Meditation Broadcast by El Morya/Mark
[Editor’s note: The following talk by El Morya/Mark appeared on Mark-Age Meditations (now I Am Network of Light) tape #10B, for the week of October 8, 1972. Below is the transcript, as edited for publication in I Am Nation News #48, for September-October 2006. Better yet, listen to the original recording, posted below as a podcast, and link directly with El Morya/Mark via the power of sound!]
Here is a meditation point I would like to share with you so you can use it and pass it on to others. It is useful in your work, your meditations and especially in this meditation network. It has to do with broadcasting light and what we want to see, to experience, to be.
The technique involved is similar to the tapes to which we listen in these meditations. They are made in advance to be played at a certain time — one, two, three weeks hence. Of course, some will be playing them for years hereafter, for they want to participate, listen, enjoy them continually.
What is the lesson we can take from this for application in our meditations and in every facet of our lives? Simply this: you are listening at this time to a taped broadcast that was made several weeks in advance to your hearing it. Therefore, why not prepare your own meditations or broadcasts in advance for the time you will need or want them for a specific occasion? Or, you just might want to tune in again to that particular mental broadcast.
You don’t need any physical equipment, for you always can tune in to your subconscious memory recorder and draw from it that information. Better yet, you can put it on automatic so it will play at a certain time for a certain situation without your being consciously aware, even at the moment when you want it, that you had preset it.
It works like this. Suppose you are looking ahead to a situation several weeks hence. Normally, you would view it with trepidation; it may seem to be an event that would bring no happiness, perhaps even pain — something you definitely would not want to face. Then, in the meantime, you might be imagining all kinds of terrible things that could happen on that occasion coming up.
What happens, then, when the time comes? Whether you know it or not, you tune in to the advance broadcast you already made for that time and situation. Naturally, you will have a great predisposition to be unhappy, ill, distressed, whatever.
Why not change that now? If an event is coming up for yourself or others, why not prepare now a broadcast you will want to hear then?
So, instead of mentally recording messages days, weeks, months in advance of what you do not want to experience at that time, consciously work at projecting ahead, recording these thoughts:
When that situation or day or event arrives, you will be feeling happy because you know Spirit will be with you. You know your high Self will prepare the way for you. You know you have help in the higher planes to tide you through that situation; and that the day after that event or situation, you will feel wonderful because all will have been worked out to the advantage of all people concerned.
Thus, you can enjoy that event both before and after, and when the time arrives you will not have those worries or other problems that come with it.
You can apply this same idea for those in your family who may have unpleasant events coming up. Do for them what they may not yet do for themselves. Or, if you feel they will be receptive, explain it to them, work with them. Look ahead and enjoy the situation. See the outcome being perfect. Consciously work together at making a mental broadcast to be played now, until that time, at that time and after that time. You record now what you want to experience at that time.
Now expand this out. When you know in advance of important events coming up in your life or the lives of your family, friends, community, nation, the world, work to prepare in advance a mental broadcast to be played when the time comes. Instead of hearing the tape being played through your own conscious or subconscious aspects, you can see it being played for and in mass subconscious. So, the masses will be tuning in to this broadcast about the event as much as, if not more than, any unhappy aspects. Mentally see the situation working out according to God’s divine order and harmony.
Let us prepare some future broadcasts right now. Visualize three different broadcasts you are going to record: one for some event coming up shortly in your life that usually could be unhappy; one for a friend or an acquaintance; one for some national or world situation.
When you have had the experience of preparing these three, make a final one, a mental broadcast that will be played over and over again during these Latter Days: “The world, all people in the world, accept with great happiness and joy the Second Coming of the Christ: each one his or her own Christ consciousness and the return of Sananda as Jesus the Christ, spiritual ruler of Earth.” Happy broadcasting, fellow broadcasters of light!
LISTEN TO PODCAST: Click on the “Play” button below to listen to Mark’s recording on “Mental Broadcasts for the Future.”
EL MORYA/MARK, cofounder of Mark-Age, transferred to the etheric realm in 1981. He continues to guide our Mark-Age unit, as well as light workers on the higher astral planes. His metaphysical masterpiece, How To Do All Things, remains our best seller since 1965.
Photo: El Morya/Mark, 1966. Mark-Age Archives.