WE ARE PREPARING for an entirely new cycle of life on Earth. Initially this will begin with the Second Coming of Sananda. It will continue with the second coming of each one’s own high Self, Christ Self, I Am Self. Then it will be a preparation period for a new major cycle of evolution for man in this entire solar system, in the next three thousand years or so. Therefore, it is a good time now to begin to simplify your life.
There are so many ways we can apply this theme that we can spend a great deal of leisure time in thinking about it. Even though it might seem to ourselves, or to other people especially, that in many of these meditative states where we are contemplating various subjects or doing various inner plane works we are not doing anything, in reality we are doing something very important. In this case we will be receiving the ideas in this broadcast on how to simplify our lives, and then each of us will be working on it in meditations.
The older one gets, in many cases, the more life does become simplified in various ways, because we no longer are interested in doing some of the things we looked forward to doing as youth while still in school, as teenagers, and in our twenties and thirties. We look forward to doing and enjoying many things, but as time goes on we find our interests or desires have become satiated in those respects. So, we simplify our lives.
There was a great movement amongst the youth in the late 1960s to simplify life to a tremendous degree, getting back almost to the bare essentials of living on Earth, back to nature, and to life in communes. They gave up virtually everything in the way of worldly possessions.
We are not talking about that, though. If it is appropriate for some individual for a particular time, fine. It may be exactly what that person or group of persons needs at that time. So, we are not demeaning this in any way. But we want to get into a broader idea, a wider scope, of what simplification of life means.
Take Control of Life
First of all, we have to have things more simplified and orderly in our own lives so we can take more and more control over life, not only as it is now for us but as it will be manifesting in future years, and as we prepare for life after this in other planes. Therefore, let us consider the fact that there are many things besetting us from all sides and in many ways on Earth these days.
Those who are studying or are involved in science and in many other things find the number of things to which we are subjected in life is growing at an alarming rate. We almost need a computer in our brains to keep track of all these things. I read of a person looking into the future, trying to envision what life might be like in the twenty-first century, who was of the opinion that it might be possible by that time to implant a small computer in our brains so it would take care of many things for us, including understanding and speaking in foreign languages.
Nevertheless, the wealth of information is so vast, even in one particular field such as medicine, science, electronics or such, that people in that field cannot begin to keep up with it, let alone with the vast scope of knowledge that seems necessary to maintain a comfortable and orderly life on Earth at this time. Then we have all the things pertaining to government decrees, regulations, rules in various nations, cities, towns where we are living at this time.
So indeed there is a need for simplification. It is true there is a wealth of information in the universe that we do not know. But it is also true we do not have to know all of those things in our lives at this particular time.
We accept the fact that it has been necessary to have much revealed to man in these Latter Days to bring him much more rapidly than usual, or than would have been preferable, into a higher state of consciousness to prepare him for the inexorable lifting into a new dimension, predominantly in the dawning Age of Aquarius. Still, it is truth that we cannot be expected to know all things in the universe at every time. This is evident to us in the fact that few of us know much of anything about our prior lifetimes and all the things we accomplished then.
Very few of us are able to keep up with the events and the facts that are learned in all fields of man’s endeavor on Earth now. In schools they try to give us basis for understanding these things so we can explore them further. But how many of us are using calculus, chemistry, physics, languages, history, many of the things we learn in school, right now in our everyday life?
This is not to say we should dismiss all those, or should stop teaching them in school, but rather that we should begin simplifying now in our own thoughts that which we want to retain conscious control of, and particularly that which we want to add to our consciousness, at this time.
So, let us look about us in our lives and in the lives of others in the world, and see how we can simplify our lives and others can simplify their lives. Many of the things we pay attention to daily are not of that much importance.
Let us simplify. Let us visualize having presented to man of Earth through the various media that which is essential. Let us stop visualizing mankind continually creating more and more products, words, thoughts and ideas which are of no great consequence; each one seeking converts, a readership, a following, or a market for products, when it is not necessary.
What is necessary on Earth now is man turning within to his Christ Self and thereby turning to God, learning the spiritual truth of life to prepare for life in Sonship consciousness, the I Am consciousness within each and every person.
Therefore, project that thought into mass consciousness: simplify your life. Get rid of all the extraneous things you are involved in, thinking about or doing. It is not necessary that we give up everything, by any means. Life is for living, so let us enjoy it. Let us not preach or demand that everyone have a barren existence without any pleasures, privileges, luxuries or entertainment of any kind. We don’t want that.
Dwell on Spiritual
Let us now on Earth begin to concentrate on dwelling for the major part of our life only on those things which are important. Instead of constantly looking for a wealth of new products, new stories, new plays, new entertainment, or even to continue a lot of those which are of no great value now, let us project to man the thought, and have this thought ourselves, that we are here to be about our Father’s business. Our Father’s business refers not only to our Father-Mother God but to the father Self, the I Am Self, the real Self of each and every person.
We are here to prepare for a vast, wonderful life ahead. But we must begin to sort out things first. We must cut out more and more continually, at least until we have it to where we control these things and they do not control us; where we have life at a more leisurely pace; where we are able to receive thoughts from the high Self within, from Spirit, from those who are working with man from higher planes and on Earth.
So, simplify your life, mankind of Earth. Be ready to receive that which is coming to you from the higher planes. Since you cannot think of many things at one time or do many things at one time, be prepared for and receptive to the idea of eliminating much which is unnecessary so you can receive that which is important.
Man of Earth, we see you now eliminating many truly unnecessary things of life so you are receptive to that which is at hand already, and has been on hand for eons of time, for you to understand consciously and to unfold into your daily life on Earth. Thus you will be able to receive more and more of the true life, the spiritual life, on Earth. Be receptive to this spiritual life, to the truths which are coming to you at all times.
Begin taking a mental inventory, man of Earth. Eliminate those things with which you are dissatisfied or which are taking up too much of your precious time, thoughts and energies; which are robbing you of the time and the energies required to devote yourself to a perception and a utilization of your spiritual nature. Give up those things which are not important to you, in any sense; because you have to give them up eventually anyway, either in or after this lifetime. Eventually you must make the time to receive these spiritual things, so why not now?
Simplify your life. Get rid of all extraneous things that are draining your vital energies, time and attention. Be receptive to those things which are wonderful, which are at hand already; the wonders of life. Simplify your life so you can expand your living and be your spiritual Self. So we see it for all on Earth now.
Revised from Mark-Age Meditations audio broadcast #112B, released in September 1976.
Photos: (1) El Morya/Mark, 1966, Mark-Age Archives. (2) El Morya/Mark, 1961, Mark-Age Archives.