Editor’s note: Scroll down to the end of article and listen to the podcast of Mark’s original audio recording. Through the power of the sound vibration, tune in to the calming, authoritative presence of El Morya, Chohan of the First Ray of Will and Power, as he delivers timely spiritual wisdom on handling crises in these Latter Days.
BROADCASTERS OF LIGHT, WE ARE SENDING THOUGHTS to you of cheerfulness, of happiness, of joy, of relaxation, of freedom from all worldly problems. If you don’t feel that way now, we trust you will by the time you have finished this broadcast and have meditated on what it has to say.
For the topic of this broadcast is: crises and other problems. It’s something that has been coming to me to share with you. You know we like to work with the masses in our broadcasting network; that is, to work on sending thoughts and projections to them that will help in awakening them, lifting them unto a spiritual awareness, to a oneness with the Christ Self and with each and every person.
In order to do that we have to reach that same pinnacle or achievement or goal within ourselves. Otherwise, what good is it to broadcast it to the masses? Thus, many of the situations, themes, topics worked on in these meditation programs concern putting ourselves into a certain state, working with our own consciousness, to produce that which we in turn want to send forth to the masses.
The topic of crises and other problems is one which surely concerns you and every one of us; if not every day in some way, at least frequently. At first we thought of just talking about crises or different troubles of different degrees.
But the topic lends itself also to including the minor aspects of that which we call problems; realizing that all problems are not crises or negative. We like to look upon problems as challenges or as opportunities to achieve something in our spiritual work, in our daily activities, in our thoughts; something to do, not necessarily something to overcome.
We’re going to examine how to recognize crises, how to work with them, how to rise above them, how to overcome them in general; and, in doing so each time, realizing that we have added one more step to our growth and are ready to tackle the next one with the experience we’ve learned here and with the knowledge of how to handle it. We will handle it, rather than let it handle us.
The crises that come to each of us on Earth are not unique to any one person or to any one group or nation. Indeed, it seems that not a day goes by now but that there is not at least one new crisis, or a further development in a current crisis, on an international scale. The same applies nationally, locally, and in our own individual lives.
This applies to light workers as well, perhaps more at this time to us than to others. We say perhaps more at this time because we know that in many ways we are in the forefront. We are having problems come to our attention, we are having to work with problems concerning spiritual awakening and spiritual development, sooner than the masses as a whole, because we are the advance guard.
We’re the ones who are in the forefront, who are doing some of these things not only to help ourselves but to make it easier for others; and also for setting patterns. For in some of the things we go through, we serve as examples for other light workers, for the masses as a whole; so that in some cases they do not have to go through the same crisis or the same awakening or the same problem to the same degree, but it can be made much easier for them.
In that aspect this meditation network has one of its most important functions; because we consider certain problems, we work on them and solve them, we project the answers to the mass subconscious, where they are picked up by each and every person on Earth.
In that way we help to make it easier for them to come through these problems in this ending of one age and preparation to go into another age. At the same time we open to them avenues through which they can receive the answers directly through Spirit, through their own high Self, through those on higher planes, and through the thoughts we are broadcasting to them.
Some might think that at Mark-Age we just don’t have any crises, because everything seems to run so smoothly. We don’t talk much about them in our publications or on our tapes; sometimes in our conversations or in our letters with some of you individually, yes.
But this is not the case at all. For we probably have more problems, more crises coming to our attention on a collective basis than perhaps any of you can imagine. We have not only our own individual lives to consider but we also have the immediate Mark-Age staff and families; that is, those who in some cases are living at headquarters, and in any case all those of us who work together at headquarters. They involve not only our staff associates but their immediate families and friends. They involve our part-time staff members. They involve many in our Mark-Age Family who have crises in their own lives that they ask us to work with in one way or another.
We are concerned with these. We have problems, sometimes crises, in the aspect of just functioning as an organization; which has to do with income, cost of materials, equipment, services, deadline dates, and getting material to you; many things that have to do with performing our functions as a light unit in disseminating the information we receive from Spirit and from the Hierarchy to you, our Mark-Age Family, and to the masses in general.
So we have many crises we do not speak about, but which nevertheless are very real in our daily activities. But we have found, in operation since 1960 as a unit, that each and every one of these crises has been solved in its time. Not that we personally have to solve, or even could solve, all of them, but we are able to bring to bear those who can solve them or who can work on them for us, sometimes individually and sometimes collectively.
We have worked with many of you on your individual crises and problems. Whether we have or not, you do have them. Sometimes you can rise above them. Sometimes they make rather dramatic changes in your lives. This particularly would be true in the case of a loved one or a friend making the transition into another realm, or moving out of your circle in some respect.
There’s no reason to go on and on as to what some of the different crises are, because we aren’t going to be concerning ourselves with recognizing them, or that we all have them, or that we light workers are receiving many more than our share, probably; except that we know we have volunteered to do this, in looking ahead to the work which we have to do on Earth at this time.
Rather, we want to be concerned with how to handle crises as they come up; and also how to be prepared to handle them even when they aren’t there yet, but are on the horizon or will be coming up to one extent or another.
The first thing to consider is that when a crisis does arrive, or even a problem that is going to give us some kind of difficulty, we must become as relaxed as we can. We must go within to Spirit, to our high Self. Still our thoughts, our fears, our qualms of any kind about how we are going to handle it. Know that we are in Spirit. This crisis was known before it came up; our high Self knew about it, Spirit knew about it, perhaps our coworkers in other planes knew about it. The solution already was at hand, or was being worked on, at the time the problem was seen, in advance of it coming to our conscious attention.
We turn within and ask the high Self how to handle that particular situation, knowing it is through the high Self consciousness that we have contact with Spirit. We turn within and say something to the effect that this is the concern of the high Self; or at least the high Self knows how to handle it and is in full control of the situation at all times. It makes very little difference in the eternal nature of the high Self, if indeed any difference, because the high Self has handled many problems and many crises far more drastic and important than this one many times in our prior evolution, our prior eternal existence; and there will be far more, of greater moment.
This too will pass away, be it in a matter of minutes or days or a longer period. There will come the time when we can look back and say that we surmounted that crisis and we have one less with which to be concerned.
By turning within to Spirit in this respect, by putting our self in attunement with the high Self consciousness, we drop all concern about how to handle it. We become attentive to the ideas which will come to our mind on what to do about it.
We also can try projecting a little into the future, knowing that soon this time or this crisis will have passed and it will have been solved; and imagine how we will feel at that time. We also can look at the past and think of what it was like before this crisis came to our attention, when we didn’t have that particular problem to work with, when we were calm and relaxed.
Then we become attentive in listening for or receiving the ideas in our mortal consciousness of how to handle it; explanations of what it means, of what to do about it.
I’m looking at the Pacific Ocean and having this thought: Many times people use, in a spiritual sense, the analogy of the ocean being the mind of Spirit, the overall nature of Spirit. There can come up quite a few tempests or storms that can cause many crises or problems to those people and things on the surface of the water; or close by on the shore that could be affected by the water, should it get that far in the tempest.
However, deep within the ocean those creatures which live and exist down there — the animal, the vegetable and the mineral kingdoms — aren’t perturbed by the tempests raging on the surface. They are serenely living their normal lives down there, going about their daily activities one way or another. They’re not concerned.
Why don’t we consider the same thing? Again using the analogy of the ocean as the consciousness of Spirit, if we are riding on the surface — that is, more concerned with what is outside the spiritual nature of life or spiritual laws, or if we even feel we are separated or are acting like we are separated from Spirit — we can be perturbed by these crises that come to our attention. However, if we are deeply immersed in the spiritual consciousness, in Spirit, intuned with our own high Self, we ride through all these problems; and we don’t even know they exist, in many cases.
You could spend a great deal of time in thinking about crises; and indeed we hope you do, because we only have begun to scratch the surface of this theme. But what we want to do is prepare ourselves to work on any crisis we now have and to be prepared for those which will come up, so that we will not become rattled and we will not become disturbed in any way, but will remain serene and calm deep in the midst of the spiritual consciousness so the answers will come to us.
Let us project to the masses this same theme: that they too can solve their crises and their problems by turning within to the high Self. We will use our power in this broadcast to project that there will be fewer and fewer crises that will concern the masses, that will concern those who come into spiritual awakening and development.
Revised from Mark-Age Meditations audio broadcast #53A, released in May 1974.
LISTEN TO PODCAST: Click on the “Play” button below to listen to the original recording of “Handling Crises” by El Morya/Mark.
Photos: (1) El Morya/Mark, 1960, Mark-Age Archives. (2) El Morya/Mark, 1961, Mark-Age Archives.
Grateful. Even though this subject was broadcast in 1974, it seems so comforting to read and listen to nowadays. How often we forget to go within and trust in that power of resolution. It so often happens to us as human beings; but practice makes perfect, they say. Since recently reading this crises ‘workbook’ I tried the steps and it works … takes lots of patience and faith, but it worked for a small personal crisis! We pray that we apply collectively this “handling of crises” concept to lessen the actual critical-crises situations of the nation and around the world, maybe by meditating or repeating the words of the last paragraph of this transcript: “Let us project to the masses,” etc.
Thank you, Lynnette, for your beautiful testimonial!