by Nada-Yolanda
“For everything its season, and for every activity under heaven its time: a time to be born and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to uproot; a time to kill and a time to heal; a time to pull down and a time to build up . . . ; a time to tear and a time to mend; a time for silence and a time for speech. . . .”
— Ecclesiastes, Chapter 3
ONE IN MASTERSHIP CONSCIOUSNESS, demonstrating and living in the clear I Am state, knows the proper time and season for all thoughts and actions. The intellectual level of mind says: the Bible, the prophets, the wise men contradict themselves. But the intellectual mind cannot grasp the rhythm of the cosmic pendulum. It takes the master consciousness to discern the time for tearing down the old and building up the new, the time for sowing and the time for reaping.
It is true, from the cosmic point of view, that the entire Latter-Day period is a harvest cycle. It is the harvest of twenty-six thousand years of planning and of incarnations and experiments throughout our solar system; designated first to bring all on Earth into a Christ-aware state, and secondly to realign Earth with the other planets of this solar system into the Federation of Planets.
Therefore, what we are viewing here is a macrocosmic harvest cycle: a symbolic and literal forty years [1960–2000, but overlapping also into the twenty-first century]. Granted, forty years in eternity is as the winking of an eye. But when you are living in a finite world, in a personality consciousness and dealing with catastrophic problems in human relationships and soul evolvement on an agonizing day-to-day basis, it is normal to want to bring in the harvest of your efforts as fast as possible; earlier, rather than later. And did not the Master say two thousand years ago, “I promise the time will be shortened for the elect’s sake”?
Dangers of Premature Harvest
But in the microcosmic or the personal sense, there is great danger to the individual’s soul growth to preempt or to force a harvest time before its proper season.
We know the worst thing a farmer can do is pick fruit before its proper time for harvesting. First, it will never taste right; and in some cases it then never will mature properly. Those who eat unripened fruit can get indigestion. Unripened fruit does not have the right chemical balance to give the body proper nourishment. It not only can be a waste of that fruit and of the energy involved in eating it, but some foods actually are poisonous if taken into the body before their maturation.
Still looking at this problem from the cosmic view, or through the compassionate eyes of the planning directors of the Hierarchal Board, we can be sympathetic with what is actually a sense of impatience to get on with it. How many times have I heard good program workers say from the depths of their souls, “Let’s get this show on the road!”
Indeed it is from the depth of their souls. That is just the point. We have been preparing this plan, planting the seeds of this hierarchal plan, nourishing the souls who will work in this program, for a minimum of twenty-six thousand years. We cannot blame anyone for feeling some sense of impatience, irritability, perhaps even discouragement, to see the completion, the harvest, the final days of it.
You want a confession? It is one of the hardest things I deal with in my role and mission for the Hierarchy. But the dangers of pushing too hard, too soon, too fast are known more strongly in my spiritually aware state than is any sense of impatience or weariness in the mortal state.
Yes, man is slow in getting the point. The race as a whole does not want to face up to the balancing of the law of cause and effect. Most do not want to cleanse their souls and their minds, let alone their bodies. We know hundreds of so-called program workers who accept intellectually the basic premise of the Latter-Day period and program, but who refuse to change their mental habits, their physical encrustations and patterns; and I am not even dwelling here on soul impactions which have to be dissolved.
Nevertheless, regardless of this stubbornness of the perversity of man as a race, of the fear and the laziness to change what is familiar and comfortable, we still must recognize that a proper time and a proper place are inevitable for all good things and for all harvest cycles.
Unchangeable Cosmic Events
What is inevitable? It means that it cannot be changed by whim or lack of attention by one, a few, or even an entire race or species. A cosmic decree has gone out. A master plan is in the works. Whether or not the whole race of man on Earth knows it and accepts it, the cleansing and purification cycle we call the Mark Age [age of marks] or harvest period is inevitable and cosmically unchangeable.
Inevitable perhaps, but there are these unknown factors involved: how many will survive for the harvest; in what condition will the survivors be; what will be the cost in soul weariness, spiritual energy, future potentials for the race itself and for the planning of future planetary developments?
Do you know something? That is what the program workers are responsible for. Some have lost sight of what they have come to do, and the purpose for their incarnating in these Latter Days. Some think it is to demonstrate what they have learned. Some think it is because they have come to teach the laggards.
As Nada, representing the Karmic Board of this solar system, I bring this news for all program workers: Our job is to bring in a good, fruitful, bountiful and useful harvest of souls for the future plans of this planet and this race on Earth. Individual glories, individual demonstrations, individual talents and fulfillments are secondary to the primary purpose of this program: a good harvest of many souls capable of feeding a spiritually starved planet.
Let us examine this in more concrete, specific terms or examples so it becomes more viable and constructive in our own development and insight as masters on Earth.
We have lived through the 1960s, when the teens and the early-twenty-year-olds intuited properly that a great change, a great cleansing was due the Earth and all forms of control and power on the Earth which we have come to accept in the term the Establishment. The solution a small but a loud and active minority offered was: tear it all down; destroy every brick of it; revolutionize the system.
There are such program workers — so-called spiritual light workers, at least they consider themselves that — who agree with this approach, in spite of the fact that cosmic law immutably demonstrates that slow and gradual evolution, not revolution, is the divine and orderly system. These are program workers who have come through the difficulties and the conditions of twenty-six thousand years of planning for this Latter-Day period. But they get caught up in the torment of changing dimensions, the mass-conscious anxiety and overzealousness, and are not willing to work at changes, at cleansings, at new patterns in an orderly, step-by-step progression.
The difficulty in this type of thinking, of revolution and destruction of this nature — even when it is in grave error and of serious karmic implications — is that it is more than foolish, it is self-destructive, to destroy without first providing a replacement for that which you destroy or eliminate. The parable Jesus gave of sweeping a house clean, then leaving the door open for anything to enter, shows it is more dangerous than leaving the house in its accustomed and cluttered condition, which at least provides a place in which to work and to plan.
We survived those dangerous 1960s. But we still are faced with some of the residue and the problems of such rationalization and noncosmic ideas. There are young people today, in their late twenties and early thirties, who have no foundation and no preparation upon which to plan and to build a life that can contribute to the cleansing of the planet and their fellowmen on it.
Proper Personal Contributions
Let us bring this theme down still another step into personalized, individualized situations of the program workers themselves. There are those who are developing talents, new ideas and inventions, creative art forms and philosophies who wish to present them to a world unprepared, a mass consciousness unfurrowed, a planet in the throes of throwing off (I really wanted to say throwing up) the garbage and the debris of its unhealthy, negative conditions.
You cannot plant new seeds in a field before it is plowed. Healthwise, in all good common sense and using the science of chemistry, you cannot build up the physical body while it is in the process of being cleansed. First you do one, then you do the other. Sometimes you have to build up the physical constitution before you put the body through a cleansing or a major operation. Sometimes you first cleanse the body, then build it up with nourishment.
But you have to know the individual’s tolerance. You have to work from a case history of that person’s individual and unique pattern. There is no one set formula or pattern for this process. Likewise, there is no set formula or pattern for an individual’s personal development as a soul with spiritual gifts and talents to unfold. Some are slow to start and fast to finish. Some are fast to start and very slow in coming to a climax or a productive, usable, constructive contribution.
Each must be treated individually and as a unique product of his or her own I Am Self as to the purpose of that Self in incarnating here and now and the individual experiences and explorations of the many lives and developments through that I Am individuality. All must occur in due and proper season: the preparation, the planning, the planting, the growing; lastly, and only one part of it all, the harvesting.
From the light of our I Am Self, let us reexamine, review and reevaluate the following:
ONE. Examine specifically those program workers, perhaps yourself included, who are crying out for action before such action is spiritually desired and is in right order and harmony with all else that is involved.
TWO. Examine in yourself first, then in others you know, judgment of another program worker’s soul development, spiritual expression and talents, function and role in this Latter-Day period and program. Who can judge or determine another, unless it be from the Christ level of judgment and discernment?
THREE. Examine your criticism and dissatisfaction, perhaps just your impatience, with the hierarchal plan and program. Have you taken everything into consideration, starting with the angelic kingdoms and their responsibilities to the devic and the elemental forces of all life forms on the planet, then descending to the etheric masters who have guided and have guarded the evolutionary progress of the race of man throughout this solar system for two hundred and six million years of many plans and programs; some successful, many failures?
Do you have all the facts? Are you personally in the consciousness able to view the planet and all species on it from the celestial and the etheric levels? If not, and there is no shame in this, you have to accept that you have but part of the overall picture; then play your particular part, know your unique function, express and externalize your specific and unique contribution.
Meditate frequently on, and come to know, what are your individual proper talents and contributions, and when it is proper for you to play them out on the stage of human evolution.
Revised and reprinted from “Talents & Torments of Changing Dimensions,” published by Mark-Age in January 1976.
Photos: (1) Nada-Yolanda, 1993, in front of her soul portrait, The Carpenter’s Child, by Janet Kennedy, 1957; Mark-Age Archives. (2) Earth in Large Magellanic Cloud, collated by author; images courtesy of NASA. (3) Nada-Yolanda, oil portrait by Ann Pace, 1974; Mark-Age Archives.