enfold the Earth in goodness.
* Two of these classic meditation broadcasts, “Cancel It” and “So Be It,” have been reprinted in I Am Nation News #120, for September-October 2018. (Single issue is $5.) The original sound recordings, plus two others, also are available on a CD, Using Your Master Mind. (One-hour CD is $10.) For details on how to order, e-mail your inquiry to: [email protected]
Revised from Mark-Age Meditations audio broadcast #249B, released in December 1981.
LISTEN TO PODCAST: Click on the “Play” button below to listen to the original recording of “Bring Forth Good” by Phillel.
Photos: (1) Phillel, 2007, Mark-Age Archives. (2) Mind’s Eye of Phillel, collage and original artwork © by Hartmut Jager.