THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW tells us that, after they had talked with King Herod, the wise men “went on their way; and the star which they saw in the east went before them, till it came to rest over the place where the young child was. And when they saw the star they were full of joy.”
We all know the mystical Christmas story of the three wise men, the Magi, who followed the Star of Bethlehem (in reality the materialization of Sananda/Jesus’ etheric master ship #10) to pay homage at the manger of the infant Messiah.*
In the communications and experiences of Nada-Yolanda, the spiritual Hierarchy has revealed some key points about this Star of Bethlehem, ship #10. We can use these inspirations to link with Sananda in his etheric command post, in order to receive his special influx of light for a new birth of Christ consciousness on planet Earth.
On June 15, 1960, Nada-Yolanda awakened from a dream with this revelation: “One of the signs in the sky which all will see is to be a new star traveling across the horizon, shaped as a cross with equal arms.”
Three days later, on June 18, Jesus channeled: “The star-cross ship which was seen in the dream of the channel is my ship. Those who are looking (seeking) will know. It is tremendous in size, large as a city. We are ascended masters, part of Program Jesus, and use this for a base of operations. It is invisible but can be made visible.
“This is a hierarchy, an orderly system of government in the program. These are headquarters. Our sister [Yolanda] has visited this ship [astrally] to be conditioned, to travel back and forth to give orders and instructions to those who are to coordinate with us. All phases of the program are directed from here. The entire Mark-Age is to receive its orders from here. The I Am I of each worker is intuned, or being put in tune, with headquarters here, thus facilitating instructions, communications between our headquarters and workers in Mark-Age.”**
On July 23, 1960, Jesus relayed: “Not all will see the spaceships, because some of them are etheric in nature, such as the one from which I operate. This is a master ship of tremendous size, housing thousands of ascended masters who have come in recent years to partake of the mission now in operation. For the last seventy-five years [since 1885] this ship has been in orbit around the Earth, in the etheric. It has not been seen in the physical, but it shall be seen by those who have eyes to see. And then, when it is necessary, after most of the cleansing has been completed, it will take on material form.”
Next, we have this statement from Sananda/Jesus on May 5, 1967: “Our craft from the higher dimensions will create a vibrational force and energy that will help change the frequency of Earth plane matter.” As explained, “these craft not only play an important part in individual awakenings and conditionings of spiritual workers on Earth but they also send forth mental broadcasts to the mass consciousness and in other ways help to prepare all people for and in the total transformation.”
Sananda added this fascinating tidbit: “Our ships are striking a keynote, which must reverberate or catch a mass population in its reechoing, responding, recharging effect. . . . Our ships that have been orbiting the Earth and are being sighted in many instances are created for the purpose of setting up a soundnote or a keynote for a rise in dimensional quality. This is impersonal. This is essential. This is part of the overall plan; even when, as a youth, retiring in the hills of Bethlehem, I had need of and required Bethlehem’s star or ship to be projected in proper orbit and thereby give certain evidence to ones of an initiated consciousness. So, again it is benevolent in this respect, and purports the same message and function again.”
Spiraling Orbit
Let’s jump ahead to Pentecost, May 26, 1985. Nada-Yolanda received this astounding announcement in meditation: “I was taken aboard master ship #10 in the etheric, which serves as the Master’s headquarters for coordinating light workers of all planes for the Second Coming program. Sananda was busy with instructions to those involved in running this city-size craft and with all those who report to him from all parts of our solar system. . . . [He did not speak] to me or [give] me any instructions directly.
“However, I ascertained that at the dawn of Pentecost in the Eastern Hemisphere, a new order had been given to move master ship #10 from its anchor point on the southwest border of China and Russia, where it has been stationed since fall 1975. Beginning at the North Pole, the ship will orbit the Earth in a spiraling motion until it reaches the South Pole. It shall stop at each longitudinal meridian for approximately one month. When this has been completed satisfactorily, the ship will orbit the Earth at the equator for an indefinite period.
“The spiraling corkscrew direction, from east to west, is similar to the weaving of the cocoon of white light around any person or object to protect it with etheric substance. In fact, Sananda and his forces are creating such a protective force field around the planet by this new activity. . . . The pace of this orbit depends on the receptivity and the reactions of mankind and the nature forces on Earth in response to . . . energy implantations.
“The light forces connected with this spacecraft will create a force field that appears to be similar to the placenta around a new embryo. It was relayed to me that this is the birthing process of a new heaven on a new Earth. From the demonstrations that will result from this extraordinary celestial-etheric-astral implantation of spiritual energies, we shall witness a greater level of spiritual consciousness among the people of Earth.
“However, be alerted for some negative reactions to this change in vibration for all life forms living on Earth. That is why there is no firm timetable. Sananda and those on master ship #10 will determine responses and will make decisions to add to or to lessen the concentration. Do not anticipate or fear these negative reactions. It is imperative that the light workers on Earth remain steadfast, linking in a circle of light and love, surrounding the planet with projections of peace and understanding. In this way we can help alleviate whatever stress is caused by this new activity and these higher energy implants.”
Based on Nada-Yolanda’s 1985 revelation of the new orbit of ship #10, we conjectured the following: “There are 360 longitudinal meridians. If master ship #10 is going to beam special projections for one month at each meridian, the orbital maneuvers will take thirty years [until 2015]! In addition, we were told that ship #10 will orbit the equator indefinitely after that period.”
Standing at the threshold of 2010, ship #10 will complete this orbit in 2015, only five short years away.
What then? Only Spirit knows, but remember what Jesus said on July 23, 1960: “When it is necessary, after most of the cleansing has been completed, it will take on material form.” Is it not thrilling to contemplate that we ourselves may see the reappearance of the Star of Bethlehem in our lifetime, God willing?
Next, in a Hierarchal Board meditation on June 5, 1985, Nada-Yolanda received further insights on this planetary orbit: “Master ship #10 will be building a new auric envelope around the Earth, which locks out all lower astral forces and allows only celestial and etheric forces to guide those in Earth embodiment. . . . Go slowly and rely on guidance of the Hierarchy as it works more and more securely with the high Selves or the light bodies of many working consciously for the Second Coming.
“That means a spiritual renaissance will result, because the thought forms of those remaining on Earth will be raised above the current vibrational level to that of the upper astral and etheric realms. Thus, a transformation or transmutation of ideas, feelings and actions for all man on Earth will bring the Latter Days to an end and will insure the first stages of the Age of Aquarius.”
Friends and magi, fellow travelers, let us follow the guiding light of ship #10, seeking the new birth of Christ consciousness on Earth.
Contacts with Ship #10
In the traditional Christmas story, January 6, Epiphany of Christian lore, is the day when the three wise men, who had followed the movements of the Star of Bethlehem, the physically materialized master ship #10, arrived in Bethlehem to worship the newborn king, Jesus the Christ of Nazareth, known by us now as Sananda, Prince and spiritual ruler of Earth.
Thus, in our meditations we can imagine ourselves as the Magi, following the beacon of the Star of Bethlehem to kneel before our Christ Self, humbly presenting our gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, rededicating our lives to the Second Coming, both of our planetary Messiah, Sananda as Christ Jesus, and of our own Christ consciousness, manifested through mind, body and soul.
To help light our way, to mark the route with a few signposts, following are some extraordinary contacts I’ve had with Sananda’s ship #10. These experiences are examples to inspire a vibrational keynote for the New Year.
First up is a meditation I recorded on July 18, 1986: “I received that Sananda’s master ship #10 was the focal point by which we expand ourselves to project to and to coordinate with the rest of the solar system. We tend to consider ship #10 as being the prime focus for energies, decrees, coordination being transferred into the Earth planet by the Hierarchal Board from the various dimensions of our solar system. But it may very well be a two-way street, whereby through interdimensional conferences and contacts aboard ship #10 we are better able to connect our energies with other planes, planets and dimensions. In this way, and through this command center, we facilitate our rebonding with the Federation of Planets.”
In a meditation a month later, on August 22, 1986, I recorded the following linkup: “I experienced hieronic contact. I felt a strong clamp on my head, and my throat and heart chakras were vastly expanded. It involved a projection for a new level of breakthrough to be triggered. . . .
“At the end of the contact, I received from Sananda that the ‘Next Movement of Master Ship’ [a phrase I had received in a dream the day before] involved a further stepping-down of his [light-body] frequency for reappearances. The light workers would pick this up first, for Sananda desires to effect a new level of coordination for demonstrations and manifestations in the coming cycle. Of course, this will require of all of us a new level of responsibility and dedication, so that we will be better able to cope with the next phase of his light-body descent and to transfer his energies to all on Earth.”
In 1990, during Nada-Yolanda’s spiritual mission to Alaska, I had another powerful linkup with ship #10 at our Hierarchal Board meditation on July 18: “Immediately as we entered meditation this evening, I felt a very strong space beam clamp onto my forehead; I felt it was a relay from ship #10. As I linked up with Yolanda and the rest of the trinity [Sananda and El Morya] for projections in Alaska, I received waves of rose- and violet-colored light — a combination of Third and Sixth Ray energy for implantation throughout the entire planet. For about half the meditation all I experienced was the space beam and the waves of colored energy.
“Then suddenly, the phrase ‘I lay down my life for Sananda’ entered my mind. I repeated this over and over, as a mantra of dedication to the Second Coming program. Soon the thought expanded to, ‘I lay down my life for Sananda and all my fellowman.’ I knew this to be a code of love and dedication, a keynote for closing off the old evolutionary cycle and anchoring the new frequency to come for all life forms on Earth.
“I visualized each one of the practically six billion souls on Earth simultaneously genuflecting and selflessly dedicating himself or herself to laying down his or her life for each and every one on Earth: a mass of humanity crystallizing in consciousness the same thought at the same time. I realized that the sheer power of this selfless thought, if expressed by all on Earth simultaneously, would utterly transform the vibratory frequency of the planet in a split second. And so it is, from the highest levels of etheric attunement, anchored now through our physical vessels on Earth, through our Mark-Age testing unit. So be it.”
Next came an inspiring contact in a meditation on December 14, 1990: “I experienced a hieronics beam, which activated my solar plexus chakra and also made me feel somewhat dizzy. I knew my four lower bodies [mental, emotional, astral, physical] were being realigned with my light body.
“My thoughts were raised to contemplate the solar system as a whole representing the Star of Bethlehem. That is, because of the high level of evolution, the pure thoughts and ideals which are expressed by the Federation of Planets, our solar system emanates the ‘radiant light of the house of God,’ or ‘Star of Bethlehem.’ (In Hebrew, Bethlehem means ‘house of bread’ or ‘house of living,’ hence an abode of the Living God.) Thus, the Star of Bethlehem (otherwise known as Sananda’s master ship #10) is at its core a symbol of the entire solar system force field in its purest expression: an abode of light for the sons of God.”
Another cosmic realization about ship #10 occurred on January 20, 1993. During a Hierarchal Board meditation, I was clamped with an intense hieronic space beam, which greatly accelerated the anchoring of my light body as projections poured through. Here are the pertinent excerpts of this contact relating to ship #10:
“My light-body dilation continued, unto a fullness greater than I had experienced in a long time. My thinking was expanded into the cosmic reaches of Federation space. I received that in the seventh phase [of the seventh-veil rending] my work will be to hold and to anchor on Earth a higher vision of mankind’s connection with the Federation of Planets and its active relationship with the surrounding universe.
“In my very being, not only would I hold my own body and consciousness in oneness with that of the Earth logos and with the solar system as a whole, but would expand to incorporate unity also with the galaxy beyond. For in the hierarchal structure of the universe, the galaxy is the unit from which we in the solar system receive the next inflow of thought and energy for the New Age of Aquarius. That inflow is transferred from the galaxy through the Federation and, through our body and consciousness, is anchored into the Earth as the Seventh Ray center of our solar system.
“My thoughts were then focused again on the central clearinghouse that is ship #10. This hierarchal energy center — which is under Sananda’s command and is staffed with thousands of ascended masters from many planes and planets — is the focal point to which we on Earth ascend in light-body consciousness in order to link both with the solar system and with the galaxy, and from which we redescend to Earth in order to anchor this cosmic, unified, Aquarian vision. Through the guardianship function of ship #10, light workers are infused with the necessary inflow of light and inspiration that is channeled down the hierarchal chain of command, from galaxy to solar Federation to planet Earth.”
In a meditation on February 26, 1993, I had the following transcendent experience: “As my light body overshadowed me, I worked with the light visualization of the diamond pyramid. . . . Eventually, the diamond pyramid expanded beyond the head of my own light body and connected directly into Sananda’s ship #10. The downpouring of light increased, and I began to experience transformation within the 144,000 cells or centers in my brain. Each cell became as a brilliant, sparkly diamond, filling my head with dazzling light. Gradually the light from my brain center spread throughout my body and auric field, until all my physical and auric cells were as diamonds, radiating the pure white light of the Christ Self.
“This personal conditioning took several minutes, but once it was completed the apex of the light pyramid, still connecting my light body with ship #10, expanded again. This time the light pyramid plugged into the solar logos, from whence energy is transferred throughout our solar system to all planes and planets. I then experienced another degree of the infusion of light, and anchored it through my body into the Earth.
“Thus, through my light body the Earth was connected solidly with the sun; the apex of the diamond light crystal was embedded in the sun, the bottom point in the Earth. Then, the diamond image became as if my body were incorporating the entire solar system, with the sun at my crown chakra, the Earth at my heart/love center, and all the planets in alignment as my other chakras along the spine. The magnificent light from the sun ‘chakra’ came pouring down, bathing all planetary centers/chakras, transfusing all equally, implanting love energy on Earth through my vessel, and therefore expanding all consciousnesses here.”
Truly, we can only marvel at the power and majesty that is the spiritual focal point known as the Star of Bethlehem, master ship #10. From his etheric command center, Sananda/Jesus beckons us to join him in light-body consciousness to receive his inspirations for the coming year. Let us rise now to meet him as he redescends on Earth.
Reprinted from I Am Nation News #55, November-December 2007, as adapted from I Am Network of Light tape #903, for the weeks of 12/24/06 and 12/31/06, by Phillel.
* According to channelings via Nada-Yolanda, the three wise men in actuality were light-body appearances of the ascended masters Kut Humi, El Morya and Djwhal Khul.
** On June 13, 1973, Sananda channeled: “Master ship #10 represents the Hierarchal Board slowly descending, and controlling all evolutionary processes and functions of the Earth planet, regardless of whether or not it [Earth] sees it, knows it, believes it or wants it. The mastership which is experienced and expressed on master ship #10 is that of the Hierarchal Board for this planet; or at least an externalization of that and a collective, parliamentary seat of government. . . . We of the Hierarchal Board, or those of us aboard ship #10, are in parliamentary, legislative control. But because of our higher consciousness and our love, we do represent those who are in the higher consciousness, or all the I Am Selves in collective assembly for the race of man; which, in counterpart, has participated in, and has projected physical form for, evolutionary purposes.
Note: For more information on Sananda’s master ship #10, see our text Visitors From Other Planets, channeled by Nada-Yolanda.
Photos: (1) Star of Bethlehem, courtesy of Bible Picture Gallery. (2) Nada-Yolanda, December 1993, Mark-Age Archives. (3) Visitors © by Hartmut Jager. (4) Sananda/Jesus, Mark-Age Archives; colorization courtesy of Hartmut Jager. (5) Earth-Moon composite from Galileo spacecraft, 1990, NASA. (6) Phillel, 2007, Mark-Age Archives. (7) Angel © by Hartmut Jager. (8) Artist’s conception of Milky Way galaxy, showing position of our sun; NASA Archives. (9) Royalty-free clipart, artist unknown.
Unidentified Flying Object
“It is universally agreed — by astronomers and space-god proponents alike — that the so-called Star of Bethlehem was not a star. As pointed out by R. L. Dione [in God Drives a Flying Saucer], if ‘. . . it appeared only over Bethlehem . . .’ it ‘. . . would have had to be very close to the earth.’ Furthermore, the ‘star’ was apparently leading the Magi until it stopped over the birthplace of Jesus. Celestial objects that are millions of miles or light years away do not behave in that manner.
“It is also a fact that the Star of Bethlehem has never been definitively identified by astronomers even with the assistance of powerful computers that have calculated every instance of known objects such as comets, planets, and supernovae. Some guesses have been made, but no one has ever truly established just exactly what the Star of Bethlehem really was. Again, we have a case in which it is true by definition that the Star of Bethlehem was an unidentified flying object.”
— Ronald D. Story, Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters
Exhilarating! Magnificent! Humbling! Blessed! Oh, how good God is to His children! With Sananda and his ship # 10, plus all the ascended masters, what more can we want or get? It puts all fear by the wayside, and the “knowingness” brings an everlasting joy and contentment that surpasses all.
Recently, I admitted to Father-Mother God that I felt so happy, even in the face of the adversity that seems sometimes to come from nowhere. In the face of all the hurdles and the tiresomeness, holding fast to all we know that is being done for and to us by the ascended ones and their light brigade, it makes it nigh onto impossible to deny the wonderful hope and steadfastness, the joy, strength and acceptance that without a doubt we will all be making it home!
Yes, we will give up our life for Sananda and for all our brothers and sisters of the light, and in fact the entire human race, as we journey home together in peace, love, cooperation and coordination!
What an awesome gift to accept and receive for this holy Christmas season of 2009.
The light of God never fails, and we are that light! God bless us all and Sananda and his brigade of light. Thanks, Phillel, Lady Nada, Kut Humi, El Morya and Djwhal Khul. I love you with all my heart and mind and strength as I love our Father-Mother God! Amen!