Channeled via Phillel on April 10, 2013
ZORRAH: Zorrah, your planetary brother of Neptunian influence, greets you once again, light workers of planet Earth. I have taken this channel over at this time because I have been given the authorization from his master teacher, Dr. Hannibal/St. Germain, with whom I have been magnetically interlaced in these ongoing preparations in the lead-up to the East Asia Mission.
As part of this interweaving of our magnetic forces — my Neptunian vibration from higher physical dimensions with Dr. Hannibal aboard his etheric craft #1235 — we also have been brought into the coordination with Shantar of Tristar Command for the triple amplification of your light in this ongoing spring cycle of resurrection.
We have been working out the difficulties and the challenges over the past week in the interconnecting threads of these different planetary vibrations: my Neptunian influence with Shantar’s Saturnian prerogatives as he has announced to you before. This is being coordinated, of course, through Dr. Hannibal. All of this is part of the necessary preparation, as I have said, for the upcoming East Asia Mission. For as I travel and exert my influence in the East through those mission functions, I will of necessity be interlocked also with Dr. Hannibal and the various segments of his command structure; such as the assigned Tristar Command under vice admiral, you call, Shantar.
Because these interconnections will have been well established, we will be able thereby to relay any necessary energies along these hieronic wavelengths for the participation in both hemispheres, for the implantations of light and First Ray action in the Eastern Hemisphere to decrystallize those impacted thought patterns and structures of society that still are unyielding to the hierarchal command for the Second Coming program. But all is in good order. So, rest assured that we have made all necessary arrangements to manifest the successes that we foresee.
Glo-Ria has been of invaluable aid to me in this process as well, because of my past connections with her, and hers with this channel. Therefore, you see that we have various levels of what you have termed in the past to be triangulations that we have brought to bear interdimensionally for this sacred purpose.
Because my team and I carry a unique bandwidth in association with the Neptunian influence of First Ray action — that bandwidth being expressed upon higher physical dimensions of the planet Neptune — we are able to introduce into this planetary sphere a new element to aid in the upliftment of the various vibratory levels of this Earth planet: from physical up into astral, joined with the etheric, which of course has overriding influence over all vibratory wavelengths associated with this planetary orb.
It is remarkable, one might say — at least Glo-Ria says that to me — that we are able to effect this melding of our force fields in such a short period of time. But after all, you have been at this work for a number of decades; therefore, you are no tin soldiers but are warriors of the light who have been well trained to accept these incoming bombardments of light and love in action as initiated from the Saturnian Council of this solar system.*
As you can well surmise, when I speak in this manner I am able to further adjust these frequency levels so that we can fine-tune everything in advance, so that all runs seamlessly at the appointed hour of manifestation.
I am not alone but I have a team with me, as I have indicated, and we are able to spread our influence in a far-reaching manner. In these procedures also we are under the guiding path of El Morya, Chohan of the First Ray, so that we may have the greatest effect in the implantation of these Neptunian wavelengths.
Dr. Hannibal has given me great insight into these operations as well, for he has prepared this channel of light, his own disciple, in a very precise manner. Therefore, he knows how to work out all the kinks — of which he says there still are manifestations — that I am able thereby to bring into synchronization as I make impacts with my force field upon his. All that is one way of saying that we are able to go with the flow, as you so commonly say. If one method does not work, we are able to sidestep that and move into another direction, all towards the ultimate goal of complete synchronization.
But trouble yourselves not on this score, because we have a great view here upon these levels by which to see best how to proceed in these functions to coordinate our magnetic wavelengths with yours.
Thus also in my own right I have been coordinating myself with Robert and MariLyn, because they will be the grounding agents also for these energy implantations in a very direct way as they position themselves on their assigned tasks in the East. So, I am working with the group force field at all times, and I hold you in this sphere of light and love that I bring with me from the planet Neptune.
Just as you decree, so do we: Spirit’s will be done. And so it is. I am Zorrah, come from Neptune with authority for these assignments. Hello and good-bye. Over and out for now. Zorrah.
NADA: Nada. Dr. Hannibal has allowed me to step in briefly, just for this moment, to let you know that El Morya and I are very pleased with the efforts that this unit on the physical plane is portraying for Sananda’s actions as he proceeds with his Second Coming program.
We are conducting numerous conferences on this side of the veil, of which you know nothing.** But of course, you have your function and we have ours. So, accept with graciousness the amalgamations that we are able to produce for the benefit of all mankind.
Thus I surround you with the Seventh Ray of Love and Peace, and give these blessings in order to balance all things through this I Am Nation Unit. I am Nada, with you through love in action. Amen.
* tin soldier: “a miniature toy soldier, usually made of lead.” Zorrah insisted on using this odd term, so I delivered it. Only later did I discover there was an apt second dictionary definition: “a person who enjoys playing at being a soldier.” Thus, “tin soldier” appropriately describes a half-sincere or partially committed light worker, as opposed to a tried-and-true “warrior of the light.”
The term also evokes Thomas Paine’s famous quote in 1776 during the American Revolution: “These are the times that try men’s souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.” [Italics mine.]
** The preceding night I had dreamed of being in a one-on-one conference with Nada-Yolanda, but did not recall any details when I awoke.
Photos: (1) Collage by author using images of Earth and Large Magellanic Cloud, courtesy of NASA Archives, and spaceships © by Hartmut Jager. (2) Dimensions © by Hartmut Jager. (3) Nada Overshadowing (colorized) by Gerry-Sira Libonati, Mark-Age Archives.
LISTEN TO PODCAST: Click on the “Play” button below to listen to the above communication, as recorded live on 4/10/13. This recording was released on I Am Network of Light tape #1071B, for the week of 6/9/13.
So, so happy and grateful to be part of all this. I sincerely hope I play a small part in the success of this undertaking, as I know all will be well.