Translate Your Frequency
All life in our solar system and beyond cries out for contact with Earth. Our sisters and brothers of other planes and planets stand ready to increase their demonstrations in our skies. Now is the time to mesh our efforts with theirs in order to pave the way for more overt space phenomena for the Second Coming program.
As we have emphasized in various ways, our primary work in recent months has been to demonstrate the mastership of our I Am Self through our daily activities and relationships. The Hierarchy has stimulated us to translate the vibrational frequencies of our mind, body and soul into higher alignment with the light body, the resurrected form of our I Am Self; and they have inspired us to transfer these vibrations to all life form on Earth.
In this work, visitors from other planets have assisted us by space beams to amplify the projections of our I Am Self. Wherever we are, we have been urged to call on this assistance and to receive its beneficial influence, which is supplemental to our light-body demonstrations.
Now, through the united force field of our light-worker network, we expand our efforts to interplanetary contact. We project to mass consciousness to accept spacecraft manifestations. We assist others to assimilate the higher vibrations inherent to contact with those of other dimensions.
The work begins with our own consciousness, for it is in this laboratory that we purify our intent, distill the proper thoughts and attitudes, and then make ready the product of our powerful projections.
Therefore, let us tune our own instrument of body, mind and soul for reestablishing contact with life in our solar system. Each of us is a broadcasting unit. Each of us has a particular set of vibrational frequencies — mental, emotional, astral, physical — to work with, to refine, to translate in order to synchronize our vibrations with our own light body and with extraterrestrials ready to appear on Earth.
Space visitors who are working with us in this network are standing by to record our physical and psychic reactions to contact with them. They will be gathering data throughout the orbit of this broadcast in order to evaluate what further steps can be taken in the weeks and months ahead.
It matters not whether we ourselves are being marked for a physical encounter. For we must realize that what one achieves is achieved for all on Earth. That is the truth and the glory of our oneness as sons of God.
What matters is that we willingly serve as testing laboratories by which the space brothers can take a representative sampling of the thought temperature of mass consciousness. Since we each are connected with others of similar backgrounds, interests, specializations, soul evolvements, and so forth, the vibration we radiate out acts as a leavening agent to raise countless others into the same consciousness, the same desire, the same acceptance, the same preparedness for space contact.
In this respect, we are very much like astronauts who are sent into unknown or unconquered regions of space to explore the possibilities of further human endeavors. Our endeavor, as light-worker astronauts, is to exemplify the spiritual balance, acceptance, awareness and poise by which man of Earth will meet and will exchange with extraterrestrials landing and walking amongst us.
Contact with Extraterrestrials
Our mental, emotional, psychic and physical balance and receptivity to space contact are extremely important. Why? Because all levels of our being are affected greatly when we come into psychic or physical communion with those of higher vibrational frequencies. Our four lower bodies are supercharged and stimulated, actually transmuted via the impact of the direct exchange. Communion with fourth dimensional beings acts as a supplementary stimulus that can trigger higher awareness of and communion with our own I Am Self.
The transmutation or acceleration of frequencies we experience during contact with spacecraft and their occupants is similar to that which takes place in the overshadowing of our own light body, because both involve a higher electromagnetic energy exchange. When we are receptive to higher energies, and do not resist them, our mind, body and soul are transformed and brought into synchronization with Universal Creative Energy, or Spirit.
Coming into contact with those of other frequency vibrations has been traumatic to some who have not been able to translate their own frequency to accept the contact. For example, some have panicked or have expressed great fear. Others have had difficulty mentally integrating the experience with their concept of reality, and even have refused to believe what they have seen with their own eyes. Some have blocked out memory of the encounter. Some have been immobilized physically or have experienced trancelike or altered states. These are indications of the difficulties involved in aligning our four lower bodies with the higher energies of space contact.
Glo-Ria addressed this topic in a channeling through Nada-Yolanda on January 2, 1963: “My plan is to bring forth an integrated idea of one solar system and the eventual transplanetary communication and interplanetary traveling free from any interference whatsoever. It has to occur on the mental level long before a physical phenomenon is permitted. Mental travel and mental intercourse are entirely different from the physical. It is as complex and as difficult as the adjustment or alignment of the various invisible bodies of the individual, this connecting with another individual in a range or frequency slightly off one’s own range. . . . Therefore, there has to be a relation to the higher bodies and an alignment of the invisible, individual bodies before there actually can be a full alignment and rapport with the two physical vehicles of the individuals.
“Your physical vehicle operates at a different frequency than that of a being on physical Venus, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. Therefore, coming into contact you can be thrown into a state of shock and upset because you would see certain phenomena with which you would be unable to cope. Included in that would be physical sensations that are slightly different. The frequency ranges of physical beings from Mars, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter are entirely extraordinary to that of the Earth-hearing sound vibration.
“Unless a Venusian and you become adjusted to the same vocal or sound vibration, you would hear nothing. He or she likewise would hear nothing, except that they are so in tune with mental communication they would be able to read your thought waves immediately. That is why they know what you are doing but you often cannot hear them. The same would apply to the sight and feeling natures. You would feel something that was not there to your physical senses and that would be a great shock. . . .
“Until you become completely adjusted mentally to this frequency, this experience, this eventuality — this inevitability, I might add — you will not enjoy the physical sensation that goes with it. When the mental bodies, of which you have three, have raised themselves to accept this coming attraction to the Earth planet, your physical body — of which the astral, invisible body is part, too — also will rise to the point where you will be able to adjust or to translate to the higher frequencies coming in. Those from other planes and planets will adjust to your frequency when they come in, but they can only step down their vibration to a certain point. They cannot reduce it to the Earth plane vibration, otherwise they would lose their connection with their own dimension.”
Prepare for Space Contact
Psychic and physical conditioning of contactees takes place over a period of months, or even years, before physical contact can be achieved. Most people who have been contacted were not aware of this conditioning process, nor have many been aware that their high Self willingly has cooperated with those of other dimensions to effect the contact.
Yet, as light workers we are aware of these principles and procedures and therefore can support consciously the positive conditioning of mankind for space contact. To enhance our preparation, then, let’s make the following decrees and visualizations to translate the frequency of our four lower bodies, to bring them into synchronization with our light body. This will help stabilize our vibration for physical communion with space beings of other frequencies. Remember, we are the testing units. What we inaugurate in our own consciousness automatically will reverberate to numerous others on our wavelength. They will pick up our projections and, in turn, will be synchronized and made ready for contact.
MENTAL: We are one with the race of mankind throughout the universe. We are one brotherhood under one God under one Federation of Planets in this solar system. Our mental body is now raised to conceive the pure thoughts and images of our Christ mind, which is one with Divine Mind. These thoughts are of truth, equality, brotherhood, and communion with the one Life Force within all life in our solar system. We visualize that free and open exchange with the Federation is now fact.
EMOTIONAL: Our hearts blossom to the divine love being gently poured upon us by our fellow citizens of the cosmos. Through love, all fear is dissolved. In love, we are attuned with the cosmic symphony of life in God’s creation. With love, we extend our hand in cosmic friendship to welcome our visitors from other planes and planets.
ASTRAL: Psychically, we awaken to our soul memories of sojourns on other planets at other times. We remember, through the stirrings of our soul, the harmony and the fluid energy exchange we have had with all life in the past, even on Earth. We call forth now from the Akasha the full potential of interplanetary exchange. From the great reservoir of our soul experience, we materialize again on Earth our desire for space contact.
PHYSICAL: We establish the readiness of our physical body and dimension for contact with extraterrestrials. We see ourselves solidly grounded and balanced. We see our light body enfolding itself around the pivotal point of our physical body, sustaining it, transmuting it, translating it step-by-step into our higher light form. We are ready to hold the contact force of physically materialized spacecraft and beings.
Mentally, emotionally, astrally, physically we call forth the transformation needed now on Earth for contact with the Federation of Planets. Spirit’s will and timing be done. Om!
Adapted from Mark-Age Meditations (now I Am Network of Light) tape #444A, for the week of 5/21/89, by Phillel.
Photos: (1) Nebula © by Hartmut Jager (used with permission). (2) Contact © by Hartmut Jager (used with permission). (3) Glo-Ria by Vera Leeper, 1964, Mark-Age Archives.
Note: To read more about contacting life in our solar system, see our textbooks Visitors From Other Planets and Life in Our Solar System, channeled by Nada-Yolanda.
This comprehensive directive enriches my resolve for space contacts through all my four mortal bodies, in Spirit’s way and timing. For the past three and a half years, I have looked out my windows facing east for spacecraft. I can see from my backyard for miles of farmland and star-bright nights above, and I hope I will be able to help visitors from other planets land here. I believe that in my thoughts we communicate the love, the law, the power that are our heritage, our gift, our mission to love all life and to know our space brothers and sisters are with us, pulling, tugging and bringing us up and together with every breath and prayerful experience of love in action. As always, we all love you and thank you at Mark-Age for your work. Om.
Love to all from Jane Spaulding
Thank you and God bless you, Jane. Your words and actions are a powerful example of what each light worker must demonstrate to help reunify our beloved Earth with the Federation of Planets. With all of us, it begins with our own consciousness, to be translated then into loving action for the highest good of all.
Here is our mantra, our code: “Love is the key to space contact.”
Thank you for posting this communication, Phillel! I find it very helpful as I expand my awareness and reach even further (both within and beyond myself) into the greater Cosmos. I shared a link in our PRIDE OF OLYMPUS Facebook group and am looking forward to reading Part II on the morrow! Onwards!