June 2, 2010. HIERARCHAL BOARD MEDITATION. Sananda, aboard his master ship #10, contacted me with a hieronic space beam. Connecting his light body directly with mine, he levitated both my arms, forming the J sign (for Jesus) with the thumb, index and middle fingers of both hands. The power of his overshadowing increased. With my left hand, he then drew open the veil over my heart chakra, revealing symbolically his own sacred heart. Continually he gives the Earth his divine love, the radiant Christ force that is the salvation of all mankind.
Next, re-forming the J sign with my left hand, through both raised hands he projected the Christ matrix: peace, love, cooperation, coordination. The concentrated stream of electromagnetic light reverberated through all wavelengths of mass consciousness. Sananda, Prince of Earth, reset the frequency vibration to refocus man’s attention on the Christ within.
To man of Earth, he telepathically relayed:
“I am Sananda, Lord of this World, aboard ship #10 in the etheric.* Fear not, my children, I am still in command of this world, despite what you may believe as you experience the throes of Armageddon all around you. Now you see what you have wrought. By your disobedience to cosmic law, you have brought these karmic cleansings upon yourselves; you are reaping what you have sown. Yet the Christ will reign on Earth.”
By “throes of Armageddon” Sananda referred to all the political, social, governmental, financial upsets now unraveling throughout the countries of the world, engendering confusion and panic and despair. He referred also to the natural disasters occurring from the exacerbated reactions of devic-elemental forces, who are responding to the negative, incoherent (erratic or unfocused) thought patterns of mankind. He referred to the catastrophic oil spill still gushing in the Gulf of Mexico, caused by man’s greed and lack of strict adherence to commonsense safeguards. The man-made calamity threatens the ecology and the economy of the whole region, and imperils untold species of life forms. It is as if the very Earth is wounded, bleeding from the transgressions of man’s refusal to assume proper spiritual oversight of the lower kingdoms, through his divine role as a son of God.
Sananda made it clear that, from the higher planes, the masters of the spiritual Hierarchy are channeling through all the necessary energies and solutions we need to address the dire problems we now face. Those who are receptive to the higher Christ insights will reach up and grasp them, and will apply them to bring about balance and resolution.
Furthermore, it is up to the light workers, who have sufficient training, to rise up as warriors of the light. Amidst the withering onslaught of Armageddon’s projectiles, we must stand up with courage and advance into the fourth dimension. We must anchor the Christ energies, thoughts and solutions on Earth. We must assist our brothers and sisters here to rise into the light.
We must hold fast to Sananda’s emphatic decree: “The Christ will reign on Earth.”
* Lord of the (this) World: designation of spiritual title for one who holds office of Christ for a certain area, such as Lord Maitreya for the solar system and Sananda for Earth.
Photo: Sananda/Jesus (colorized by Hartmut Jager), Mark-Age Archives.