BROADCASTERS AND ALL OTHER WORKERS OF LIGHT here and on other planes, the subject of this broadcast, “Demand the Truth,” is one that is of importance to us now and for the rest of the program; as a matter of fact, throughout eternity. But it won’t be the problem in other realms, in higher planes that it has been and is now on Earth.
This broadcast is a most important one. Let us explore a few of the ways in which we can work effectively as light workers, seekers and workers in truth to bring this into mass consciousness, to make it effective on Earth at this time.
First of all, in speaking of demanding the truth, we have to realize this applies to us also. In this work, we are not going to demand that everyone tell every intimate truth about himself or herself, present or past; whatever he or she has been thinking or doing.
But rather, we demand that the truth of information, the truth of all important things that are to be available to man for the revelations in this Latter-Day period be given out and accepted by man of Earth, so he can be raised into a higher consciousness and into the fourth dimensional spiritual frequency vibration. Thus he will know the truth he has to work with, and will not have to base his life, thoughts, actions, everything he thinks and does, on errors or half-truths.
Therefore, let’s not be afraid that in demanding the truth of all others we are going to have to bare all of our secrets. This is not the point, any more than we would want others to do the same thing; for each person must have privacy. We should not do anything of major moment that we would be that much ashamed of, were it revealed. Nevertheless, it is not the purpose to have all personal matters revealed.
Demand Truth of Self
Therefore, in what is it that we want to demand truth? First of all, be ready at all times to admit to the truth in important things in your own life. This means, first of all, to admit the truth to yourself, the things you know are true. The things on which you want others to base their thoughts and actions to, with and for you must be truth.
Therefore, you must know within your consciousness, within your thinking, within your actions what is truth. Demand the truth of yourself. Let us put that Self with a capital S; which means it is the truth the I Am Self within knows that is to be made manifest within your life.
It is true that all of us have done things in this life and in prior lives that we wish we had not done, or that we would not want revealed, or something of that nature. But sooner or later, as we well know — those of us in the light work who are unfolding into I Am citizens — we must face up to these things we have done wrong or which are not the truth, and get on the right road. Once we have done that it is easy, much easier than is expected by us when we are on the path of error.
Let us keep that same thing in mind and project it out to others. It is not all that hard to admit the truth and then to accept it and then to work with it. So, please, all of you in the mass consciousness, give up the idea that there is some tremendous loss of pride, or that you are going to suffer great consequences if you do give the truth at all times and live it. Demand the truth of yourself, demand the truth of others, those of you who have family, friends, who have influence in politics, business, anything of any nature. Demand the truth of yourself, demand the truth of all other persons, at all times and in all things.
Let us take a few examples of this; just a few because, as in all of these broadcasts, these are only stimuli to help you do your own thinking and individual broadcasting. We do not believe in doing all of these things by rote in Mark-Age. You never will have a series of decrees where you have to decree something three times or a hundred times, loudly and emphatically. Those really are worthless and meaningless; have no value themselves.
Rather, we want you to become intuned with your own high Self on topics which not only we provide for you to think about and work with but which come to you from your own high Self consciousness to project into the mass consciousness from these broadcasts. So, let us take a few examples of demanding the truth.
Truth in Personal Relationships
We all, unfortunately, have had situations where friends, neighbors, so-called enemies, other people tell stories about us that are not true or are only partially true, or that tend to make us look in a bad light and to make them look in a good light, no matter what the purpose, be it politics, business, social prominence or gain, envy, jealousy, any of these things.
Demand the truth. Demand that the people who are talking about you in the wrong way learn the truth, understand the truth, accept the truth, and therefore do not have these false concepts; at least not based on error information which they are giving out or are receiving from other people. Demand the truth.
Obviously, we cannot demand the truth in person in this and other situations I will mention, and others about which you will think. That is, it is not always good to go up to a person and demand that he tell you the truth about himself or about you or about what he is doing. There are times when this has to be done. But, as in all of our work, we can do so much on the inner planes by mentally sending forth this visualization, this decree that what we want to have done will be done; or, what Spirit wants done, which could be better or something different. Nevertheless, we have to make the projection, to put it into effect.
We can do this mentally quite often. We should demand that someone who is telling false stories about us, or who is accepting false stories about us, know the truth. We should demand the truth in his or her thinking. Let us begin this in our own lives and see if it will make a difference.
When we demand the truth of someone who has been spreading malicious stories about us or who has been accepting such, we must be willing to give those people the opportunity to make amends in their thinking and actions. Let us just turn them off completely thereafter if they do not do so.
Whenever we work in such things as this, let us keep ourselves open to the side results, the additional things that would come into play that we could think about, that would relate to whatever we are doing. This would expand our consciousness and our thinking, and make us more aware of what we are doing in all things, give us a much more expanded vision of all these matters.
Truth in All Things
Let us project this out into the world at large; and the things we would like to see, things done much better, where we demand the truth be given to all people.
ADVERTISING: Let us start with advertising for products. No matter what form of media is presented to us or in what way it is presented, let us demand the truth. We are all too familiar with, unfortunately — though probably not well enough aware in all things — how the truth is bent or distorted or half-truths are given to us in much advertising. Some particular medicine or drug is supposed to be the best of all, or to be more effective than others, when in reality many times it is no different or different only in a minor way that is of no real value. But it is being sold to us as though it is the greatest thing there is. Demand the truth.
There is nothing that says people have to sell products or make fortunes by spreading that which is error or by deliberately hiding the truth. Tell the truth, demand the truth, in all these things.
POLITICS: We certainly are tired of being told by so many politicians one thing — no matter what country it might be in or what form of government — and then finding out they are telling us falsehoods. They are representing us. Let us demand the truth in politics.
BUSINESS & NEWS: Demand the truth in every aspect of business. Demand the truth in the news that is given to us, no matter what way or in what media or for what purpose. Demand the truth.
SPIRITUAL MATTERS: Let us demand the truth for people of Earth in religion, in spiritual matters. No more shall man of Earth be submitted to that which is error or to that which is part truth, by one religion claiming it is the only one, the only method of salvation or of reaching God, when they really do not know too much of what they are speaking. Demand that the leaders of religion be truthful in what they are teaching people.
ALL THINGS: Look about you in your daily activities. Look about you in whatever you are thinking or are being subjected to in any way. Let your imagination, your vision extend throughout all activities of mankind on Earth. Let us demand the truth; for we are in the Latter Days when all things shall be revealed to man of Earth that are necessary for each one individually and for us collectively as the race of man on Earth to come into the higher consciousness. Demand the truth, and the truth shall set us free.
Revised from Mark-Age Meditations audio broadcast #114B, released in October 1976.
The brand-new, fifth edition of El Morya/Mark’s metaphysical masterpiece, How To Do All Things, is now available! See details here.
LISTEN TO PODCAST: Click on the “Play” button below to listen to the original recording of “Demand the Truth” by El Morya/Mark.
Photos: (1) El Morya/Mark (colorized), 1960, Mark-Age Archives. (2) El Morya/Mark and Nada-Yolanda, 1968, Mark-Age Archives.