Channeled via Phillel on March 13, 2011
DR. HANNIBAL: Dr. Hannibal, strategically deployed on hieronic sister ship #1236, in seamless coordination with Summalt, likewise occupied in the East. We remind you of our heightened status of emergency lockdown, to lock in the energy fields of the 144,000 elected ones under our hieronic radiations of light to stabilize the quivering mass consciousness of planet Earth during presently acknowledged extreme changeovers into fourth dimensional frequency.
Man struggles to play catch-up amid the dire straits thrust upon him, yet remains slightly behind the curve, to use your colloquialism, because for the most part in his third dimensional understanding he has not stabilized the lesser frequencies of his four lower bodies within the centralized core of his unshakable Christ understanding and expression of Spirit over matter.
With the calamity unleashed upon Japan — part of the natural cycle of accelerated cause and effect inherent to this changing of dimensions, with nature and man in simultaneous transmutation — you now see another reason why I had to transfer my operations temporarily to #1236 two days prior to the megaquake and tsunami.* For in this high alert we had to foreshadow our resolve to amplify what balance we could salvage at this time. We can help lessen, but not entirely stave off, some of these extreme rebalancing shifts; for it is not within our power, due to many thousands of years of buildup, to prevent periodic wild swings of polarity balance on a planetary scale in these Latter Days.
Yet, we do our best to help cushion the blows by employing our ground troops — you, the 144,000 anchoring points of our light — so that at the very least a modicum of success may be achieved to advance your civilization into spiritual understanding for the New Age now being birthed before your eyes. But the birth pangs, the travails of labor, are severe. As the Master prophesied long ago, pity the mother who is in childbirth during the height of these Latter-Day changes.**
We do not wish, neither do we hold in thought a word of, severity upon any soul in incarnation upon the Earth. Our love and compassion indeed are supreme. Our thoughts are focused only on the four-step Christ matrix of peace, love, cooperation and coordination.
We are as the expertly qualified obstetrician, who must maintain his or her good wits and steady hands while the belabored mother-to-be screams in agony at a difficult birth. But, as with the metaphorical mother, your planet, in the throes of its birth into the New Age, has passed the point of no return. Through the wailing and gnashing of teeth of these Latter-Day signs and portents you must now struggle, even must firmly will the actual delivery of your child, the birth of planetary Christ consciousness. Take a deep breath, then release it, for we as midwives are here to see that you do not expire in the process but live through these travails in order to erupt in cries of joy to hold in your arms your newborn child, thoroughly alive and well. That is our Christ-secured image, as well as our focused hieronic projection, for you at this time.
Those of you who have elected to be our Father-Mother God’s light bearers in this final Battle of Armageddon are thereby on call to steady yourselves in your I Am consciousness even while the Earth and all life upon it are tilted by fits and starts toward the light of higher incoming fourth dimensional frequencies.
The planet Earth’s balance and well-being — both man and nature — are our topmost concern throughout this solar Federation of sister planets. For only as one harmonized unit may we move into the Aquarian interstices of galactic enfoldment in this New Age now upon us; and fast unfolding also now onto your conscious, mortal plane of third dimensional involvement. We are all in this galactic evolution together, one part with another, and no one planet may be left behind.
But it is surely up to each and every person on Earth to determine whether he or she will be left behind as we move forward into higher consciousness. So, you each must be about the Father-Mother God’s business right now, without delay; for, as we stated in our last communiqué, there is no more waiting period left for these choices to be made and to be enacted by each surviving soul on Earth.
So be it. This is Hannibal, in expert and seamless coordination with Summalt, who likewise communicates to shore up those light workers in his charge on the same amplified wavelength of peace, love, cooperation and coordination. From mother ship #1236, etherically docked with my command craft #1235, I surveil the planetary reactions from orbit above the western regions of this hemisphere, locking in my instant response to Summalt’s perceived needs at the other end of the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire. We thus work in concert to stabilize the transmutation of planet Earth and all life forms upon it.
With your good attunement and ready response, as well, we shall form an interdimensional bridge by which to convey mankind across the chasm of present-day calamities and onto secure ground. So be it in truth, the only way out. Hannibal, over and out.
Note: At the end of the channeling (2:50 p.m. EDT), the hieronic beam on my crown chakra was so pronounced that I became nauseous.
* On March 11, 2011, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake, with subsequent tsunami, devastated large parts of northern Japan, killing many thousands of people and destroying whole towns. Several nuclear reactors also were impaired, and at this date emergency crews are desperately trying to prevent a full meltdown. Radiation has been released, and more than 200,000 people have been evacuated from affected areas.
For announcement regarding ship #1236, see Dr. Hannibal’s channeling of March 9, 2011, “Hieronic Download of Light.”
** See Matthew 24:19 and Luke 21:23.
Photos: (1) Collage of NASA photos and UFOs by author and Hartmut Jager. (2) Artist’s concept of Milky Way galaxy, showing position of our sun.
Dr. Hannibal’s channeling through Phillel, dated 3/13/11, has been acknowledged with appreciation. An extremely important communication, indeed. The statement “thousands of years of buildup” will give all light workers a deeper way to cultivate added patience with the urgency ahead for all in and for Sananda’s program.
This is a powerful message, Phillel. There is a sense of urgency being felt and it behooves us all to step up our projections.
In love and light,
Lynn Fishman