FREEDOM IS THE THEME OF OUR BROADCAST. Let us work on inspiration coming from my high Self; giving my high Self the freedom to express those things which seem to my high Self to be important for broadcasting this now. Then may it trigger off within your own consciousness the thoughts your I Am Self would have the freedom to inspire in you for amplification and for further expansion of this theme of freedom for each and every person on Earth. If you will spend a little time thinking upon the thought of freedom for everyone, you can see there is a tremendous amount to it.
Express Spiritual Freedom
We are interested, in the spiritual sense, in freedom for all persons on Earth to expand, to express, to develop, to unfold, to utilize their spiritual heritage and to express the Christ Self within each and every one. Therefore, we are interested in the secular governments of the world that will give people this opportunity to develop spiritually.
Unfortunately, there are not many, if indeed there are any, governments which are concerned primarily with giving people the opportunity to express spiritually. Rather, they are concerned with telling people what they may or may not do in a material sense, in a moral sense; and, above and encompassing all, in a legal sense. Far too often, seemingly almost all of the time, in man’s history upon Earth, at least in our recorded history, has there been a policy of what a few people think other people should do to adhere to the thoughts, the ideas, the goals, the private interests of those few people in power.
It has not been predominantly by any means yet, but it will be, the theme for government leaders to be concerned with the spiritual freedom of the people involved. Nevertheless, in our light work for the Second Coming we must begin to work where we are. Therefore, we broadcast the theme, for those who lead the governments of the world, that those in materialistic power give heed and credence to the spiritual expression of the individual person.
It is a theme of government in a number of nations that a person be free in his or her religious convictions to follow them or not to follow them, as the case might be. This is well and good to a certain extent, but it is not the ultimate by any means.
For we are concerned in the Second Coming preparations, in the formation of the I Am Nation upon Earth at the coming of Sananda and thereafter, to have those people on Earth who are interested only in the spiritual ongoing, the spiritual heritage, talents and powers. Therefore, at that time there will not be a choice either to be spiritually interested and inclined or not to be so inclined, for those who are not so inclined no longer will be upon the Earth.
So, here is another definition or aspect of freedom. What we are interested in upon Earth after the Second Coming is the freedom for man on Earth and in the astral planes about Earth to follow spiritual unfoldment and direction, not to go to the opposite direction of materialistic ways.
We start where we are and work toward the visualization of governments allowing man to have freedom of religion, in the sense of no persecution because of one religion or another, no forcing of one religion or another upon anyone. Therefore, we must have also at this time, as Spirit does allow at this time still for man of Earth, the option of following the spiritual path or not being upon such a path.
We are interested in seeing man of Earth with the ability not only to be free to follow spiritual expression but also to be free to have the time, the energy, the means to subsist on the Earth plane while engaging in such freedom of expression. This means man should not have to devote all of his time, energies, thoughts, actions, resources merely to subsisting, to buying the necessities of life, to providing a comfortable life, and even having some luxuries.
Also, he should not have to spend a great deal of his time in paying the expenses for other people to do things they want to do, through unjust or disproportionate taxation, high prices for goods, and what have you. He should have the freedom to be able to devote a large part of his life — and that of his family also, if he has a family — to having the leisure time to develop some of the finer things of life.
This definition of following a spiritual life includes many of the finer pleasures of life, too, not just following a religious or spiritual teaching all the time, learning things of that nature; but rather, doing, expressing the spiritual talents within.
We are interested in the aspect of freedom for all people to be able to spend time following some of the thoughts, the things of spiritual freedom; not only individually and with their family and friends but also on an overall local, national, international basis. Man should not have to have all of his time, all of his newspapers, radio and television devoted to other things; but rather to have freedom to insist upon, and therefore to acquire, some of the spiritual expressions of life through various means and the media which bring news, information, education to his attention.
There is another aspect to the idea of spiritual freedom. We say we would like to have freedom for all people of Earth. But can we have that at this time, really and truly? No, because there are too many people who are not interested in properly utilizing this freedom, even from a materialistic let alone a spiritual standpoint. Instead, they would like to subjugate other people, to steal, to rob, to commit all kinds of crimes upon other people. Therefore, we cannot have those people enforcing their freedom upon us, or infringing upon our freedom.
Again, we must start where we are. We must visualize freedom for all people to follow spiritual expression only, in times to come. Now we must concentrate on denying complete freedom to do what they want, to those people who would utilize such freedom against others who properly are using liberty, independence and freedom. Again, we must look to man-made laws at this time to restrict the movements and the freedom of those people.
High Self Must Have Freedom
Now let us get it down to a more personal aspect. In this we will do our meditation and broadcasting also; for all of these things must start within and for ourselves, and then be broadcast to all others upon Earth to do likewise.
In the subject of freedom, is it the freedom of the mortal self we are talking about and wanting now, or is it the freedom of the spiritual Self? Let us begin to analyze that within our thoughts, our consciousness, our memory storehouse or computer bank of records of past thoughts and deeds.
Do we want to continue to allow complete freedom for anything to come in, any thought; or any thought or action of ours in the past to be repeated? Or, rather, do we want to begin to restrict our thoughts, in the sense that we will give freedom to those which are thoughts from God or Spirit, from our spiritual Self, from our masters and teachers from higher planes; to allow them entry into our consciousness?
At the same time, do we not want to deny those thoughts which come from within our own consciousness of the past or present which are not of a spiritual nature, which are antispiritual, which are against our own good and best interests; and also to deny freedom of entry, freedom of participation, freedom of action within our consciousness from those thoughts which would come from other people who are not of spiritual interest?
So, in seeking freedom for ourselves, we must limit it to freedom for the spiritual Self and the spiritual thoughts within our own consciousness, and not give a blanket freedom to everything to come in and everything in our thoughts to be acted upon. We must begin to restrict the freedom within ourselves.
Let us pursue further this topic of spiritual freedom within. Are we interested in doing all we want to, in the mortal sense, having that freedom in our mortal consciousness — which is the subconscious plus conscious aspect — in giving vent to all those things we want to have expressed there; in other words, to the things which we consciously believe are proper and are our spiritual path? Or do we instead want to give this complete spiritual freedom to the I Am, the Christ, the high Self within? We must make that decision and we must stick by it.
I am sure you will say, as we do with you now: we want this to be the freedom of the high Self within to express through this mortal vehicle and consciousness now upon Earth. Regardless of what we might think in our conscious or subconscious aspects to be the freedom, the results, the actions or the thoughts for freedom for us, if these are not in the best interests of Spirit, of our high Self and of those on the higher planes, let that be the guiding line, let that be the line of demarcation.
For we are interested only in the freedom of the spiritual Self to express through us in this life on Earth, or any other place we may be at any time, and to deny freedom to those thoughts and actions of the mortal consciousness which are contrary to that which the spiritual Self would express.
Consider carefully what it is we really are asking for when we ask for freedom of all persons on Earth. It is the freedom of Spirit through our own I Am Self to act through us at all times and in all ways.
Revised from Mark-Age Meditations audio broadcast #108A, released in July 1976.
LISTEN TO PODCAST: Click on the “Play” button below to listen to the original recording of “Freedom” by El Morya/Mark.
Photos: (1) El Morya/Mark, 1960, Mark-Age Archives. (2) Enlightened Cosmic Dance © by Hartmut Jager.
I think the timing is perfect for re-broadcasting the theme of “Freedom.” It is appropriate at many different levels at this point in time and brings us to the awareness and importance of higher consciousness which allows us to tap into the sphere of our I Am Self within and commit to our spiritual endeavors over totally materialistic pursuits. At the same time, this broadcast from 42 years ago is clearly giving us guidelines and tools to deal at the highest level, with situations happening around the world right now — Spirit always working with us and for us in wonderful ways. Thank you for the timely sharing. Blessings to one and all!
If I am allowed, I would like to add a comment and quote a paragraph from this post: “Again, we must start where we are. We must visualize freedom for all people to follow SPIRITUAL EXPRESSIONS ONLY, in times to come. Now we must concentrate on denying complete freedom to do what they want, to those people who would utilize such freedom against others who properly are using liberty, independence and freedom. Again, we must look to man-made laws at this time to restrict the movements and the freedom of these people.”
At this time we see in our lives that mortal/physical expressions are dominating the world scenario through newspapers, radio, television and the like. Shouldn’t we light workers, and all, utilize our freedom to concentrate on projecting and infusing SPIRITUAL EXPRESSIONS throughout, for a higher purpose and outcome in our world today?
The unwritten and unspoken words — our higher Self actions as shown to us through the Christ matrix, meditation and love ❤️ — will certainly contribute to make freedom truly work in our planet today. We are being called upon! (This I share with you, as my answer to asking, What can I do to give meaning and put into action part of the underlying meaning of this message now when facing all this turbulence?) Divine intervention, I pray. Grateful with blessings.
We give thanks to Spirit, especially to El Morya/Mark and Phillel, for the second section of this post, “High Self Must Have Freedom.” Enlightening and powerful aspects of our personal freedom. It walks us through the meaning of our wanting freedom right here and right now, and illustrates the difference between the freedom of our mortal consciousness and the freedom of Spirit; taking us beautifully to accept a renewed commitment of wanting freedom of Spirit through our own I Am Self. Back to basics, but so meaningful.