August 13, 2013. MEDITATION. While reclining in my chair this afternoon before three o’clock, my eyes teared as I gave thanks once again to Spirit for the great blessing of my long relationship with Cheyenne. I am deeply honored that she was given to my special care. In the perfect way that dogs can, she taught me unconditional love. I also thanked Dr. Hannibal for using her all these years as a unique hieronics battery for me during my contact sessions. Cheyenne, always receptive, was the perfect vessel by which the space brothers and sisters could transfer their projections directly into a representative of the devic-elemental kingdom on Earth. Cheyenne, a female, also radiated a needed polarity balance to my male force field, providing me additional electromagnetic grounding on the physical plane. To Dr. Hannibal, I requested, “Please look in on our beloved Cheyenne, the space dog.”
In the midst of these prayers, I became composed, at peace. The burden on my broken heart seemed to lighten. Suddenly, without the least warning, the bright and cheerful face of a young woman burst upon my clairvoyant vision. Smiling broadly, she had blue eyes and neatly styled blond hair that reached just below the nape of her neck. She appeared to be in her twenties.
My immediate reaction was, “Who are you? You can only enter my auric field if you have permission both from my I Am Self and from Dr. Hannibal, my master teacher.” She continued smiling, her bright eyes twinkling. Then, as I reached up in consciousness trying to capture her name, her face vanished. Yet simultaneously I received a clear spiritual realization.
The woman is from the higher astral planes. Nada, who is in overall charge of Cheyenne’s care, has assigned this woman to be Cheyenne’s astral trainer. She is a specialist who helps highly evolved dogs become adjusted and reoriented after transition from the physical plane. In a way, her function would be similar to that of astrals who care for human beings, such as Leonora does for light workers who make the transition and are readjusted in the higher astral healing hospitals.
Cheyenne is going to astral dog-training school! The bright young woman, whose name I do not yet know, will teach Cheyenne, or will reawaken within her, all the necessary skills to function in her new other-dimensional environment.
I was flabbergasted — astral school for dogs, with a gifted astral trainer! I have never, ever thought of such a role on the astral planes. Of course I knew animals were cared for, healed, given assistance upon transition. But this takes my thinking to an entirely different octave. It makes perfect sense, too. Just as we on Earth send our dogs to obedience school to learn special skills, so is there on the astral a type of academy where animal spirits are trained for specialized interdimensional functions in their ongoing cooperation with the race of man.
I do not know what is in store for Cheyenne, nor will I dare speculate. Spirit will unfold the knowledge if I need to receive it. But I do know that Cheyenne faithfully served the spiritual Hierarchy, and me personally, at headquarters for over fourteen years. She performed a vital and one-of-a-kind function, directly assimilating the hieronic energy on behalf of the animal kingdom. For all living beings on Earth, not just man, are being transmuted into the fourth dimensional frequency of the Aquarian Age. All are being raised simultaneously. Cheyenne’s well-honed skills will be translated for higher service to Sananda and the Second Coming program.
Cheyenne, “the Sixth Ray space dog,” has just attended her first day of school. May she excel in her new training, as is her nature. Whoever you are, Miss Astral Dog Trainer, thank you and bless you for your selfless service to the animal kingdom.
Supplementary Reading: Ode to Cheyenne & Cheyenne Waits to Approach.
Photos: (1) Cheyenne at Home, collage courtesy of Hartmut Jager (photo of Cheyenne, 2007, Mark-Age Archives, embedded with angel images © by Hartmut Jager). (2) Cheyenne, 2007, Mark-Age Archives.