Editor’s note: Scroll down to the end of this article and listen to Parts A and B of El Morya/Mark’s original podcast, recorded extemporaneously in 1976.
COWORKERS IN THE LIGHT — and, through you, all mankind on Earth — this is a special presentation designed to help each one of you, and to help you help each other person on and about the Earth, in a reevaluation and reprograming technique that has been given to us at Mark-Age to use; which we have used quite successfully, still are using, and will use many times in the future.
First is an examination of relationships within yourself, as concerns yourself, including your three mind aspects of superconscious and conscious and subconscious, in this lifetime; and in prior lifetimes, if you are fortunate enough to know some of them; that is, if they are correct, as you believe them to be. Second is relationships with other people and their ideas.
This review is a reevaluation and a reprograming of that which is in your mind; or mental computer, which functions through your brain. It involves that which has been known to you, given to you, worked through you via the superconscious or Christ or I Am Self; and also what has come from other people and sources.
It is that which has been stored, either by your I Am Self or by experiences of your conscious functioning in this and prior lifetimes, in your memory storehouse, your computer banks. It is that which you consciously are utilizing in forming your thoughts, actions and experiences each and every day of your present life; and therefore in your past and future lifetimes, to a large degree.
Part one of this is concerned with yourself; looking into your own memory storehouse, as concerns your own ideas; that is, your own as much as it is possible to separate them from those ideas, thoughts, laws, regulations that come from other people. Since there is so much to be concerned with in such a reexamination and a reprograming, all I am going to attempt to do is give you some highlights, as we have been doing it here and as we have been told to handle it, and then let you pick it up from there.
For it is something you will be doing not just one time. Rather, it is something you will be doing for the balance of your life. Remember, as was channeled through Yolanda some years ago, even when angels dip into the Earth’s environment they have to go through a cleansing process when they get back into the celestial realms, to eliminate any debris or anything else of a nature which they do not want in their lives or in their realms. We must do a similar thing.
Give this a great deal of thought. If it is at all possible in the immediate present or near future, take a spiritual vacation or retreat. Take as much of a retreat as possible from your normal daily activities and thoughts; and go back and review, reevaluate, reprogram.
Technique of Reversing Time
Here is the technique given to me by my master teacher Katoomi, or Archangel Michael. It is similar to the age-regression technique the psychiatrist or the psychologist would use, or anyone would use in going back to early childhood; or even, in many cases, to prior lifetimes. But we are not concerned at this time with prior lifetimes. It is going backwards from the present to each major step of your life; that is, each time your life took on a new direction or a new function; something new, almost as though you were beginning anew.
Regardless of how old you are, start now. Go back to when you began your important changes in your life, whether it was marriage, a job, school, whatever it might have been, and review that approximate year. You might take a few months on either side of that particular date. Do not limit it just to a calendar year. Go back in detail. Review that year. As you are doing such a review, reevaluate that which comes to your mind.
Before you begin these reviews and reevaluations, ask your Christ Self to reveal to you — directly; and to pull out, to recall from the memory storehouse, your memory computer — that which you should review.
Before you get too far into this, keep one thing in mind. This can be, or should be, a crucifixion–resurrection cycle for you. However, remember that the word crucifixion has different meanings. There is a crossing out, an eliminating of that which you do not want. It is also the conquering of the Earth plane, a mastery of it. So, do not have always a negative connotation of the words crucify yourself or crucifixion. It is a crossing out, a letting go, so the high Self can come back in more force within your life; which is the resurrection.
Keep in mind also that as you do this review and reevaluation it is not just for the sake of cleansing, in a negative connotation, as “You’ve been bad, you’ve got to eliminate a lot of errors,” and so forth. It is a review to ascertain what you want to eliminate, what you want to keep, what you want to replace, in your mental computer. As you do this review you are going to recall wonderful things you may have forgotten about; or which may give you a renewed lease on life, a rededication to principles or ideas or thoughts and activities you may have forgotten.
So, it can be a joyous thing, too. Do not approach this review, reevaluation, reprograming with a sense of dread or unhappiness or of only seeing errors. Look at it as objectively as you can, and realize that it can be very beneficial for you.
You are going to make these reviews a number of times. You are going to do it first as concerns your own thoughts, your own ideas, your own goals. Then you are going to do it as concerns other people and their thoughts and ideas.
Look back at the years of your life that were most significant, starting at the present time and going backward. Just let your thoughts flow, at ease. Start with the beginning of that year — or a twelve-month, fifteen-month cycle, wherever you decide to review — and try to recall each day, each week; what you did, where you went, the things that came up in your life, what your thoughts were, what your goals were, any of these and other things.
This is the type of review you would do in the astral planes, after an incarnation on the Earth plane. So, it is good to accomplish it now, to get into the technique of doing it while you still are in this life or incarnation. Therefore, there will be much less to do at some future time, in this lifetime or after this.
As these ideas flow to you, come up to you, you are going to recall things that are obvious to you. But also you are going to have a lot of things come up, particularly the more you do this, for each one of these segments of time that you did not remember: people coming into your life, things you thought about, opinions you formed, evaluations you made.
Some of these ideas you are going to reject because you no longer want them in your computer banks. You do not want them to be affecting what you do from this point on, to be a part of your total consciousness, to influence your thinking and acting in any way. So, you will reject them.
There will be some you will want to retain. Perhaps they are not of any great significance or value in your making decisions, or in your life from now on, but they may be pleasant memories; or they may have had great value at that time, and therefore again, in giving impetus to your life and in giving direction to the patterns of your experiences and works. Some you will want to redefine, now that you can see them more clearly. Some you will want to revive. Some you will want to replace.
Rest & Reprogram
When you have done all of this for a segment of time, reassemble those thoughts and those ideas and reprogram them into your mental computer. Then will come a period — if not for each segment of your review, at least overall, or from time to time — of rejuvenation. You must reenthuse yourself so you can resume your spiritual journey.
But one thing to keep in mind when you are reprograming is the fact that, just as in making a tape recording, if you have a faulty erasing head on the recorder and you try to record over something that is already there, you are going to get just a jumble of two or more things at one time. In some cases you may want to erase completely a mental tape. In many other cases you want to erase just a small segment. Sometimes you would want to record over that, sometimes just leave it blank. There are all of these and more concerns in remaking your tapes.
Review, reevaluate each segment of your life. When you have done this for major turning points, do it for each year or so of your life. Examine the thoughts you had and the way you are thinking now. Do you want to continue thinking in that way? Or do you want to change some thoughts?
One of the things I have been working on is that a number of things have been annoying me for years. You should do the same. Eliminate those things, if they are of no value. If they still should be an annoyance because you want to work on them, to eliminate them or to do something with them, then retain them, or maybe redefine them.
Examine everything about yourself. What you like, keep. What you do not like, either change or eliminate. But remember, you have to put in new things also. In this case, it is spiritual information and education for the rest of this lifetime.
When going back to reexamine and to reevaluate your ideas, it is quite difficult in many cases, perhaps far more so than you realize, to differentiate those ideas which are your own from those which are influenced by other people. Therefore, look at it as a reevaluation of ideas and relationships within yourself and with other people.
The primary concern is reevaluating the ideas in your consciousness — and thus in your memory storehouse, the computer with which you are working now — that have come to you from your Christ Self in this or some prior life experiences, and those which are stored in your memory storehouse from your own conscious ideas, thoughts, actions in this and prior lifetimes.
Align with I Am Self
Be concerned with the relationship with your high Self. Think and meditate upon this; not trying to put forth your ideas as to what that relationship should be, or what it is like to be in the high Self or Christ consciousness of your etheric nature. It is far beyond what you can evaluate or remember or even imagine at this particular time in this one incarnation.
But rather be receptive to that which Spirit through your own high Self wants to release into your conscious mind, be it directly or through the memory storehouse of the subconscious aspect. As these things are given to you for meditation in this reevaluation and reprograming technique, be aware of what it is that you have thought or have been in the past that is in your subconscious storehouse, and what you should be in the future.
Take these step by step. You cannot think too much of what you want to be in the future without taking into consideration what you have done in the past and what you have to clear up there first. You have to eliminate any blockages and to replace those blockages or error ideas with ones of positive natures. Let Spirit bring forth those ideas. In this type of cleansing or clearing — a refamiliarization, a getting to know yourself better — think in terms of allowing Spirit to reveal to you that on which you have to work.
Keep this in mind. When there is a reevaluation of this kind going on, it does not mean everything is going to come to your conscious mind. It does not mean it has to require some physical action to change or to clear up, even to reprogram, certain things. As has been given to us many times, and as you have found from your own experiences, many of these cleansings, clearings and reprogramings can be done in the dream state and in meditations. And many of them are done without your being consciously aware of them.
For when you set into motion a reevaluation program of this scope, which involves your entire lifetime up to the present time and into any time in the future when you will be working with such a technique, it sets in motion many things that will be taken care of automatically, or on the subconscious plane of action or even on the superconscious, that you will not know about consciously.
So, do not be apprehensive all the time, feeling there must be a lot of things you cannot recall, and therefore it is going to be a problem and you just will not be able to get the cleansing done because you cannot remember everything. It will be taken care of, some way or another. It is not the purpose of the high Self, or Spirit or the Hierarchal Board or the Karmic Board, to keep you locked in the past, but rather to help you out when you make a genuine effort to accomplish this.
In the self-evaluation, consider first of all your thoughts about God. What is your relationship to God? Try to screen out thoughts of other people that you have accepted all these years, or into which you have been born. What are your thoughts now about God and your relationship to God? This does not mean striving to find out wholly or completely what God is, has been and will be. That is impossible. But what does God mean to you now?
What does your Christ Self mean to you now? What is that relationship? What thoughts do you truly feel about your Christ Self? Not what someone else, be it at Mark-Age or anyone else for this self-analysis, has taught or has claimed, but what do you really feel yourself right now? Go down the narrow road to your own Christ Self, not on the detours other people have attempted to lead you onto. What are your thoughts about life in general, about the hierarchal plan, about Sananda and the Second Coming?
Sort out these thoughts as they come to you. Just by having a blank mind many times in these meditations, asking your high Self or Christ consciousness to put thoughts into your conscious mind as to what you should meditate upon, you will find that things will come in, and that is what you should be working on at that time. Do this with many aspects of your own thoughts and your own relationship with your Self.
As you can see, it could go on for a long time. We hope it will be enjoyable, for the most part. If it is not enjoyable at first or for the first few times, know that the more you do it the more it will be enjoyable, because you will be eliminating many of the things you no longer want there.
When you have arrived at a decision, have done the best you can, to clear up an error, do not keep holding it against yourself, do not keep thinking about it. Once you have done the best you can, or have asked Spirit or your own Christ Self to set into motion what is necessary to cleanse and to clear up that error, be it in your own thinking or your own actions or as concerns someone else, then let it go. It will bring about what is needed.
Move Ahead, Don’t Look Back
Go on to something new. Do not keep harboring the same thoughts of an error nature about yourself, like some religious teachings would have you do. You are a wonderful soul, an independent soul. You are seeking for the ending of the crucifixion and the gaining of a mastery of your Earth life and the resurrecting into your spiritual consciousness. This is the key to keep in mind.
In reevaluations of the major turning points in your life, when you do it next time think in terms of relationships with other people: your family, friends, members of the opposite sex in your love life, teachers in school, such people who influenced you one way or another in your livelihood as managers or employees or bosses, people who worked with you or under you, whatever the situation might have been.
In going back to each major segment of your life, try to pick out major turning points such as marriage, when you went into your first job or your present job or a job that was a major change, when you went to college or to high school or to grammar school.
Go back as far as you can to these times. Examine your relationships with other people. In this relationship examination you want to be concerned with how many of the ideas that are shaping your life now, that have shaped your life, that are influencing your life are things you want to reevaluate, and to eliminate or to retain in your reprograming for your spiritual life from this point onward.
For example, you were born into a certain race, religion, nationality. How much are they shaping your life now? How much are you accepting what other people have been thinking and doing, rather than what you feel within yourself; or just have been too lackadaisical or too much influenced by what these people are thinking to be able to break free yourself, even though this is a period of unrest and unsettlement? This is the time for breaking forth; for throwing off error reins, error restraints, error regulations of any kind.
Consider what it is within your life that you want to retain of other people’s directions. For example, whatever you are in this lifetime or were born into, such as race or religion, you were not that five hundred years ago, a thousand years ago, ten thousand years ago, a hundred thousand or a million years ago. Therefore, do you really want this particular aspect or these things that you were born into in this lifetime to influence you as they have been influencing you, as major factors in control of your life, for perhaps millions of years?
Of course not. You want to put them into proper perspective. You want to see that many of those things influencing your life, your decisions, your thoughts, your actions, even your spiritual progress, were formed in this lifetime. They were not really what you decided or what maybe was best for you, what maybe even was truth. Rather, they are the things you inherited by being born into a particular race or religion, and so forth.
Revelations Free Mortal Self
Set yourself free, if you should be and want to be free, because this is the time for examining your relationships with other people, as to how much they have influenced what you really are. Be yourself. Unto your own Self be true. Be duly concerned about possibly living your life, now and hereafter, just to conform to what certain people think or tell you is right, particularly if you know it is wrong.
This is the time, these Latter Days, when all things shall be revealed unto man. That does not mean everything in the realm of knowledge, good and bad, is going to be revealed to everyone, but rather that which each person should know for his own evaluation and reevaluation, his personal Armageddon, his gaining the victory in this current purification period of Armageddon, his resurrecting, and the second coming into his own Christ consciousness, going on with spiritual progress and development from this point.
Keep in mind that this is a reevaluation to examine your own ideas, your own thoughts, your own life; to eliminate that which you do not want and to replace it with that which you do want; to set new goals; to be born anew. This is the time for reprograming. So, put new thoughts into your mental computer, the thoughts you want to influence your life now; the basis or the foundation upon which you want to predicate your thinking, your actions, your spiritual works henceforward; knowing, of course, that you are going to be gaining more and more additional thoughts.
But do not set your mental computer so as to shut out all that still is going to be brought forth in this Latter-Day period prior to the Second Coming of Sananda and of your Christ Self. Keep that recording mechanism open for putting in more and more spiritual information. As you prove to your Christ Self you can handle it and can work with it, you will be given that information.
Reprinted from University of Life course Reprogram Your Consciousness, published in 1976 (out of print).
LISTEN TO PODCASTS: Click on the “Play” button below to listen to El Morya/Mark’s original recordings of “Reprogram Your Consciousness,” Parts A and B.
Part A
Part B
Photos: (1) El Morya/Mark, 1966, Mark-Age Archives. (2) Channeling (colorized), painting courtesy of Arthur Douët. (3) Angel © by Hartmut Jager. (4) El Morya/Mark, 1960, Mark-Age Archives.