In I Am Nation News and on I Am Network of Light audio broadcasts, Mark-Age has published various projections, communiqués and hieronic experiences, all from my aspect of high Self service under the code name Motah. Briefly, this code is utilized by a segment of hierarchal workers who are involved in educational and communication functions for the Federation of Planets.
Space communicants first revealed this code name in messages through Nada-Yolanda [right photo], Gloria Lee [left photo], and a few other New Age channels beginning in the early 1960s. For example, Dr. Hannibal channeled this explanation through Nada-Yolanda on March 28, 1961: “We are known as Motah, Saturnian Council members. Aboard this craft [mother ship #1235] are representatives from every planet in the solar system, and from other galaxies, for interdimensional purposes. It is one of the major meeting areas in your atmosphere. Motah is a
code name for a segment of governmental information sources; ruling classes, you might say. . . . Motah is a interdimensional code name and we use it freely in the work of governmental procedures.”
In messages and intunements both directly to me and through Nada-Yolanda in 1974, Dr. Hannibal/St. Germain, my master teacher, and Sananda/Jesus first revealed my own involvement with these specific Federation functions. In my soul evolvement throughout the solar system, I have trained as a hieronics channel, and therefore am “familiar with the various vibrations of the separate planets and planes of those planets and can intune from whence [my] energies are being projected.”
In 1981, seven years after I had joined the Mark-Age staff (and after many cleansings and preparations), my intensive training as a hieronics channel began. This communiqué, delivered through me to the Mark-Age Unit during a hieronic contact on March 18, set the stage:
“We of Federation Information Services [Motah] bring forth new energy implantation . . . for complete restructuring of United Staff services and devotion. Now is time for new development for fluid energy exchange. This is place. No longer wait; too late to wait; no more waiting. Implantation must occur now. Sixth Ray forces under St. Germain assist for transmutation and complete reunification.”
Twelve years and numerous space contacts later, during a new phase of my channeling development in 1993, I began to receive more tidbits of information.
In a public meditation at Mark-Age headquarters on October 22, 1993, I had this initiatory contact: “Lines of force with other teachers and associates from all planes and planets of the solar system were restimulated. These are individuals with whom I have made connections during the course of my training with the Federation over many thousands of years.
“The lines of force, gathered from all sectors, are funneled through St.Germain/Dr. Hannibal’s mother ship . . . , then from there down through my light body’s ‘coaxial cable’ and into my crown chakra. Thus, when the specialities and functions of others in the solar system need to be implanted through my channelship on Earth, they can be ‘downloaded,’ much as in a computer bulletin board system, through Hannibal’s ship and with his overseeing guidance and monitoring.”
Next, in a channeling through me on December 14, 1993, Dr. Hannibal relayed the following: “We have you under our Motah Command structure. Personnel under my command, who report directly to me and operate directly under my supervision, have occasion to relay information or inspirational thought. Nothing occurs beyond my purview. . . .
“The thoughts you have received regarding your intrinsic involvement with Motah concerns are factually relayed from headquarters. You are familiar with our methods of operation, as you have spent lifetimes under my guiding influence specifically to serve at this post in these Latter Days. You are among good company of those who are entrusted to transmute Earth frequency into greater alignment with solar functions.
“Motah serves to coordinate the instructional shift from frequency to higher frequency. All planes and planets, but especially Earth, are being informed simultaneously, naturally; though the methods employed be different depending on the frequency requirements and the dimensional densities inherent to each planetary structure.
“You have been, and must continue to be, a willing transmitter of transmutational force fields. This begins within yourself, first and foremost, in order to maintain a clear and open channel with higher forces. As you shift from one frequency to the next, ever spiraling to higher attainment for Christ service, your radiation offers opportunities for others to experience the same ease of upliftment, frequency to vibrational frequency. This occurs only as you sustain clarity within your own mind, body and soul, thus offering no interference to transmutation. . . .
“Motah serves Sananda, Prince of Earth, in any and all endeavors to anchor light on this plane. All proceeds fully under his generalship, and only by his own guiding influence for all Earth planetary concerns. Our agenda serves his, whose own agenda serves only Spirit’s for the highest good of all.”
During a group meditation at headquarters on January 31, 1997, I experienced the following: “Attuning to the specific functions of my Christ Self, that is, the Motah Council and my service to the Federation of Planets of this solar system, I formed [this] decree: ‘I Am the Federation.’ . . . As a representative united with others of like mind in this endeavor, I infused the planet with the Christ elements of interplanetary brotherhood and cooperation. Each atom of my Christ being touched, transmuted and raised every other atom of the Earth logos into the awareness and the acceptance of this decree.
“This conscious act, implanting a decree on behalf of the Federation, is in itself an educational function of Motah. Education is transfer of knowledge. As a Motah spokesman, whenever I act in concert with my light-body functions, I feed the Earth logos with transmissions of light that help uplift all into awareness of our solar-system unification.
“The transfer of light, via the light body, is a fact accomplished, whether or not anyone else consciously acknowledges it at the time. This is the power of the light body: united with all creation, when one serves effectively, one also serves instantly; that is, through that individual, Spirit produces instantaneous results for the highest good of all.”
Some months later, during an extraordinary light-body overshadowing in a Hierarchal Board meditation on June 11, 1997, I had the following insights regarding my Motah functions:
“With great sharpness of mind and purpose, I recalled the guidance that Sananda had channeled many, many years ago, through Yolanda, regarding my training as a hieronics channel and transmutation adept. That is to say, in my soul mission in this solar system I am familiar with the various planets, and planes of those planets, and would thereby recognize from whence the hieronic energies would be projected to and through me for transmutation purposes.
“Reviewing that guidance, I became acutely aware that the lines of force with all these planes and planets were fully open and functioning, and could be easily tapped according to hierarchal need and design in the outworking of Spirit’s will and plan for the evolution of Earth. . . .
“Thus, my functions for the Motah Council, both as a hieronics channel and a communicating agent, are primed and ready, and can be used to effect any number of services, including any of the following: energy projections to assist the anchoring of light bodies on Earth; transmissions to balance conditions in mass consciousness; informative communiqués for special projects, such as to provide alerts to catastrophe potentials, shifts of mass thought patterns, coordination with the Ashtar Command for Operation Landing Light, and so forth.
“All of these functions are inherent to my training as a Motah channel. Remember, Motah is an interdimensional code name for a segment of the hierarchal government’s information sources. To meet the transmitting requirements of any number of government agencies on the diverse planes and planets of this solar system — which incorporate a wide variety of techniques and systems — Motah channels are trained to operate on multiple vibrational tracks. We can switch gears, as needed, to translate (send) the hierarchal information from one vibrational frequency to another.
“In one instance, I may receive a hieronic transmission carrying a frequency from etheric Venus, to transmit to the physical plane of Earth. In another instance, it may be a coded channel from the physical plane of Mars, via a Martian spacecraft; yet coordinated with information from the astral vibration of Jupiter (in order to convey certain soul influences), and relayed via the authority of the etheric ruling Board on Saturn.
“There are any number of possibilities, for the interplanetary exchange in the solar system is very fluid and fully coordinated; it is not one-dimensional, but multidimensional, and therefore calls into service all essential workers to complete a particular task at hand. Each planet in our united Federation has specialists who can ably assist the transmutation of planet Earth.
“Within the channel, such as myself on Earth, all of this is handled through the expert capabilities of the light body, which has the capacity to utilize any number of communication frequencies or channels. That is why it is imperative to make the connection clearly, cleanly, purely through the light-body electromagnetic field.
“As I contemplated these things, there occurred within my auric field a fusing of all coordinated Motah functions and energies; my conscious awareness of this was opened to a higher degree than ever before. I was alert and sensitized, on standby for all coming developments.”
Photos: (1) Nada-Yolanda, 1961. (2) Gloria Lee, circa 1960 (Cosmon Research Foundation). (3) Christ Jesus (Sananda), alleged photograph of materialization, Mexico, 1960. (4) Phillel, 2007. All photos are from Mark-Age Archives.
Praise you, Phillel, for your tremendous connection and service to the Hierarchy and your humble application of service in all you do on this plane. God bless you ever!
Thank you, dear brother Albert, and may God bless you, too! We are one mind, one heart, one spirit in our service to the I Am Nation and the upliftment of all humanity for Sananda’s return. So be it.