DURING AN INNER PLANE COMMUNION with Sananda at our Hierarchal Board meditation on April 9, 1975, he conveyed to me that we, the light workers in these Latter Days, should help “create a symphonic harmony” in our spiritual demonstrations on Earth. I looked up those words in our dictionary to be sure I had not missed any nuance of their meanings.
Symphony: A large and complex composition for a full orchestra utilizing every type of musical instrument.
Harmony: Marked by accord either in sentiments or in actions or both. A pleasing arrangement of all parts. Internal calm.
The dictionary says every instrument is used in a symphony if it is needed. Therefore, every one of us instruments or agents of Spirit can be used and is equally important to the whole, even if the amount of time and attention given is not equal. The purpose is for either a feeling or an activity, or both, that pleases all parts and creates internal calm.
Balance, calm, integration, harmony, unity, oneness: are not all these the goals for which we are striving in our demonstration of loving God and loving one another?
Seven Points for Creating Symphonic Harmony
Sananda indicated there are at least seven ways in which we are to apply symphonic harmony.
FIRST: There are seven major and five minor keys in creating symphonic harmony.
SECOND: Within each individual person, the major and the minor chakra centers must be harmonized for full Christ consciousness.
THIRD: There are other beings, those also in I Am consciousness, with whom we must synchronize in symphonic harmony during the time we play our individual roles or parts on the Earth planet.
FOURTH: There are all the other elements and life forms on the planet with whom we are in constant exchange and contact, and who likewise consciously or unconsciously must be harmonized into our vibratory frequencies in order to play out the symphony of Earth.
FIFTH: Our own past histories, our personal soul records, plus the past experiences of mankind as a whole on Earth, must come into symphonic harmony before this era is completed. That is part of what the Latter Days are all about: discarding that which has been discordant and inharmonious to man’s progress on Earth, and replaying and solidifying those notes which add to his progress and spiritual existence.
SIXTH: We cannot neglect those of other dimensions, planes or planets who try to communicate with us of Earth or who aid us as guides and guardians in our soul progress here. They are part of the symphonic harmony through whom we play our particular instruments. Perhaps they represent only one note in all our time here. On the other hand, they might be responsible for an entire theme in the present orchestration that is resounding throughout the Earth.
SEVENTH: The last concept Sananda presented to me during this meditation, but certainly not the last in the series of cosmic principles to which this theme can be applied, is that in developing a symphonic harmony we must give great attention, respect and appreciation to the conductor or the director, who at this moment in Earth’s history has to control or to direct all the parts, all the themes, all the instruments playing individually and thinking independently.
Some of them unfortunately consider themselves stars or separate from the whole orchestration. It is the director of the orchestra who must coordinate and hold together each independent instrument, bringing in his or her note or theme of the composition at just the right time in order not to upset the desired harmony of this symphony.
It is the conductor’s responsibility to represent the composer’s desired overall intention. And although each instrumentalist, whether he plays but one dramatic note or carries an entire theme throughout all movements of the symphony, truly may comprehend the composer’s intentions and the subtle nuances of the symphony being played, only the chosen conductor for that particular performance may make the final and decisive decisions. An orchestra, an army, a solar system cannot function with each of its parts determining separately and independently when to play, how loudly to play, and with what other instruments it is to play during the composition.
Applying the Cosmic Principles
Indeed, it was almost dizzying for all of us on the staff to contemplate Sananda’s presentation at that meditation. And I have only presented to you seven of the major highlights here for consideration.
He indicated to us that each of the seven points in itself is important. But to try to hold all seven simultaneously, and to apply them equally with due appreciation for them, is beyond mortal capacity. This, he said, is a lesson in cosmic consciousness and Christ mastership, so all can see and can appreciate that there is more to I Am consciousness than just getting up to, reaching the outer perimeters of, that awareness.
In later meditations on the same cosmic theme, Sananda told us there are 144,000 component parts (or instruments) needed to transmute any species or form from one dimensional frequency to another. The same macrocosmic principle applies to the microcosmic instrument or individual. So, in order for light workers to transmute successfully their physical bodies to the light-body frequency, they must transmute 144,000 component centers in the brain. The brain, of course, is the control center for the entire body and its functions. [See Mark-Age text Anchoring the Light Body on Earth. ]
Interchange of Functions
What is fascinating about this is the information that any one of the parts or instruments can take on the characteristics of, or can play the tune for, whatever elemental change is necessary. You might use an analogy like this: If you were a master musician in an orchestra, and one of the major players were indisposed or dropped out, you would be able to take up his instrument and play his part temporarily until he recovered or was replaced. So it seems Spirit, in Its infinite variety, can work through individuals or through the elements which It originally created.
This information had been given to us previously through some channeled discourses, which are published in our book MAPP* to Aquarius: *Mark Age Period and Program.
On October 9, 1963, in “Interchange of Hierarchal Board Functions,” Sananda stated: “Under the governmental system which we follow in our particular solar system, a mastership group known sometimes as the White Lodge, the White Brotherhood, the Ascended Masters Council — name it what you will, the Hierarchal Board for this solar system — one works as any other would work, interchanging roles and functions, placing themselves where there can be representation of consciousness. . . .
“An ascended master or a member of the Hierarchal Board of this solar system is equally responsible to each other one who has achieved that level of consciousness, that role, that designation; or that honor, if you so choose. It therefore becomes an accepted fact and pleasure for one to intercede for another. Where one master works, any other master may work, if so decreed and desired by the spiritual intunement within.
“Whereas I have been assigned as spiritual ruler of this planet and one of seven guardians within this solar system, each and every other planetary ruler and seven masters who guard and guide this solar system’s evolution can and will step in, functioning for and with my power and my position. When I as a representation of one phase — or with duties, you might put it in Earth terms — for the seven in the Council cannot express presently that particular function or role in a way that may be needed by the majority in the orbit or frequency that corresponds to what you would call a planet or dimension, a plane of existence, another may step in and perform functions that are more suitable or that fulfill his or her office within the solar system.”
Again Sananda spoke to us five years later, on September 24, 1968. In “Let the Christs Express in You,” he channeled: “In the etheric, as you have been told on many occasions, any master can utilize the functions and abilities of any other master and his disciples, provided it is according to the will and the proper development of all concerned.
“So, since we are accustomed to passing in and through each other’s environment and responsibilities, lending to each other whatever is required to fulfill a certain duty or participation in the program of Earth evolvement, we expect to do the same on the lower realms; and in fact are doing so many times in many ways. But what we have not given and have not asserted ourselves to prior to this [communication] is that there are many who are to become conscious of this acceleration, this transmutation and these multiple faculties. . . .
“It is through these very channels that it becomes an enlightened fact. So, if you are a child of truth and light and justice and will endeavor to raise your sights to your own spirituality and function as a Christed being in this very troubled and tortured Earth, then you may give proper allowance to any other of similar spiritual development and growth to become part of you, to work through you, to participate and to add to your God-given purposes.”
Thus it is that our transmutation becomes more and more accelerated. In your meditations, think in how many ways you can create symphonic harmony in yourself, in your relationships, in your environment, and for all the species who are involved in the planet during these end days, going from third dimensional frequency into fourth dimensional light or spiritual consciousness.
Revised from Mark-Age Meditations audio broadcast #80A, released in June 1975.
Photos: (1) Harmonic Alignment © by Hartmut Jager. (2) Sananda/Jesus the Christ, artist unknown. (3) Nada-Yolanda, 1972, Mark-Age Archives.
Phillel, it is so great to read this again. My son was not quite two years old and our branch of Mark-Age in Minneapolis was going strong as we meditated together with the weekly cassette taped broadcasts. Soon we had our advanced copies of “Plan A Nation” for our course work. Upon this solid foundation now stands the next generation of I Am Nation citizens and light workers around our beloved home planet Earth.