by Nada-Yolanda, with El Morya/Mark
Nada-Yolanda and El Morya/Mark broadcast the following talk on Mark-Age Meditations (now I Am Network of Light) tape #46B, for the week of February 24, 1974. We published the edited transcript in our periodical in 1975 and again in our May-June 2016 issue of I Am Nation News. Listen to the original recording, embedded below as a podcast, and link directly with the spiritual vibrations of Nada-Yolanda and El Morya/Mark!
A MOST IMPORTANT TASK we have as light workers is to resolve the problems facing mankind as a race in these last throes of mortal consciousness expressing in the third dimensional frequency, as we go into the fourth dimensional etheric consciousness or light body.
One of the things we have to consider and to work with is the mortal reaction to coming into a new level of consciousness and the spiritualization of any area of life. Mass consciousness is going to react to the light in a number of ways. We want to be aware of them. We want to know how to handle them.
I call this the last fling. Anyone who has been on a diet knows exactly what I’m talking about: “I’ll have that one last binge before I start my diet.” Or, an alcoholic might say: “I’ll have one last drink before I join Alcoholics Anonymous; one last drunk.”
Mass consciousness is doing the same thing. You can see it all around you: hate, violence, sexual promiscuity, negative thinking, hurts, negative energies. It all represents a subconscious awareness that this type of thing has got to go.
It is going. We, the light workers of the world, are prepared to see that it does leave the planet. There is no other choice. But how do we deal with this in ourselves? How do we deal with it in the community where we are? How do we deal with it on the mass-conscious level? There is no other way but light, love, and implementing of truth principles.
Too many in light work are ready to condemn, to analyze, and to put forth all kinds of mortal excuses. We argue among ourselves: “This is the reason for it, because of such and such.” Or: “If I get there in my profession and put this down, if I make this law, if I go out and demonstrate, if I carry this banner, if I fight with my mother who caused me to be this way, it will change everything.”
It won’t change anything. Light workers know this. If you are a light worker, there’s only one way to work: in the positive way; implementing into mass consciousness the light, the truth, the higher functioning of the God Self within each person.
Mass consciousness: that’s not just a word; these are people, these are souls with individual problems. They’ve congregated on this planet to overcome this. So, how dare anyone lump them as Southerners or Northerners, or Germans or Japanese or American Indians, or anything? They are people, souls in agony. They weren’t always black, white, red, Jewish, Catholic, Buddhist, men or women. Every child has been an adult in another incarnation, and every adult has been a child in this incarnation. All have been many things and can experience many things.
You Are Spirit
Let us know, as light workers linking together, that we must help eliminate as much as possible this desire for that last fling and that last binge as mortal beings. Let’s project together to every one of these sisters and brothers: “You are Spirit. You don’t need that last fling; it will get you absolutely nowhere. You don’t have to have that last drink, that last sweet, that last sexual binge.”
We must impregnate into these soul records, into the subconscious mind of each individual, that it is Spirit in them that is the last fling. That is the last place to go. It’s the only place to go. It’s the only real and lasting experience each and every one of us is ever going to be able to work with and to hang on to and to enjoy.
This planet does not need to go through that horrendous experience. If we do our job properly, light workers and friends, they will not need to have it. It’s our responsibility. That’s why we’re linked together. Let’s mentally and spiritually hold each other up, give each other strength; and in this unification and in this linking send out the thought, that each soul is capable of picking up: “You are a child of the everlasting God Force. This is the first and the last place, this is the first and the last experience, this is the first and the last of all your being.”
Decree by El Morya/Mark
As in all spiritual projections and power broadcasts, we consider what we do to be as examples for others, and to help plant this within the mass consciousness so that the masses, each and every person on and about the Earth plane and in the astral planes, will begin to do the same within their own consciousnesses, and thus to bring it into effect, to help leaven the masses, to help raise them into a higher level of consciousness and action; thus fulfilling their own spiritual natures, talents and powers for the purpose of being cocreators with God and doing that for which we were created.
Therefore, in this instance of considering that much of what man of Earth is doing at this time is for the purposes of a last fling, let us again use ourselves as examples. Let us go within our own consciousnesses, within our own memory storehouses, and seek to know and to correct those things which we feel might be what we are doing merely as last flings; knowing consciously or subconsciously that we may not be able to do them much longer, and therefore perhaps we have felt that we might as well have that last fling, for it would make no difference anyway.
Let us examine carefully many of those things, if not indeed all of those things, that we really enjoy doing. If they are good, profitable and spiritually proper, let us continue to do them so long as we might have the opportunity to do so. But if we feel that they are not necessary — and here we are not asking ourselves to abstain from all pleasures, by any means — then let us set about eliminating them, thus allowing us to welcome new experiences and opportunities within our consciousness for Spirit in action as and through us. As we do this, know that we are doing it for others.
Then we project out to the masses those major areas or major things which the masses themselves need not continue to adhere to as last flings, but instead can get out of their systems and can get on with their spiritual development. Thank you for your participation in this examining of your own mental storehouses and this setting the example for the masses.
Revised from Mark-Age Meditations audio broadcast #46B, released in February 1974.
LISTEN TO PODCAST: Click on the “Play” button below to listen to Nada-Yolanda and El Morya/Mark’s recording of “The Last Fling.”
Photo: Nada-Yolanda and El Morya/Mark, 1961, Mark-Age Archives.